Enigagement Viola and lienus vanderveen of Orono, are pleased to announce the engagement of theirý daughter Deberah, to Scott, son of Shirley and Ken Prescott of Kendal. The wedding will take place May, 1992. Engagement Lloyd and Irene I enniant of Orono, are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Randy, to Danielle Pouiin, daughter of Jean- Luc and Linda Poulin of Oshawa., The wedding wili take place on July 20, 1991 at St. Gertrude's Church, Oshawa. -flae tos Fair (CrntuedfRom age 1) pot was flot ready on the kitchen table to welcome the new beau. This was an indication that he was, not welcome to return to date the daughter. Not every one in attenidance has been collecting for many years. Tracy Osmond from Orono was demnonstrating the fmne art of wood carving. He had is collection of wildlife cârvings on cdisplay along with one of his favourite of his husky dog, Niki. He is completing a set of carvings of seals that told clearly their feelings by the expression shown from their eyes. There were many other exhibitors with something for almost any interest. Each of these people were very proud of their collection and were quite willing to describe the history of eachi piece. Museum sets I 1new record, (Qxonffm remfu p~ of the Ganaraska Watershed 12,000 BC to 1990. "S.S. 14 School Days' History of the building that is "Home" to Clarke Museum. "Up & Down Lines" Religions in É-larke Townshiip area Circa 1851. Opening November l5th - "'Greetings' Victorian & Edwardian Christmas Cards. Remember - The Archives is available by appointment during regular hours for researchers. Museum Memberships for Individuals are only $5.00 per year. Ail members receive 6 copies of the Journal "Curos", a 10% discount from the Museum shop and the annual bus trip and workshops. "No Ganaraska' Dump" egroup (Conflnued fium rage 1) forts to construct a major airport north of Pickering. in speaking with John Magder, chairman of the Ganaraska group, representatives of the group have already met with the Political Ac- tion committee of, the Canadian Auto Workers. According to Magder the local group gained sup- port for their efforts against the dump from the committee. Future plans envision an um- brella committee having representa- tion from ail the local dump groups which have been formed in the Region and who are opposed to a dump in any site within the municipality. On Sunday last the Ganaraska committee met with members of the Oshawa Ski Club at an Open House at the ski hili. The commit- tee made a audio/visual presenta- tion which drew much comment from those present and with most ail signing a petition opposing the possible proposed dump. Plans are being made to make a presentation to the Ontario Provin- cial Service Employees Union again encouraging support for the fight against any dump in the area. Towvn s repÀly plan (Conüniel fiom rage 1) developed three years ago is now contaminated. In commenting on the ioss of population growth of 3,000 in Newcastle Village she said that peo- pie in the Village were interested in keeping the heritage and beauty of the Village in-tact. Newcastle Village In making a cut in residentiai development in Newcastle Village the planning department recom- mends that the Regional proposai to extend residential developmenr north of the CPR be withdrawn. The Newcastle department re- tains residential development south of the CPR and allows extension west to Highway 115. The Town also cails for industrial expansion to an area Within the area, a wedge shape, between Hîghways 115 and 401. Frank Wu, director of planning for Newcastle, was critical of the Regional plan for downsizing in- dustrial and commercial lands for the Town of Newcastle and a reduc- tion in size of Courtice. He said it would tend to make Newcastle a bedroom .community. ln making comparisons with other centres in the region he showedthat Newcas- tle's allocation was one of the lowest. He was critical of industrial areas being placed in north Oshawa and Whîtby saying the oniy criteria used was that of the 407 highway which wsyasdwth od"We have not been well served by the Region," he said. As to estate resi dential Wu sug- gested that the Town go further Letter to Editor 1990, Council Briets. Cou ncillors Hamre and Stapelton: G.S.T. *Everyone is opposed to it" G.S.T. additional costs to the Town of Newcastle Accounting. I object to these arrogant statements. 1 arn FOR the G.S.T. My only objection to this tax is it not coming soon enough nor is it high enough. The Goods and Services Tax should have been left at 9%. 1Would a thinkingý person carry a large balance on their Visa for 16 years thus increasing the balance owing year after year? 1 think not, but that is what Canadians have knowingly done with THEIR National Debt. Why does the Town of Newcastle staff have to be increased because of the Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, October 24, 1990-3 To wn Committee G.S.T.? The G.S.T. is only one more line on the Town's new comprehensive computer system. 1 believe the Town accounting staff were provided with special prices on their home computers so they would. become fully computer literate. If the staff has accomplished this there should be,-no need for extra costs or staff. Recession and responsibilities for debt control are not unique to Canada, these are global problems. Canadians are fortunate and if they can find the guts to get on with it there is a good chance this country, Canada, will survive- and gîve our younger generation a positive future. Sincerely, A Canadian who cares, Lorraine Lover Newcastle' Letter to Editor Further to my letter of October 10 in this paper, wherein point number 9 of a 10 point programn on 'Garbage and other atrocities' read ' The experts hired by the Regio to determine site feasibility expressed no knowledge of the recent enviromnentai concerns and studies in the headwaters of the Ganaraska. McLaren Engineering have, apparently, been working for the Region for quite some time attempting site studies. How on earth they could possibly have escaped knowiedge of Report number 38 from the Ontario Environmentai Assessment Committee, produced on November 15, 1989 , boggies the nmmid. McLaren says they didn't know! Secondly, they apparently deny any knowiedge of the fact that Durhami Region has for the past many months been going through the process of developing an Amendment to the Officiai Plan. This is big NEWS and affects ail of us in a variety of ways. McLaren says they didn't know! 1 have this weekend been able to peruse a book entitied 'The Physiography of Southern Ontario by L.J. Chapman and D.F. Putnam, 3rd edition published in 1984 under the auspices of the Ministry of Naturai Resources of Ontario. Try as 1 might to understand and comprehend the varieties of terminology used to explain the concepts of strengthened by stating that "hamiets are the preferred location for rural residentiai deveiopmenit and that estate residential shall generaliy flot be permitted." Both Councs. Ha nnah and Hamre questioned going this far. Irwin Hamilton, speaking of behaif of clients affected by change in Newcastle in the- north and Bowmanviiie in the north, objected to the bolstering of deveiopment in Orono stating it wouid be beyond reason to service the area. "Is the Region ready to give such service," he said. Coune. Harnre in questioning Hamilton said planning was to broaden interest in general and she knew that some developers would flot be happy with the plan. She was crîtical of Hamilton's suggestion to take what the Region gives and then ask for more. physiography, I remain non-plused and really quite i1-gnorant of a subject in which I've had absolutely no training. But coloured maps I can read, and I can also understand the accompanying legend. When the area is painted blue and the accompanying legend states Clay Plain, 1 can understand this. 1 had no trouble with the Yellow stripe being referred to as Sand Plain or the green and brown as tili and moraine respectively. Tilis and moraines are made up chieflyof, boulders, gravel sand and dlay in varying degrees. An ideal dump site needs, among other things, a very large proportion of dlay, and this would appear blue on the map. The interesting point here is that ini note one of the 5 proposed dump sites does the map show a dlay plain. It shows yellow, green and brown, but NO BLUJE. If we point this out to McLaren, they'l1 probably say 'We didnt know! Pat Irwin Lycett Briefs A by-law is to be passed by coun- cil whîch willexclude the burning of leaves in Wards One and Three in the Town of Newcastle. The ex- istîng by-law allows for the burning of leaves in the two Wards. According to a report, there have been objections to leaf burning, stating it is a detriment to the en- vironment. The existing by-law prohibitsTeaf burning in the Bowmanville Ward. A fine, flot to exceed $2,000 plus costs, is included in the new by-iaw. Counc. Hooper called for the strict compliance with sub-division agreements citing a case where development caused the flooding of a neighbouring basement on two occasions. Council members support that conditions of the agreements should be adhered to. Counc. Hooper also presented a motion that a moritorium be pIaced on the creation of new employee positions in the Town of Newcastle for the remainder of the term of the present council. He suggested that the rown have control over such new hiring and noted that the Region had passed such a resolution and that in the next year had hired an additional two hundred employees. After some discussion the motion was passed by ail members of count- cil with the understanding that there could be cases involving other par- ties that may require the hiring of new employees. Counc. Hamre gained support from the town counicil members that contact be made with the Cen- tral Lake Ontario and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authorities calling for the inclusion of lands now in the Ganaraska to go to CLOCA. Hamre said that CLOCA has paid no heed to taking part of the Ganaraska that lies within the boundaries of the Town of Newcas- tle, in the north-east corner. She said it was logical that the area go to CLOCA. She said that the Otonabee and Ganaraska had reached an agree- (ConIinue age 4) Thanlcs A Miltl Gîord Milis M.P.P. Durham East