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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1990, p. 5

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. October 24, 1990, Sunday, October 2 1 st was truly a beautiful fall day, sunny and breezy, not too Cool. It was Anniversary Sunday at Kendal United Church also the dedication of the new rug, to the memnory of Annie Cathcart. There was a good attendance, but n ot as large a congregation as 1 had thought would be there. To the best of my knowledge, there were 18 direct descendants present, these are descendants of famîlies living in or around the Kendal area, at the time the Churches united. It was nice to see and rcnew old friendships with those that returned especially for the Service, among the visitors were Charles Foster and his wife, Charles is a nephew of the late Annie Cathcart. It was also good to see Bill Darlington, it is nice to know that although no longer living in this arca, people like Bill, have not forgot ten us, like everywhere cisc, the old timers, and I use the termn old, flot in a derogatory sense, are gctting fewer and fewer, and we, are now the old timers. The Service opened with the singing of the hynin, 'Let us sing of a Wonderful Love. Mfter the Cali to Wotship, Don Peddar announced that the choir were gomng to sing a number of Annie's favorite hymns, he spoke of Annie's love of nature and music. The choir sang the hynins, 'Love Lifted Me, the Old Rugged Cross, the Little Brown Church in the Vale and Glory, Glory Halleiujah'. Their rendition of these songs was excellent and woùuld put many city choirs to shame. Mrs. Margaretta Stevens gave a brief story on Annie,, how they first met Annie and Garland in 1954, when Garland used to bring the cattle to pasture next to where the Stevens lived, they were the first in area to visit Margaretta. Shortly after the Stevens moved here they 'were victims of Hurricane Hazel and lost roofs off their barns. Garland and others formed a work bec and repaired the barns. She told of Annie's pride in raisîng chickens, and spoke of Annie's pride ini her sewing, of the fine job she did in s ewing patches on.the patches to make the work clothes last longer. Annie was very frugal, but neyer when it camne to her Church. Annie was a member of thc W.I. and the U.C.W. and for years she wrote a column in- the Orono Times. Annie spent hours on this columnn, and although she bought a typewriter and said she was going to learn to use it, she neyer did, so she wrote ail her coluinfis by hand. Following this speech, Keith Wood accepted the rug, on behaîf of the Church and Rev. Ransomn sanctified it to the use of God. Birthday greetings were extended to Femn Foster and to Ron and Alne Phillips. The children's hymn was, "This is MY Father's Wonld." Bryan showed thc children a paper with a word on it and asked them if thcy kncw what the, word was. It was Shalom, he thon askcd thcm 'if they knew what it meant, ho cxplainod that it moant Poace, id askcd if thcy kncw what poace lI_~cant, they answored no wars, no fightiiig. Hc showed thrn 2 picturos and askcd which one meantShalom, they ail pîcked the one of 2 children sharing a book, flot the one of 2 fighting over a skateboard. H1e told themn that Uic Hebrews use the word Shalom, which means, Go in Peace, when they greet one another. Rev. Ransom introduced the guest speaker, Keith Pike, who took the Sermon. He spoke of having been at Kendal Church before, mhat Rev. R. C. White was a close family friend. H1e said that Rev. White told him there were three types of Services, a, 1 point, 2 point and a 3 point service. Mr. Pike said he must have given at least a 2 point service, as he had been asked back to Kendal. H1e spoke of remnembering Annie and Garland, from his prior visit, and he also remembers Arthur Thompson, Annie's broUier. Mr. Pike based his sermon on,' Hats Off, and Kneel. 11e spoke of Uic strict traditions in the Ceremonies of the British Parliame+it, of how when they enter the chambers, a crier goes first and cries out, Hats Off, strangers, one day he spotted a fiend in among Uic onlookers and without thinkîng called Uic friend's naine, Neil, Uic onlookers were so accustomed to doing what he cried Uiey all knelt. The Pharisees were s0 accustomed to following old ,ituas and traditions, Uiey tricd to trick Jesus because they felt Jesus was breaking traditions with his preaching. They used a trick question regarding the paying of taxes, Jesus in turn questioned them as to who's picture was on the coins, then told Uiemn to render onto Caesar Uiat which was Caesar's and to render unto God, that which was God's. Jesus devotcd his life to demonstrating God's Commandments. The world and al on it belong to God. H1e wants us to he resourceful and caring. H1e did not make everything perfect, 11e wants us to gain wisdom, to make decisions. H1e gave us His son as an example. The service closed with the singing-of the Gospel hymn, "How Great Thou Art". Following the service, lunch was served in Uic Sunday School and al had a time to visit wiUi old friends. Announcements .. .Last week 1 reported Uic Kendal Bazaar would be held on Saturday, November 4Ui, my error, it should have been Saturday, November 3rd, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Corne on out and enjoy a lunch and do your Christmnas shopping early. Sunday, November 4th will be Baptismal Sunday, contact Rev. Ransoin, if you wish to have your child Baptized. Remnember the Benefit Dance, being held ini thcNewcastle Town Hall this corning Friday, Uic 26th, aIl proceeds to thc victimns of Uic tornado. Last weck must have been My weck for mixing up dates, in Uic Kendai Hall Ncws, 1aI nnouccd Uic date of the next card party as October l9th, it should have been Friday, October 26th, sonry. I hope no onc showed up a Uic hall, to be disappoiilted. Guess 1 had better pay dloser attention to My typing and my calendar. Philosofact.. .Any Man (wonm) can make a mistake, but none but a fool will continue in'il. by P. Lowery Clarke 1ç~f High News The highlight of the prc vious woek was the graduation ceremonies held Friday evcning in the, Clarke High School Gymtnasium. Eighty-five, students .graduated and the graduates and the award winners earned approximatcly $15,000.00 in scholarships, bursaries and awards. The most enjoyable event was Uic, Valedictorian address that was given, in word and song, by Mike Tait and Ian Vander Schee. The support of Uic comunity for the, graduates of Clarke High School is truly outstanding. Many Organizaions and individuals gave awards, both trophies and monies, Uiat are of great importance to Uic students. These awards allow Uic student to know the community is behind Uiem andsupports Uiemn at a crutial time in their life. The award winners and graduates are listed in another place in Uic newspaper. We at Clarke High School are very proud of our graduates. Sr. Boys Volleybal The Sr. Boys Volîcybaîl tcam travelled to Ottawa last weckcnd to compete in Uic Cougar Volîcybal Challenge lost by Colonel By High School. This 20 team -tournament is one of thc premier invitationals in ic province. Clarke was ranked fourth and played excellent to finish second and bring home a silver medal. Clarke lost in the finals to Colonel, By who may very wcll be the best team in the province, which puts Clarke in very good company. Clarke, in a rebuilding stage, is now in the top 5 of Ontario teams. All players are congratulated on Uieir outstanding play. The teamn wishes to sincefely thank Mrs. Kingsley, Mr. Tranter and Mrs. Reid for accompanying Uic boys to Ottawa. Student Council School is as nutty as ever, but whats even more nutty are our almond chocolate bars. If you live in the Newcastle/Orono/Newtonville Kendal Column area, you hopefully have been approached by a student seller by now (not one who seils students, but chocolate bars!) We really appreciate ail of our support. But wait! That's flot ail. We're really scarîng up a Stormn for this Friday's giamungous Hallowe'en VIDEQ dance. 1 cant wait to dress up and get a free goody bag. complements of the friendly neighbourhood 5tudent council. 1 should say something about the up and coming charity fund raises, We are having a penny drive for the pennies that we can collect in order to give themt a whopping donation. Last year, this was extremely successful. Lets make this year even better Clarke! (So save those pennies.) As it turned out regarding last week's question, "Is Mr. Nicholas showing early signs of PCS?', he tumed into a super conductor and didn't even blow up (no pan, intended). Ihis week's question: Is there a Great Pumpkin? YES - 1-800- PUM-PKIN; NO-l-800-CHA,- RR. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge Monday, November 5 1990 2:00 P.M. Station Street W., Orono

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