ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTODER 31, 1990-11 Surprises audience with valedictory Middle Class Bible Mike Tait - Ian Vander Schee- I've neyer, in my years at school, hearda valedictory address as gîven here tonight," stated Hugh Hubbs, trincipal of Clarke High Schooi at the recent Schooi Commencement. The principal's comments came following a joint presentation of the vaiedictory address by the school's duo of Mike Tait and Ian Vander Schee given both in an address and foliowed by a musical version. There was approval from ail in at- tendance and it was a feature of the night that likeiy wiil be remembered weil into the future, at least by the graduating class, of which, many were rpentioned in the iyrics of the musical presentation. Hubbs in his closing thoughts to the graduates and to those others present referred to the downturn in the economy and a shifting to a global economy. He spoke of the need for restructuring and reshaping of ail sectors of socîety. He warned that the human value must not be forgotten. He calied for full participation from everyone and that a society would be created where resources are divided equaiiy throughout society. He said action, not just words, is what really counts, "It was a pleasure to have known you and we have, at Clarke, endeavoured to educate you and provide you with the skiis for a new society. He spoke of justice for ail, equity and integrity., Few attend Orono nuclear waste meetb, by Shelley Aluin I would like to give you a brief history behind the reason for the meeting Thursday, October 25 at the Orono Town Hall. By observing the number of public residents pre- sent, 1 had to wonder if the public know the issue here. With the re- cent announcement of a proposed iandfill stie, promoting-locai recyci- ing, changes to the officiai plan, we do sometimes get overloaded and miss other important issues. The wastes are comprixed of various process residues, con- tamninated equipment, building rub- ble and' plant garbage which origlnated with the refinfing opera- tions carried out by Eldorado Resources Ltd. during the period fromt 1933-1988. These wastes were initialiy dumped at several locations around the Town of Port Hope, and were subsequently used as a convenient source of MuI for con- truction and landscaping activities. jetween 1948 and 1955, the Welcome site received the wastes Kinettes and Kinsmen ot Canada (Continued-from page 10), adjacent to Highway 401. The Association has a total >menmbership of more than 16,500 young men and women between the ages of 21 and 45 in more than 1,000 clubs across Canada. Kinsmen and Kinett<es provide their members with a wide variety of social activities as well as many opportunities for seif-development by serving their communities through fund-raising and service projects. from the Eldorado plant, and, bet- ween 1956 and 1988, plant wastes were buried at Port Granby. Buriai at both Sites generaiiy consisted of trench excavation followed by waste placement. This resulted in the contamination of larger amounts of subsoils and sands, because of the ieaching of uranium, radium and arsenic from- the wastes into the surrounding souls. This sludgy waste is approximately 20 to 30%V calcium, potassium hydrox- ides and it is expected that pockets of corrosive materiai could present a chemnicai hazard when the wastes are reiocated from the site, The-Federal Government has acc- by Gord Mills Once-upon-a-time every house in England owned a copy of "Mrs. Beetons Everyday Cookery." In years gone by the book was considered a bible for the middle classes and those aspiring to them. It was published at the very reasonabie price of three shillings and sixpence. It made the name of Mrs. Beeton synonomous with good food throughout the length and breath of England. Mrs. Beeton described soup as "a good family." The making of her soup demanded exact quantities. For exampie, her ox tongue soup: Two pounds of cold ox tongue, two pounds of shin of beef, any cold pieces of meat or beef bonies, two turnips, two carrots, two onions, one parsnip, one head of celery, four quarts of water, half a teacup of rice, plus sait and pepper to peted responsibility for this historic waste, and has set up the Siting Task Force, based in Ottawa, to work with Ontario communities to agree on a location for a perma- nent, safe, low-level radioactive waste management facility. The people in this community are represented by the Newcastle Com- munity Liaison Group, chaired by Garnet Rickard. This group are to prepare a report for the Town of Newcastle Council by the end of the, 1990 calendar year and copy for the Siting Task Force. If council ap- proves then the Task Force give the go ahead for phase four, it is most likely that government will ap- prove. Phase 3 was the setting up of the Newcastle Communty Liaison Grou p. Their mandate is to inform the public in the Town of Newcastle of the problem and gather public in- put to go into their report to go to counicil. If the process proceeds phase 4 will be the compiling of technicaLl data and determining> what to do with the waste material and how and when to transport it safeiy out of the Town of. Newcas- tle. Both "Source" communies and "Potential" volunteer communities must ail go through the same pro- cess. Deep Rive r, Chalk River, Geraidton and Hornepayne are the four remaining potentiaI volunteer taste. Put ail the ingredients in a stewpan, and simmer gently for four hours, or until ail the goodness is drawn from the meat, strain off the soup, and let it stand to get coid. The fat -shouid be skimmed off oniy when the soup is ready to serve. To give it body Mrs. Beeton recommended saving the soft parts of the tongue which are then added just before serving, along with a small quantity of fresh carrots, turnip and onion stewed tili the vegetabies are tender, and serve with toasted bread. In addition to recipes, Mrs. Beeton's book had good advise for young wives: "a woman must rule her household or be ruled by it." Ail of which is a far cry from opening a tin of soup, putting it into a bowl, and then zapping it in the microwave - that's how I do it anyway! communities left ouf of some 70 original communities. Other meetings -are scheduied for Thursday, November 1 at 7 p.m. at the Solina Community Hall and on Thursday, November 8, at 7 p.m. at the Tyrone Community Centre. For more detailed information you can caîl the Newcastle Community Liaison office at 623-2044. JOB PRINTING Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-4301 Main Street, Orono ~FEATHERHloRNý7- SAWMILL CUSTOM LUMBERMILL WQRIK wiH corne to your land and cut your logs wth portable bandsaw milI filiN Voua LOOS LN0 VAFOfLE HUGE CUTTING CAPACtT " Landscaping Tirn __ DMENSION LwMME " Turning Blocks MORE *Barn Timbers LUMBER PER 100 *Log cabine AV " Cross Ties HUN E " Frarning " Fencing " Shekes *Beams *Siding W4SAFM MILL ACCUF WAAVAILABLE Um R. R. 1, KENDAL 983-9390 BOWMANVILLE SPOR TS SHOP Nike, Starter and Maska Clothing, Footwear, Sport Bags Open Evenings 121 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phono (416) 623-0322 1VuEWERnmS Cm uoH !OI1CoE, VIDEO & T.V., INC. 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