2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1990 Pubid Pt y Wedniday at tSofice of ubj,te n Sec-d C1 StrMail ro- W - , . o , U E d t W How /ucky we were When the international group who decided just where the 1996 Olympies were to be held and turned aside a bid by Metro Toronto, citizens of the province didn't know just how lucky they were that the Metro bid was a failure. If we were to judge the capital costs of such an event in Metro along with the operating cost as a comparison with the runaway dreams for the Skydome stadium and ail its facilities we can imagine a horrendous debt in following years. We find it difficuit to fathom how an original cost f $50 million, and then to $150 million and finaliy to close to $600 could ever happen. How could the province provide an open bank account for the project that has placed the taxpayers in this province of owing $300 million and currently having to subsidize even the in- terest charges whîch are beyond the carrying capacity of the Skydome organîzation. Some one or some group certainly had an inside track and the door was certainly always open. The Bread or Cîrcus group were on track in this issue and one can 'imagine that aIl the detail have not been made public nor likely will. As taxpayers we have been had - why be had again in an Olympic bid? Town meeting in briefs The Town of Newcastle along, with other municipalities in the Region are to operate, through private contracting, the pick-up of recyclable items througb the blue box program. During the next thir- teen months the Region will provide the funding for the operation. .As of the first of December the Durham Recyciing Centre will close out its operation of pick-up and sorting. The Region will operate the sor- ting operation and the general handling of recyclable when deposited at their depot. By the end of 1991 it is expected tenders wiii have been- called for blue box pick-up and a contract be- ing entered into by the are municipalîties. On motion of Hamre and Stapleton the Town has setup a Disaster Relief committee wtb two members from Bowmanville Rotary Club, îwo from the Federation of Agriculture and along witb Keith Wood. The Town teasurer wil 4ct as treasurer for the committee. Funds wili be dispensed through the committee, with final approval of the program, to those suffering losses in the recent tornado in the Starkville area. It was pointed out that the Pro- vince bas yet to determine its assistance to the program. The Town bas estabiished a Special committee' of council to be headed up by Counc. Hannah to liaise with Ontario Hydro on mat- ters of general interest between the two with the exception of any mat- ter that is now being litigated. WANT TO VOICE YOUR OPINION.? WelI the soap box is coming out this Saturday being piac- ed in front of the main doors to the Orono Town Hall. You are invited to present your beefs or accolades from the soap box. There is no charge and this is a feature in'today's economy. Be a participant or a listener. It's at high noon. r s 1 t p t f 1 v t a v a c n a s 9 Il 9 h Il c b b il ti fi ri n 91 f a P il P 9 si a fi b r( ti 0 P n, a. T Pl E vý û oe ir Letter to the Editor Dear Sir: resources". The proposed Durhiam Regioni As members of Probe Interna- Waste Management "Master" Plan tional, the Canadian) Wildîife prompted this letter. But, before Federation, and the Audubon making any comments about it, i Society we say, "THIIS IS NOT shouid expiain that my wife and 1 TRUE!" lived in Clarke Township for over Let me state that there is no such twenty years before moving to the as a suitable site for waste process- Maritimes. And, we have been ac- ing (and or) disposai. Especialiy tive environmentalists for the past when it involves the destruction of forty years. any person's right to; "quiet and Whiie we were living in Clarke peaceful occupation of their land", Township we had to fight, aîong or the destruction of the natural en- with many friends and neighbours, vironment at large. the dumping of Uranium waste into Ontario has already lost some of a site that was leaching into the the finest fruit growing land in waters of Lake Ontario. And, later Canada through, so-called, "pro- against the heavy-banded approach gressîve development." The re- of the Ontario Hydro in the place- cent radical climatic changes in the ment of Hydro-lines. Just mention Western provinces that have turned a few of our past experiences. good land in to dust bowis suggest My background, as both a that Ontario can ili-afford to lose Socioligist and Political Scientist any more good, productive farm gives me a deeper understanding of land. how many layers of al Canadian These are the times when people government have become less and must have more say and control Iess demnocratic. This year alone over what ail leveis of government bas shown how serious the loss of propose for themn. They must be credibility in any government bas considered as human beings instead become for most Canadians. of renewable taxation resource. No Clarke Township is a unique and doubt many eiected officiais must beautiful place. Every environment begin to have second, sober n Canada is extremely fragile. So thoughts about how their actions the loss of any environmental site and judgments appear to the public for the purpose of "Waste Manage- at large. ment" can neyer be recovered or There are new and better solu- restored, Anymore than the lost tions to such problems as waste Eain forests in British Columbia. disposai management which must Lnfortunately most Waste Manage- be found. Independant opinions by ment Engineers tend to view ail such professionai organizations geographicai site as "Irenewable such as Probe International, Pollu- tion Probe, and the Greenpeace followed witih a livelyquestion and Foundation, should be sought and answer period. Good grass-roots seriously considered. political activity. Ail leveis of government must Wednesday morning was spent give greater priority to the needs n Toronto with an "intern' - a and concerns of its people. waste po litical science university di sposai destroys any environment, sething which can neyer be sradutewodcieonrul restored. This is truly regressive seetinprocess (lie interviewed planning. me) to spend the next six months The unique quality of Clarke along side me, in order to study- Township must not be destroyed. firs-hand, the pol itical process >of The present plan is totaily unaccep- being part of government. It will table, under any circumstances. emnain to be seený as to who learns these are our thoughts as deepiy te most from the experience, him concerned former residents. ®r 1. In the afternoon 1 bad the faithfuily yours, Gene W. Butt pleasure of officially opening the Gene W. Butt, Professor of new Port Perry ambulance/ service Sociology emneritus,. Degrees in along witb Mayor Howard Hall. Sociology and Political Science. He The new building andtbe service speciaiized in the Government of provided is a credit to owner, Bob Canada in bis graduate studies. He )eShane. That samn? evening, 1 bolds memberships in a number of very mucli enjoyed bein/g a part of Learned Societies in both Canada lie OthBirhda Cefbraion of and the United States and Great lie MulticuituralCourc1 of Britain. He is an associate member Oshaa aduounrc11i of the Buropean, Academy of Arts )shaa an Disrict The and Sciences, Paris, France, and is -onorable Gerry Weiner, Minister an Associate memnber of the Centre of State, himnself the son of for constitutional Studies, Universi- immigrant parents, 'spoke of ty of Alberta. Queens Park Report by Gord Milis Last -Monday, as I headed int Toronto, I attempted 10 imagine someone inventing a four-wheeled, self propelled, independently- directed car, capable of driving itself 10 Toronto. The person who termed Highway 401 as an Ilexpressway" grossîy understates the tnith about the 40 1. Most of the drivers 1 look 'at, as we crawl along, seem 10o be~ doing what they are doing, haif asleep. Somne are shaving, otbers are drinking coffee from those spill- less cups. Some beat a tattoo in âmne to some type of mystic music. The music must be on tape, because 1 have yet to tune my radio 10 the station tltat relates to tbe beating tempo displayed. W6 al seem 10o keep aur distance as if part of a giant outdoor GM assembly lime. The only difference witli Ibis assembly uine is that we are trying to gelt t work, wbile not actually working. Enougb day-dreaming Gord, tell us what you did last week. Monday morning,- briglit and early, I opened the "Small Business Week" at Durham College with a speech about SmalI Business in Ontario. The setting was informal and enjoyable. The breakfast muffins, were hot and delicious, Cliff Davies, from Durham College, was die organizer. The balance of the day was spent in Toronto researching a particular problema relating 10 Durham East. 1Tuesday ýwas spent at Queen's Park in a caucus meeting. t was a good opportunity 10 air-out views and concerns about the riding. That saine evening, 1 attended a meeting of the Courtice Community Association at Courtice Secondai-y Scbool. I spoke about the probiems of drug abuse, nuclear evacuation plans, and general police poiicy, as it related 10 the Ministry of the Solicitor General's Office. This Canada being a mosaie of many people from many lands. Thursday was spent at Queen's Park, discussing various times for inclusion in the coming Speech from the Thi-one. Friday was spent in Port Perry with members of the Board of Directors oiE the Port Perry Hospital. Expansion plans and a tour of the hospital made up the agenda. I look forward to speaking witb the Minister of Health about an early expansion prograin. The balance of the day was spent ..arranging" f urniture at the constituency office, in Bowmanville- which opened on Monday, October 29th - at last. Friday evening, I had the honor of presenting certificates t0 forty- one Ontario Scholars at the Bowmanviile Higli School Annual Commencement. At the reception following the presentation, I had the opportunity t0 speak with many of the graduates. Their maturity and grasp of issues is a credit t0 the teaching staff of the school, and a credit to the community at large., Till next week, be kind 10 one another. StÇ aviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO GA TES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Oronio, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Niistry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE' ..' b... Minister: Rev. Fred Milies 983-5208 Secretary: Marlene Risebrough Organist at Kirby United Church Arlene Boiton Organist at Orono United Church Stella Morton Kirby United Church Morniing Worsbip 9:30 a.¶n. Sunday Scbool 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Morning Worsbip 11:00 a.m. Sunday Scbool 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Cancelled for this week only BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 7:45 p.m. at the Manse UPCOMING SERVICES November 4th 11:00 a.m. U.C.W. Sunday, Orono United Cburch November I ltb Remembrance Day Service Boo Buck Bobbles October 24 - November 3 Draw a coloured Disc and SAVE 10 m 20 -30% On Ail Purchases (ACCEPT CIGARETTES AND PRESCRIPTIONS) CLOSED WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 983-5W09