lu -- - ~ - Orone Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 7th, 1990-13 QUMOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, marked as to contents, for the following requirements isted beîow, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Pur- Chasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, wiII be received on the forms and in the envelope provideduntil the specified clos- ing time and date. QuotatiQn Documents can be obtained f rom the Pur- chasing Office at the above address. Quotation 090-17 - TREE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Closing Time and Date: 4:00 p.m. (local trne), Friday, November 16, 1990 The Iowest or any quotation not necessarily ac- cepted. Date of Publication: November 7, 1990_ Mrs. Lau Ann Birkett Purchaing & Suppy Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ex. 268 P.O. 3896 ROKA. Firewood Centre ~ DRY HARDWOOD 4 x8'xl 2" - $5-00 ,r 4'x8'x 16" $60.00 FREE DELIVERY TO ORONO AREA MILLYARD EVENI NGS 705-277-3381 <416-434-6665 MacGREGOR, AUCTION SERVICES ESTATES, CONSIGNMENTS, HOLJSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR AT OURS STRAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE Cali for a FREE Confidential Consultation Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 AMIf f ordable Dream Vacations! Free Vacation Planning Discount Cruises Airline Tickets Services' * Charter Vacations * Honeymoon Packages * Hotel and Car Reservatidns PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents Intemation We 're with you ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North AmnerIca 623-6600 Are you thinkinçi of buying, selling or are in need of Reat Estate advice? Feel f ree to contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINE GAG NON CRmtîOSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL., THINK BIG -,CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LEARN! EARN! SAVE! Income Tax Proparation Courses. Free brochures. No obligation. U &R Tax Service, 205-1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. Exclusive franchise territories available. CHINCHILLA: Canadas largest chinchilla ranch offering high-quality herdstarter or improvement animaIs. Lowest prices anywhere. Profi table, smalî/arge scale. Contact: Riedstra & Sons Chinchilla, RR2 Narval, Ont. LOP 1IKO. (416> 457-4660. SERVICE STATION and Restaurant- excellent condition, location & equipment. Over 500,000 turnover. P.O. Box 416, Tisdale, Sask. SOE iTO,- Renaud Realty (306> 873-5900. HELP WANTED ARE YOU 18-30? Do you have a farming background? Like ta. travel? es! Then work overseas with us. I.A.E.A.. #206, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. ENVIRONMENTAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE placing Environmental or Science grads ino six manth assistant recycling coordinatar positions. Candidates must be qualified recipients of U-1.. benefits. Cal (416) 360-1323. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide ta home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A>.263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A-Z and D-Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement assistance. Markeî Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario Schooî of'A uctianee ring. Next class: February 9-16, 1991. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schaol'of Auctionee ring, R.R.#5, Woodstack, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. VACATION NEW ZEALANO Uncle Bob's Caravan of a lfetime. March 9 ta April 7, 1991. A few caravans still available. For additional information cal T&S Travel. 1-800-265- 9365. SERVICES WANTED: 99 people ta lose 10-29 lbs/month wvith revalutionary weight contraI pragram. Seen on TV. Fun, simple, 100% natural. Guaranteed resuits. Doctar recommended 1-800-665-2405. DALKON SHIELO USERS- Need Assistance? Experienced Daîkon Shield Attorney. Caîl Charles Johnsoncollect for free consultation. (612> 633-5685. Write 2599 Mississippi Street, New Brighton, Minnesota, 55112. IF YOU HAVEja club or organization laaking ta raise funds - caîl us. We now support many organizatians selling aur naturally decorated CHRISTMAS WREATHS. MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any purpose. Pay off credit cards. No qualifying hassels. Excel Financial Corporation. (tollfree) 1-800-265-6984. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN L.AND availability and Ontario properties ta be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa. K2C 3J1. FLEA MARKETS, SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiths Falls, 65 Cornelia Street, East, year raunoc. (613) 283-8448.. 150 inside stails. Dealers welcome. Lowest prioes, best selection in the valley.. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE ta, correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the abject being comrpanianship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, PO. Box 205, Chase, Be., VOE 1iMO. POETRY ÇONTEST. Send copies of poems, 30 fines or Iess, any subject. Premier Press, 6200 McKay Avenue, Suite 145-930, Burnaby. B.C., V5H 4M9. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy ane building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Limited steel. Paragan - 24 Hours - 1-800-263- 8499. BUILDINGS - Year-end Factary Clearance - Beat the January price increase. Quonset 19x26 $1,829; Straightwalî 30x4O $6,199. Free storage tili Spring.1 Discounts on vanious sizes. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422 (24 hours>. STEEL BUILDINGS. Many sizes ta choose from for Value, Quality and Integrity one phone caîl 1-800-668- 8653. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS 'INC. New types, steeî/wood, quanset, cladding. For true value, action & answers: Wally (416> 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends. Free brochures. Clip-save. STEEL BUILDINGS: Positiveîy lawest price. 20x30 $2,330. 25x30 $2935. 30x34 $3710. 40x46 $5,142. Endwalls included. Stock Items. Other sizes available. Save-save-save. 1-800-668-4338. (416) 792-2704. FOR SALE GET SMART SPY SHOP. Unique personal security, surveillance, caunter surveillance items. Phone scrambîers, bug detectors defeaters, bullet proof and infa red articles. Catalogue. 1-800-465-888 1. JOIN THOUSANDS 0F SATISFIED Customers. Buy wigs at whlesale prices. From $39.95. Shop by crtalogue and save. For FREE catalogue caîl tollfree 1- 800-265-7775. STAINED GLASS: Shop by mail. Glass and supplies. Great Prices. 184 pg catalogue, $5 (refundable>: The GJass Place, 50 Ste-Anne, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9S 4P8. Orders call: 1-800-363-7855. Vour ad could appear in community newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Indîvîdual province. Space Is Llmted, so Caîl This Newspaper Today! ORONO WEEKLY TIMES - 983-5301 Ikrystyna jonesI Diorftwait.CaliMRE/MAX first. I can seil your house Give me a caîl. l'Il be happy ta show you any praperty at your convenience. Orono Village Charm Original Wood trim Tree-ined Street -$169,000 983-9782 KRYSTYNA JONES REIMAX cornersione realty td. 623-6000