... .. .. . .. . .. .. 6-OTono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Noveaiber 7th, 1990 Off to Peterborough meet Pictured above: Melissa Alun - PreNovice will be competing at and Melanie Lemieux in- the PreNovice, Tracy Eamnes Novice, Easter Ontario Sectional Juvenile Invitational held in Briar Ransberrry Novice, Tanya- Charnpionships in Peterborough conjuncidn with Sectionals. Clemens Novice, Melissa Colville - Goodyea r celebra te 80 years in Bowman ville (Continued from page 1) rubber froni biding to each other during production. Textile liners are also used but much more expensive to purchase. The rubber in early stages of production looked like a huge hot gob of cookie dough coning out of the blender at 300 degrees. Their products are sbipped ail over the world. Mr. Trim does flot foncee any expansion tw the Goodyear Plant building, but says that equipment is conutantly upgraded and the laboratory is modern. The plant rins dmre steady eight hour shifts. Mr. Trim said that plant closures are a concern but as long as beits are in demand and the profit is, there the possibility of a closure diniinishes. Refreshinents were served at the end of the tour. Challenge posted- to Orono (Continued from page 1) down, on average, to one pound of garbage per person per week." Mary Rutherford said that the one pound was made up of plastic and if the Town would pick-up the plastic it would take only one pick- Up a month rather tban the weely pick-ups. Following ber challenge from the speakers' corner she said if al made an effort garbage pick-up could be eliminated within a year. Ruthierford spoke of taking your own bags to the store and to buy in bulk. She also noted that in Markhani there is a special plastic pick-up with the plastic being put in clear.garbage bags., While Mary Rutherford challenges the Orono citizens Pat Lycett reported from the corner on behaif of the Orono Development committee bringing forth information resulting from a sewage survey undertaken in Orono. She said of 18 surveys nine had major probleins and through the. engineers, Totten Sims Hubicki, it bas been recommiended that Orono is in need of community sanitary sewers. Lycett did say tbat apparently it was necessary to have the majority of citizens agreeing to community sewers before such work would be undertaken. The resuits bave been forwarded to the Ministry of the Environmient. Pat Lycett also infor meWdýhe street audience that the Town Hall1 Board had purchased a plastic display cabinet to be erected at the Lycett law office. She said space on the board will be available for advertising. It is expected that the cabinet wiIl be in place this coming week. Clarke Hgh Schofol Report "The Future Staris Here" From the Principal's de.k... S.E.V.E.C. Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges i Canada. Societe dEchanges et de visites Educatif au Canada. July 1991! Two weeks in Quebec, two weeks i Ontario. Al French students ages 13-18 may apply. For more information see your French teacher or caîl Mrs. Biggs, SEVEC Co-ordinator, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education C.D.C.I. East - 372-2271. Student Council News by Jeff Walters Woah! We have an enire week to catch up on, so here it is. Chocolate bar sales are over, but the top sellers have yet to be determined. The Haloween Video dance was hugely awesomne (a bit too much rap for my taste, but hey). The penny drive for the War Amputees is on and going. This money will be presented durig our Remnembrance Day assembly this Friday. The grade OAC'ers are going crazy looking for next year's occupation facility. Candy grains were sent by students to students for the Hallowe'en event. We had ghosts, witches, hippies, and characters from Alice in Wonderland invade our school for the high spirited Hallowe'en dress- up day. (So Mrs. Wiltshire, whos your Prince Charming?) Last, but flot least, our dedicated SAC (School Atmosphere Committee) has made my (advertising) life easier by purchasing a really neat electronic display for over the cafeteria door. This displays most of our major announcements. We had a very strong positive reply for flot last weeks, but the week's before question, Is there a great pumpkin?' Some guy who calls himself Linus phoned al ,week. Nice guy, but flot ail there. (Continued page 12) Tiiings are to happen at the Orono Fire Station According to Scott Yeo members of the Orono Fire Station crew wiII be at the Station on December Ist at 1:00 p.m. for the arrivai of their new pumper. Members of the public are invited to be prescrnt. Lick Alike What's better than one'deli- cious Colombo frozen yogurt? ~f Z 7 How about two? Buy a large serving and get another one of equ«al or lesser value Free FROZEN YOGURT with this ad.G Limil one per customer. Nol redeemnable for cash. Nol valid wilh any other promotional otfer. Redeemable only ai ocation beow Main St. Orono 983-9291 November 8 - 9 - -10,- 1990 m