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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Nov 1990, p. 13

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'Council les A request from the Social Concern Committee of the Newtonville United Church for blue boxý recycling depots in Kendal and Newtonville bas been referred by Town council t0 the Public Works deparîrnent. The request to council was submitted by Ron C. Phillips, chairmari of the conimittee. The request referred to the desire to take part in recycling and the inconvenience that exist in tie two haiets. In. a letter to Mayor Hubbarid of lie Town of Newcastle, B. Wakefield of Orono asks who is thie owner of the Orono Arena ? Also asked in the letter, "is thie Orono Arena a public building with it was only a matter of time before one of the most recent and potentially dangerous invaders ho the Great Lakes took up residence in the aquatic environmrent of Toronto waterfront. A single individual of thisthumbnail - sized stripped mollusc may appear innocuous but its phenomenal reproductive rate and uts ability to colonize any firmn, non-toxic surface may make zebra mussels a real hreat to the Toronto waterfront. Zebra musseIs were dîscovered by Metropolitan Toronto Region Conservation Authorihy staff doing routine sanipling along the north shore of Tommuy Thompson Park and i the boat basin of Colonel Samuel Smith Park in September. Pulling up monitoring equipmnent leftinh the water over the summer, the iny clams were first noticed attached ho a water temperahure recorder. A number of clams brought back to the lab confirmed the find. Although native to the Caspian and Black Sea -feg ion of Eastern Europe, zebra mussels have over the last two centuries made titeir way across Europe. 1h is thougit that their recent expansion to the Great Lakes was facilitated by one or More ransoceanic ships discbarging ballast into Lakce St. Clair. That watcr, picked up ia European porh, lîkely contained Zebra mussel larvae and possibly juveniles.'Since their arrivai into the hospitable env ironment of Lake St. Clair, zebra mussels have expandcd their range to Lake Erie, the Detroit River and through the Welland Canal ho Lake Ontario. Ini Lake Erie, most rocky areas are already almost completely covered with zebra musscls. Zebra mussels pose two major types of threats to our waterfront: they threaten human activities, and more broadly, th e ecosystem. A mature fcmal's abilîty 10 produce over 30,000 eggs pcr season and their ability to colonlize any bard surface mneans that these molluscs could restrict watcr flow in industrial and public utility pipes Last weck I visited the Darlington Nucîcarplant, and they 1 j iemctbat iiy had serious ,__,,ccms over thec possible spread of zcbra mtrssels into tbtat area. If right of access to anyone iii in an orderly fashion? The Town of Newcast SllPPOrted a resolution of tii of Millbrook in which as] Ministry of Education to rg from municipal governrnie obligation Of collecting which are then turned over respctLive schIOOl boards. The Atomic-Energy C( Board will hold its Decemi 1990 meeting in the Co chambers of the Tow Newcastle, Bowman-viîîe. meeting the Boar-d wil Considering the renewal of th Gran-bY Waste Manage Faciilty Operating licence. A rezoning application tha tumned aside a week ago M( by the committeeof councilm Monday referred back t( the zebra mussels invade th, Darlington could be confi with rednced water move Preventive measures arec which may limit the detrir effects to industry. Howevi ecosystem remairis vulnerable. By Gord Milîs with infor from Sarah Kalf and the Ca Waterfront Resource Centre. ehaving fle bas e Town sks the rentove nts the ,taxes r to the, ,ontrol ber 13, ýOuncil P11 of_ planning-department. The conlnittee had denied thxe application of Dr. Eleanor Vincent to locate a doctors office in a home in the area of the Newcastle Arena. Irwin Hamilton on Monday outiined the proposaI stating there was more than adequate parking and saw no way the building could hold more than two doctor offices. Dr. Webster also spoke to co uncil pointing to benefits of locating ini the pairticular area. The request bas beeni retumied to staff for a further report. At the Katherine Guselle, chairman of [l be SAGA, addressed counicil on ie Port Monday suggesting some minor emtent changes to the proposed Officiai Plan amendiments now under consideration by the Region of iat was Durham and to which the Town of [onday Newcastle bas made comment. was on In particular Guselle said she o the, agreed with Town staff that the section dealing with Estate residential be more forceful in con troifing and discouraging such development. On motion by Counc., Stapleton the Town is to request a greater presence of Regional Police in the Villagle of Newcastle. Couinc. Stapleton stated there ie area, hiad been loitering and vandalismn in 7ronted the downtowni area and that it ement. should flot have to be tolerated. Costl* osl, On motion Of CounJc. Hannah mental Public Works of the Town is to in- rer, the vestigate and obtain prices for the more bulk purchase of comiposters and ecolizers which could thien be resýold rmation to the public. He also suiggested that ânadian "a provincial, subsidy m iay be available. Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, Novenîber 14,1990413 Canada tables offer in GATT Ag. reform Canada lias tabled an offer to reform agricultural trade through the Multi-lateral Trade Negotia- tions underway in Geneva. The of- fer includes proposais dealing wit-h Article XI, Export Subsidies, Non Tariff l3arriers, Tariffs, and Inter- nai Support. Artic-le Xl, which allows' for sup- pIy m1anagemlent unider GATT, wvould be clarified as fOllows: a) Tlie terni "wholly or nmanily"- us- ed tor determni mg product cover-age of impori controls on pro- cessed lpr oduets, would be dlefined as nio tess thian 50 lier cent of the rawprodluct thatis ýunider supply mangemnt. This definition covers ail supply managed comi- modities cuiiretly uinder import conitrols including yogurî and ice- creami. b) Minirmum access levels would be set at 5 per cent of the domnestic pro- duction Qti a fireshi produci equivalent basis. Expori subsidies Wvould be coin- pletely eliiniated over a ten year period. Newv export subsidies would be bannred. Canada offers to converi ail Non Tariff Barxîers, excepi import quotas allowed under the revised Article XI, to tariff equivalents would be reduiced by 50 per cent over ten years, or to a maximum of no more than 20 per cent, whiclh Hannah noted that a composîing programi sale had been unidertaken in Pickering and that Newcastle shIould be ale to follow suiit. ever is k>wer. Canada also proposes that ail meat import legislation be eluhinated. lnstead, emergency pro- tection against injurijous increases of imports would be provided under Article XIX (safeguards) as it is for oIther goods. CUSTON LUMBERMILL VWORK Wli corne 10 your land and cut your logs wlt portable bandsaw miii fIJRN YOUE LOG.S INTO VM.UABLE HUGE CUTTIlMO CUPCrlV LUNRER FOR: tandscaping Tim ra oEPismoeâ LU41ff *Turning Bocks1 MORE " Barn Timbers WUER PER LOG Log Cabins SAVE - " Cross Ties ALNFE *Furnisture *Framt.ngTm * ening AVLUBE UM1ER tFEATHERHORN ~ SAWMfILL R. R. 1, KENDAL 983-9390 CÉeOMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be considernng appointments to various committees. The following is a list of the Committees and the pertinent information relative to forthcoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ FREQUENCY 0F BOARD DESCRIPTION TR MEETINGS, RMNRTO Property Standards Committee Newcastle, Community Services Advisory Board Livestock Valuers Fence Viewers Pound Keepers Game commission To review matters relative to the prescribed standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the Town of Newcastle,. To assist the Department of Community Services by providing input on recreational facilities, programs and services. To evaluate ivestock damage caused by dogs and wolves. To arbitrate and settle fenoe disputes To provide a facility 10 bouse ivestock until clamed by the owner To buy and release pheasants and seil hunting licences for designated ameas. 5 positions 1 year terni 3 year term -Ward 1-1 position Ward 2-1 position Ward 3-2 positions 2 positions 1 year term 3 positons 1 year terni 4 positions 1 year term 6 positi ons 1 year terni As required First Wednesday evening of each month As required As required As required As required $28.26 per meeting $14.13 per inspection $2826 per meefing $14.13 per sub-committee meeting $27.02 per evaluation $24.69 per viewing None None If you wish to be considered for appoiniment to one of the above Committees or Boards, application forms for appointmeflt are available at the Town Hall, Clerk's Department, 40 Temperafloe Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Completed application forms must be received by the undersigned by 4:30 p.m., November 23, 1990. Dates of Publication: Wednesday.; November 14, 21, ,Marie P. Knight,,A.M.C.T.(A.) Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Town 0f Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmaflville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 3563 1990 Zebra Mussels dangerous invaders

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