Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 14, 1990-17 Seed collection- at an end in the district' The Ministry of Natural Resources Lindsay District's seed collection program is almnost at an end for another year. Collections this year were either very good or virtually non-existent. White pine cones, alt houigh pat- chy, were abndant when the pat- ches were found. The district col- lected a total of 199 hectolitres of the gummy canes from Ontario 's provincial tree. Red oak acorns, usually as scarce as hen's teeth, were plentiful and it appears that our total collection wilL be around the 20 hectolitre mark. Narway Spruce, European larch, native tamarack and red pine cones were very scarce in the Lindsay district, although one enterprising collector did manage ta gather about 10 hectolitres of red pine Cantes. This was just enaugh ta enable us ta reach aur red pine cal- lection target. White ash seed was at the non-existent end of the scale for 1990. This was just not a seed crop year for white ash and we wil have ta wait until next year ta get a fresh seed supply for this desirable hardwood species. Lindsay District has collected roughly thirty hectolitres of black walnut seeds, thus meeting our target for black walnut for 1990. With the coming of cold weather seed collection cames ta an end and Lindsay district can close the books on a relatively good seed collection year. AIl seeds collected are processed at the Ontario Tree Seed Plant, Angus, Ontario, or shipped directly ta provincial nurseries for im- mediate sowing. Thanks ta 'al thase who participated in Lindsay district's 1990 seed collection pro- gram. ROKA Firewood Centire 4DRY HARDWOOD 4'x8'x12",- $55-.00 4'x8'x1 6" $60.00 FREE DELIVERY TO ORONO AREA MILLYARD EVENINGS 705-277-3381 416-434-6665 MacGREGOR AUCT ION SERVICES ESTATES, CONS1(GNMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SOLD AT VOUR LObATION OR AT OURS STRAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE OUf for a FREE Confidiential Consultation Woke MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 Af fordable' Dream Vacat ions 0 Free Vacation -Planning Services * Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacationis 0 AIrline Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel:and Car Resenvatins1 PERSONAL & CORPORATIE TRAVIEL SEftVICÊS Travel Agets Intemnatioîn We're wtt/ you ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencles ln North Amerca 623-600i Are you- thinkinqi of buying, selling or are Jin need of Real Estate advce? Feel f ree ta contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINE.GAGNON CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER> FOR DETAILS. 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