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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Nov 1990, p. 18

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IS-Orono Weelcly Thue«, Wednesday, November 14i 1990 SERVCE IRECORYPhone SERV Icjb"«,-DlKECORY983-5301 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM "We Dont Jost Specialîze"- We MWake Every Order Special lu Main Street, Orono YVONNE MAITLAND We Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Osh awa and Places In Bel ween "Haïr With Flair' For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Eloctric LId. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVa - HI-Fis Saiesand Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whiri.pooi Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 - IMOM'S'KITCHIENII Double D Gifts & Crafts MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9585 Handcraft A cceped on Consignment JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP,,BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST., ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and Resîdence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc Chiropractor R.R. 1 KENDAL,,QNTARIO - LOA i EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTT MA. QUNSELLING Specîalîzing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLING PARENT-CH-ILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Mdes lCentre FO0R REAL I Orono, Onario * HOME COOKING ILOQ1iMOI Eat In or Take Ouft AppiietalqJiies 1983-97921 Main Street, Orono 983-5310 l CWInri "Týhe îrnest in <e ICI EIIC fashions for al E imes and ail c needs 983-.9341 (416) 623-8161 Jo-Elen FOR-NIK Sportswe ar &Glfts Suppliers of Auto Body and Teams, Schooîs & Clubs Collision Corporate'Gift Packages Quality Body Work and Refinishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES RAR 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLO WERS PL US FLOWERS GIFIS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontaro 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-59D8 Wlda Middeton 9839819 GCRUNDYS Country Upholsto ryi Studio Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. M-~39874 Bryon Grundy 102 Uueen St., Bowmanvilie,'Ontario LIC 1M6 ýr J. Wayne Aasen- PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, BowmanviHle, Ontario 623-4473- WINDVIEW FEEDS Featuring a Specialized Line of Martns Complete Extruded Horse Rations and Supplements Double Cleaned Oas, Biended Sweel Feed and Pet Food Vos, Mil fi n edMils fle/ iiil inth,îiRgin 5 Mi. Easatof Orono/Hlwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 FREE KITTENS Re cycling specialits, white' persian with grey or orange markings, cati 983-8149. 7, 14 cpn HORSES BOARDED Lianne Stable reg'd Limited Box Stalis Available Expert Care Vet and Ferrier on Cal! Reasonable Rates AUl Breeds Excepted Phone 983-9235 after 7 p.m. Oct. 10-Dec. 12 cpn CARD 0F THANKS To ail the people who stop- ped, stayed or heiped my son and I after ou r accident on the 6th Concession, It was greatiy appreciated. Diane Spencer and son Ailan 14,ac Thank you to everybody who heiped in many ways to make our 3th Anniversary such a memorable and suc- cessful day., Draw prizes donated by Jenson Nurseries, Apple Blossom Shop, TFhe Miil Hair .Studio, Fiowers Plus and Fred's Fruit Market were ap- preciated. Orono Junior Gardeners 14,ac IN MEMORIAM DAVIES, Ken - In inspira-- tional memory of my friend Ken Davies who died November 12, 1989. Yourý spirit carnes me on the same volleybaii court you once dominated. Our teams suc- cess cornes from the inspira-i tion you give us. Ken, you are the wind beneath my wings and you wiil neyer be forgot- ten by those that knew you. If oniy i could have toid you how much of a hero you were to me before you died. i only hope i can accomplish as much in my lifetime as you did in 18 years. 1. miss you Ken. Mark Tranter 14,ap CORN STOVE SALES Pine, Ridge C orn Stoves KENDAL, ONTARIO (416) 983-9442 IN, MEMORIAM KING, 'Rebecca - 'in memnory of a dear wife, and mother who passed away November 16, 1980. You left us one cold No vembe' day We watched for months *as you brave/y slipped away. If 's been ten years 1since that sad day We stili love and miss you ini every way. They say with lime il helpsy ease the pain What we wouldn't do f0 see you again. The years have gone b>' that is true But there hasn't been a day that we haveni t loved and missed you. Sadiy missed, neyer forgot- ten. Love Ted, Barb, Paul 14,ap M0NUMENTS143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont.ý Phone-623-8150Q ÔUT 0F TOWN CALL TOLL FREE. 1 -800-4-t4848 Granite Monumnente, Markers, and Cemnetery Lettering Private home or showroorn appointrtent9 available -is Serving ail faith8 References available After Hours Cail Oshawa 1-416-579-1116 First Law of the Laboratory Work: Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass. Manly's Maxim: Logic is a systematic method of coming to thse wrong conclusion wtth confidence. KEN'S PAINTING & DECORATING Free Estimtates Reasonable Rates Seniors Discount Friendly, Courteous Service Phone 983-9380 TV., VCR - STEREO Service- Ca ls ESTIMATES GIVEN 983-5082 JOIHNHRUSKA Licensed - 15 YearsExperience i gel 10 at least one falfair every year. 1 neyer get tired of them. In recent years i've visited fairs in Caledon, Cobalt, Elmvale, Orîllia and so forth, finishing the season at the Royal Wînter Fair. This year 1 dropped around to the Norfolk County Fair in Simncoe, and hefore that 10 the fair in the village of Coldwater. The Simcoe f air hias beýcome quite an evrnt. This year there weýre about 175,00 peo-, pIe in aitendanceý. Il's become -quite large. 1 thoroughly enjoyed it, but i 'still have a soft spot in my heart for the litle feilas. The attendance at the Coldwater Fair, for exampie, hasn't fluctuated mnuch for decades. lt's still small. But it's the real îhing. You catch the country spirit as you begin to wander around. The fair seems to express to everyhody the soul of Ontario's rural life. Seesns to ex- press the deepness of devotion to the land that has characterizec' farmers and their familles throughout the annals of agricuitural life in the province. 1I went mbt the fair's office in the otrena. The, secreeary treasurer, Cherryli Barr, had' a baby inone arm and a telephone receiver tucked under the shoýulder of the other.ý Calîs were coming in thick and fast. She handled them calmiy. She knew ail the answers. She took time out to introduceý me. to a few of the veteran fair goers. They ail had farm1 backgrounds. Even their names had a rural ring. Maggie Furs told me she had 100 vegetable entries. She's been coming to the fair since she was a girl. She's,80 now., And 1 met Ethyl Fagan, who's been showiîng maple syrup, ,crafts and knitting for, 60 con- sedutive years. Another veteran was Cyr-il Martin. He's 84. He said he'd been going to the fair since the tender age of two. "It's bigger than it was in the ear- ly days," said Cyril, 'Mostly because of the arena. But the grounds are about the same." 'l looked over at the heavy horses, the 4-H members and their calves, the sheep and goats. The regular things you find at mose f.airs. 1 can't quite put my finger on ,why that littie fair has sueh a special ap- peal. Perhaps it's because it's un- pretentious. It hasn't sucurnbed eo technological gimmicks to satisfy modern Castesý and demands. The people who attend it'and the people who run it seem totally unconcern- ed about that double-edged term called "Programs" - Wild turkies ýinLindsay district Wild trukeys are native to North America and 10 southern Onatrio. he , turkey tIsat we feature ar Thanksgiving and Christmas dbin ners was originally domesticated by the Aztec Indians of Mexico. Native Indians throughout castern North America have a long history of hunting the wild turkey. After early European settlement, fortunes changed for the wild turkey. Habitat destruction and complete unregulated market hunîing caused wild turkey populations te, plum- met. In Ontario the last wild turkeys disappeared from tIse scenes at, the turn of the century. For- tunately, wild turkeys remnained in a few locatons tn tIse United States and those birds se-rved as a reservoir for re nroduction throughouî the States and Ontario. Wild turkey reintroductions were initiated in Ontario in 1984. The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Respources worked together on this project. Between 1984 and 1987 a total of 276 birds were transferred into Ontario front New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Michigan, Missouri and Iowa. These birds were captured from wild stocks and represent tIse besî genetie stock available. Ontario heiped severai of the contrihuting States' wildlife programs by pro- vidtng moose 10 Michigan, river ot- 1cr to Mtssouri and grey parlridge (Hungarian parîridge) 10 New York. TIse 276 wild turkevs were released in 6-M.N.R. districts. These wild îurkeys are doing well in ail release sites and have increased 10 an esîimaîed 7 to 10 îhousand birds aI this lime. 1 1 The Lindsay district ohîained 23 wildturkeys from New Jersey in January- and February of 1987. Since then a second population was started in Northumberland County Forest south of Rice Lake with birds froin Huronia district. A third population was, strated south of Millbrook in 1989. AIl 3 popula- lions are doing wel :and we now have an estimated 200 10 300 wiid turkeys in the district. Ontario had its first modern wild turkey sport hunt in the spring of 1987 in the Napance district. Since then the ares opened to hunting has grown. Last spring, 2,008 nunters received.- permits to hunt wild turkeys and these hunters harvested 212 wild turkeys. Lindsay district had ils first hunt last sprîng wth. 175 successful ap- plicants for permits. These hunters harvested 7 tom turkeys. Il is no easy task 10 outsmart a wild turkey. The chance of a humer getting a bird will increase as the population grows and hunters learn ways of outsmarting these wild birds. In the spring hunts only bearded gobblers and tom turkeys can be shot. This is because maIe wild lurkeys collect harems of hens dur- ing the spring breeding teason, Ieav- ing an excess of haremless maIes. Consequently the spring gobbler hunt has uittle or no effect on the reproductive growth population. Hunters ftnd il particularly exciting 10 eall the amorous maie birds into range. using a repertoire of hen clucks and kee kee kees, yelps and putts. Once again wild turkeys are being glimpsed by rural *residents and there is equal satisfaction gained wheher the birds are seen during a hunt or during a quiet walk near the farm woodlot. Bjil Brama h,;and his Ontario J-'.. ~~.1 I 'lna ov; f fOfl 5111. The War Amps of Canada The War Amputlions of Canadla National Headquarters 2827 Riverside Drive Ottawa, Ontario KIV 004 (613) 731-3821 j

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