2-Orono: weekly Tinmes, Wednesday. Novemùber 14,-:1990 r eMCa a eeýain dpe N6 fiUvC. Frest-ýErftýo A bitter pili - or is it.? 0f any expression of hatred in the world today it is here in Canada and it's against the Goods and Services tax (GST). Mulroney has lost in popularity and especially s0 in the small business world along with a great chunk of the general population. Surprisingly the big corporate figures have not corne out with any verbal support for the tax even though they will benefit in their operations. No one likes taxes and when it bits them with every purchase it becomies leven more distasteful. The fact is we will bave the GST corne the first of the year or short ly after - make no doubt of that. Putting aside our feelings for Mulroney we did listen to bis recent Toronto speech and there was a lot that we would bave to agree witb. The country like individualsand businesses cannot continue to spend beyond their means. In- terest is like garbage you can get buried at some point and time and we are nearing the point of being buried in interest charges. Ross Stephenson painted a simiolar picture for the Newcastle-Clarke PCs last Friday and there is no doubt there is little place to turn if the deficit is to be reduced. The process is going to caîl for a change in attitude and the eleimination of the debt may now neyer corne to pass. 1As most everyone by now should know the GST replaces the Manufacturers Sales Tax (FST) which in the case. of printing is set at 13.5 pecent to be cbarged. on aIl job prin- ting jobs. The FST applies to both labour, supplies an4 materials. IbTis tax however has only been- applied at the manufacturer's level and flot in the service industry. Go next door to Ann's Beauty Salon and that liair cul bas not been taxed nor has the labour that goes with it. Tbe same is true of car repairs at Mercers. But that will change with the GST. Printing will become cheaper wbiîe hair cuts will in- crease. A printing job no costing $ 10.00 (if there is such a, price) would carry a total FST plus Provincial tax of $2.25 for a total cost of $12.25. Under the GSI the total cost including the GST and PT will amount to $1 1.50. Ihere will be no piggy-backinig of the PT on the GSI. Steveson is likely correct. in making the point that for smsll items the difference will flot be 100 great but itwill be cheaper for cars and the big ticket items for the homne. Steven- son also makes the point, and it appears correct manufac-- tured articles in Canada will bit foreign markets in a better competitive manner. It's not that we are trying to justify any tax but the GSI in one sense bas gotten a bum rap fromthe beginning. It was distasteful 10 us that the government would come out and cail the Manufacturers' tax and evîl tax and that it was a bid- den tax.' It was somewhat bidden on some items but flot on others. The goverfiment could have beenmore truth fui in the beginning and there is no need for scare tactics as we so often are bombarded with. Taxation is a bard thing 10 sell and the GSI is one that witb a sligbt increase can produce billions of dollars for whast we always see as more waste. We are ready to ive witb the GSI providing that those in less fortunate positions financially can be relieved of the cost of the tax. Hopefully we still are a caring society and as- well an understan ding society. Ask for $5, 000 grant (Continued from pageJ) percent in the Ganaraska headwater area. ? Counc, Wotten in speaking 10, the request said he had not chànged bis mind and that bis answer was stili 'No'. He stated it would set a prece- dent and that there would be other groups just as much entitled 10 such a grant. "We have set $ 100,000 aside 10 fit a landfill operatiori if the Gianaraska site should bc finally chosen," he said. Counc. Stapleton foun d no seconder for bis motion that a grant be approved in the amount of $5,000 for the committee. A motion was then presented by CUounc. Wotten and Deegan that the grant not be approved. However after somie further discussion a mnotion 10 refer the re- (lutes to legal counicil did gainî ap- prov al. 'l le legal report is, to con- sider legal implicationis'that could arise out of such a grant. Counc. Hannah aid he did have concernis. Mayor Hubbard said that being ini the chair she could flot second the resolution t0 approve. She fur- ther commented that couincil could flot do everything themselves and that such groups do assist and do warrant support. We do have to work in concert, she said. She also noted that individual groups in the Town had already re- quested $ 160,000 and some of these are difficult 10 justify. Nuclea r A wareness e vent (Continued from page 1) along We passed sparklirig lakes and crossed ov er pristine rivers and streams. Iruly Gods Country, the Great Canadian Wilderniess, or 50 We thiouight, until We learned that this area is also (or was) the Uraniumn capital of Canada. Elliott Lake, about one hour's drive fromi Espanola, is where most of the uranium was mined for processing at Port Hopes Cameco Co. (formerly Eldorado). Around Elliott Lake one can find enormous piles of pale yellow radioactive 'tailings", the sand like residue left from the processing uranium I.yellowcake. In, fact, one of the fascinating statistics we leamed at ibis conference jointly sponsored by "Northwatch" and the Ontario Enviromnent Network, was the for every tonne of uranium produced for the marketplace, between 500 and 1000 tonnes of radioactive and toxie "tailing" are left, and that if ail the tailings in Canada (mosi of which are in northern Ontario) were collected il would cover the Trans-Canada highway from coast 10 coast îwo metres deep!!! And further 10 ihat, this radioactive material will remain lethal for hundreds of îhousands of years, leaching ini the meantime into nearby rivers and strearus which al drain into the north shore of Georgian Bay. And then the Nuclear Industry tries to tell us ibat nuclear energy is a dlean and environmentally safe- way 10 generate electricityl!! With 10 10 15 more reactors being planned over tbe-nexit wenty-five years by Ontario'Hydro, where will ail that radioactive waste be stored, wben we cant even find a place for whai we have generated now. And were flot even considering'thie higb-level spent fuel rods after they have been used by the Hydro nuclear reactors. Another workshop panel deali wiîb the disposaI of these bigb- level fuel rods, which are being stored ai Pickering at the present, lime in pools of water. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. is looking at burying these spent fuel rods, wbich' will remain highly radioactive for a quarter 10 half a million years, deep witbin tbe Canadian Shield, a site 10 be determined and prepared by the year 2020. The area around Temiskaming is one of the proposed sites, and needless 10 say the residenîs of that community are going 10 fight this proposai, as the Shield up there is fuil of faults and is very brittîle, which enable il 10 >fracture easily. One of the many informative workshops we attended was given by Milton and Barbara Wallace, who are managing 10 live in a totally electrified house powered by solar and wind energy, outside Lindsay. They are off the Hydro grid and are entirely self-sufficient. many ways were suggested in another workshop for Ontarions 10 beconMe more energy efficient in their use of electriciîy, and therefore less dependent and wasteful with Hydro energy. When one sees the ugly devastation wrought by the mining of uranium, and how many communities do flot want any more wasîe from their southern neighbours, (iLe. Port Hope, Hope Township, and Port Granby) even if the amounts are relatively smail compared 10 wbaî they have accuniulated up 10 now. Another hi ghlight was a preview of new film produced by the National Film Board, entitled "Uranium". This film, a disturbingly informative and thoughî-provoking look at Canada's uranium industry, showed horrifying footage of the devastation this industry has left on the far norths landscape, and the this, mega-technology with its emphasis on short-term economic gain. Every citizen in Canada and the United States (our biggest customer for the processed uranium) who is concernied about our environment, should see this film. It is available from the National Film Board in Toronto, (1-800-267-7710) both on l6mxn and video. h particular, I strongly advocate that the Newcastle Citizen Liaison Group see it. For most of the fifty to sixty citizens attending this conference, it was an enlightening experience, filled with disturbing moments and good fellowship. Many attending were young activists, already very familiar witih the down side of the uranium industry, and the terrible problems in dealing with the disposai of both high and-low level radioactive waste. But many of us, ordinary citizens attending because we are concerned about the waste, management of this lethal residue and wanted to be educated, left that beautiful country witb heavy bearts and a deeper knowledge of their problens inu tying to deal with that filthy stuff. We also experienced a much deeper understanding of why they don't wanî our low-level radioactive waste fronm Pt. Granby, Port Hope, and Hope Townsbip, in their backyard. It seemed t0 many of us that until a real solution is found for the disposal of ibis deadly miaterial, one that renders il totally ineri and barmiless, we should suspend all furtber miing of uraniumi, and look seriouslyai altemnate sources of energy instead of nuclear. There are many ways to accomplish this, flot leasi of which is conservation. We hope thai Premier Bob Rae bas the courage of his convictions to suspend the Hydro's "Demand/Supply Plan", which cails for die construction of up t0 15 nuclear reactors over the next twenty- five years. S.Saviour s An glican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987.4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Minister: Secretary: k ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Mines 983-5208 Marlene Risebrougb, Organist at Kirby United Cburcb Ariene Bolton Organist at Orono United Cburch Stella Morton SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 199ô Kirby Uaited Church Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sundiay Schooi 9.30 a.m. Orono United Church Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Scbool 11 -00a.m. Sacramnent of Baptism EXPLORERS -Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall BIBLE STUDY -Wednesday - Meet aItbe Manse 7:00 p.m. UPCOMING SERVICES AND MEETINGS November 25th Communion Service Orono and Kirby November 29th Orono Pastoral Charge Official Board . 7:30 p.m. Kelly andWenda admire Bonne Bell: Fragrances for Xmias FOR THE GALS: FOR TH-E GUYS FRIDAY 2S95 Rebel 4.95 "Penny takes a holiday" From now until December 3lst, 1990 "NO MORE PENNIES" L.E.-- if your purchase totais $4.79 We charge ONLY 4.75 983-009 ... .... . ..... - ...... . ... ............... .... ..... .