First Kîrby Brownie News Orono WeeklyTimues, Wednesday, November 14, 1"W-5 ,Marlene Werry now, in farm m angem ent Marlene Werry bas been ap-- pointed Farm Management Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food field ser- vice in the Durhan Region. Mrs. Werry was formerly with the Rural Organizations Branch of the same Ministry. She carnies a Masters degree in Extension Education, and has worked in six different coun- tries over the past 14 years. Marlene joins the' combined Agricultural Representative Staff for Durham lRegion, and wîll work frorm the Bowmanville and Ux- bridge fieldoffices until a niew of- fice is completed next year in the Port Perry area. As, Farmn Manage- ment Specialist, she will be involved with farm business management ex- tension, will act as commodity con- tact for beef and sheep producers, and will administer the Red Meat Program. by Bey Higgms lbo time, we were back down the branches were packages of candy The Browniies went for an outing ,bu.l and roasting weiners over the for each Brownie. We returned to to the home of their Brown Owl, campfire near Hartmnann's pond.-' have hot chocolate, and ended the Mis. Moira Hartmann. Each Brownie practiced lighting day with each Brownie earning ber First we hiked up a steep hill a campfire. After this, Mr. Hans outdoor adventure badge. (thanks to Mr. Bill Reid for Hartmann gave us a wagon ride Many thanks ta Hans and Moira permission to use bis land), and at tbrougb the fields down to the and family for sharing their time the top, we had the most beautiful woods where Andrea Hartmann and giving the Brownies a view of the, Kendal His, alive with had made a trail which took us to a memorable day in the great tbe brilliant colours of Autumin. In large tree, and haugiug from the -outdoors. Kendal Column by Phylls Loey Isobel MaFarlane, Houoraîy ,,Members,' R. W. Sis. Sinclair, R. W. Sis. Agues McBride, R. W. Sis. McRae, and M. W. Sis. Helen Mabee of Cobourg, and last but not least Past County Master David Thrower, wbo is also a member of oui Lodge. R. W. Bro. Wayne Lowery, Gr. Marshall of tbe Prov. Grand Lodge of Ontario E. was not present at our Lodge Meeting, be and tbe otber Brothers were too busy cleaning up after the meal and helping to prepare tbe lunch served after the meeting. A very ejoyable evening was speut meeting old frieuds and discussing wbat had gone on i the past 5 years. On Saturday, November lOth, thirteen members from Kendal and two from Tyron e travelled to Cobourg to a dinner, honoring R. W. Bro. Edgar Carmen, Prov. Gr. Master of Ontario E. The dinuer was beld at the Legion, and was excellent, after many tributes were paid to Bro. Carmen, a dance followed. On Friday, November 9tb, tbe regular euchre was beld witb 8-1/2 tables present. Higb score Allan Downes witb 86; second Myrtie Gibson with 83;' third Marie Couroux witb 78; fourth Carl Todd witb 75. The draw was won by Ewert Robinson. Next card party Friday, November 23rd. Come on out and enjoy an evening of cards and food. Dou't forget to watch for the Junior Orange Lodge float i the Santa Claus Parade 'in Bowmauville,give them a big hand. by Phyllis Lowery Well this wias another Sunday that 1 wasnt able to get out to Church, but I dont think there will be any other things going on ta interféré with attendiug tihe rest of the year. That is if motber nature doesnt throw ber snow storms on Saturday uigbts or Sundays. We are sorry ta, hear that Mrs. Diane Spencer bad an accident on tbe Sixtis Line last week. She and ber son were tossed around, but glad ta report no serious ijuries. That black ice is veîy treacherous, looking just like wet pavement, you dont know it is ice till you are on it. Tbere are two very bad spots for black ice on County Road 9, between the 115 and Newtonville Rond. One is just over tbe brow of the Ski Hill, going east you are on it before you know it, and the other is just east of Downes side rond. Ooing east the otber day after oui first storm and the sanders had been out, you could see tbe sand on the rond, but there was no sand on that stretch tbrougb the swampy aiea and I felt the car slipping. So drive carefully and watcb for those spots. Capsules of Wisdom. .. Actually tberes only a slight difference between keeping youi chin up and sticking your'neck out, but it is wortb kuowing. Kendal Hall, News On Fîiday, November 2nd, Kendal L.O.L. members weut to Cameron, ta put on thse Arch Degree for 5 Candidates from that area. Thse meeting was cbaired by- R. W, Bro. Wayne Lowery. There were thirty memibers present from Kendal, Cameron, Hartly and Reaboro. On Suuday, November 4tb, several Members of L. 0. L. 405, took part in an Orange Service at Morris Funeral Home, payiug tbeir respects to Bro. Lewis Fox. Word was received that R. W. Bro. Sherman Irwin of Peterboroughs had passed away, this was a great sbock toalnl the' Brothers and Sisters. Several Kendai Members attended tbe Funeral. On Wednesday, November 7tb, tbe Kendal Men's Lodge met at tbe Hall. On Thursday, November 8th, tbe big event for thse Ladies of Kendal, Hilîs, L. O. B. A. 1420, occuired. -was thse Fiftb Anniversary of the ~xLAge. We were served a delicious bot meal by thse men of L. O. L. 405, this took place in tbe Cburcb Sunday Schooi, then we went back ta the Hall and had our meeting. We were very pleased ta have as our- guests, M. W. Sis. Ola McFarland, Napanee, Gi. Dii. of Cer. of the M. W. Gr. Lodge of Canada. R. W.» Sis Marian FER, Or. Mistress of thse Gi. Prov. Lodge of Ontario East, and R. W. Sis. Berniece McAuley, Prov. Or. Lecturer, Cobouig. R. W. Sis. Pat Griffmn, Or. lst Aud. of Ontario E. and from our own Lodge R. W. Sis. Brenda Lowery, Gr. Dii. of Cer. and R. W. Sis. Cathy Switzer, Gr. 2nd Aud. of Prov. Gr. Lodge, Ontario E.'Also present were R. W. sis. Vivian Alexander Osgoode, Sis Alexander was Prov. Grand Mistress of Ont. E., wben we received our Charter, we are the newest Ladies Orange Lodge, Sis. Alexander is now a Past Mistress. M. W. Bro. Fred Alexander past Gr. Representative for tbe L.O.B.A. witis the Men's Lodge was also present. Also among oui' guests were Members from thse Gr. Lodge of Ontario W. R. W. Sis. I've prepared- fr the Have you?*. Now Us the tUrne to register. 'Are you ready for the-pro- posed GST? If nat, now is the time ta register and prepare. Registration applies ta anyone involved in a commercial enter- prise. This includes fishing, farming, professional services and many activities carried out by non-profit organizations. Revenue Canada is readyta assist you with information on: " How ta register and the benefits of doing so " What the GST means to yaur operation " Simplified accounting-. options and administrative- procedures " Rebates af the Federal Sales Tax " How ta recaver GST an business purchases " GST return and filing options Contact us today. Phone:, 1 800 461-1082 Jelecommunications device for the hearing impaired: 1 80 0465-5770 Or drap by the Revenue Canada Excise Office nearest yau, Monday ta Friday, 9:00 arn. ta 5:00 p.m. ,I Revenu Canada Revenue Canada I Douanes et Accse Customns and Excise Canadli 1Canada's GST. It's good business to prepare now.