Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, November 14, 1990-7 Ne-ýwton ville Alive by Peggy Mullan:., was held at the home of Ina Cox in Newtonville last month. Services vary from tending gardons, cutting grass, t0 pet sitting, puppy training, wedding gift sitting and more - ail cater-ed to and depending an the individuals' needs ail to make the home appear lived i, and to offer peace of mind while the house is empty. For further details, contact one of these bonded professionals: Barb Shetler, Ina Cox of Barina Home Check 786-2996, Colleen Cochrane of Critter Sitters 987- 1141 or Barbara Sheridan of Peterborough Home and Pet Minders (705) 748-4663. "Thank you ladies for the service you offer our community, continued best wishes in the future!" Little Scoops... - Newîonville Public School invite everyone ta attend their special Remembrance Day service this Friday, November 16 at 9:00 a.m. -Parents are encouraged 10 support their children's efforts in the "garbageless" lunch campaign at' school during November Recycling Month. Leî's make it a permanent habit. - Anyone wishing to help out with the, school'Christmas dinner is asked t0 give 'the school a cali at 786-2550. Thank you! - It was very disturbîng to hear that Ontario courts are throwing out hundreds of cases due to the tremendous back log in the judicial system. Some of these people are Up on sexual assault and thefî charges. Why on earth can't another solution be found (like lowering wasteful government spending) and force justice ta be served? - Reminder: Next Food Bank Sunday at Newtonville United Church is coing up this weekend November 18. Any donations are greatl y appreciated. -Ding Dong! A-von reps are needed ta spread special joys of the season now in the Kendal, Starkvile and Crooked Creek areas. Have fun while you help bring a happy Chrisunasto your customers, with the many wonderful gifts, fragrances, beauty and skin cane products Avon bas to offer. We xpeed you! Please cali me 786-2964. - Joanne's Country Cuphoard will be holding an Open House and Craft Sale in Newtonville this Saturday, November 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. AIl welcome to kick off the season. . Jaanne's is the third house on Hwy. 2, east of the corner store, here in Newtonville. More often than not, all of us get caught up in life's trials and tribulations, hearîbreaks and lot downs sooner or later. We tend ta forget, or put on the back burner at least, ail the things we have 10 be truly thankful for - like our health, out families and the tranquility of the suraundings i which we make our homnes. In pondering Ibis, I like ta share th15 verse with you ... "Magie" Can you necogmize the magic - Cas you fool it in your soul? Open eyes don't always see The boauty ta behold. Did you listen td the cooing - Did you hear the pigeons' sang? Their tale is whispered on the wind - Mother Nature's love proves strong. Have you breathed i fresh innocence - Have you laughter i your heart"? A smile is flot a joy wpliwhile Unless it's deeper fro*n the sUar. Will you loosen up the tightening binds - Will you give yourself chance to blôom? For life is short and quick ta ýpass,. Happiness demands more room. Can you recognîze the magic - Can you feel it ini your soul?, Open eyes don't always see The beauty to behold. _-pdm 11/90 - Thank yau for your encouragement and support of "Newtonville Alive" an this our third Anniversary. BOWMANVILLE SHOE REPAIR Iocated at Howmanville Mal SHOES LEATHER GOODS SKATE SHARPENING "Quality Workmanship" Mon.-Fri. 9:30 - 6:00 Sat. 9:30 - 5:00 623-6778 'test We Farget" thefr lives in times of war, that We At the 11lth hour on the 111th day might live in peace today. Wreaths of the 1 lth month. Newîonville were laid by Councillor Frank nesidents wene joinod by Branch Stapleton, as well as Sunday 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion School young, people -Neil and and the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Parnela Towler. to pay tribute ta thase who gave 133 Taunton Rd. W., àsaa II . (1 Blck Wet 01 'A-ce S TOàme"V E 0DENRf ' A Division of Tauntonl Pools 5108 Mil