-~ Orono weekîy lTimes, Wednesday, Decemnber 19, 1990-17 A. Christmas Mes sage rýom Orono United Church Are you ready for Christrnas? I was asked that question recently. 1 have.gifts to buy, letters towrite, visits to rnake, serrnons to prepare - ail before Christrnas day. I wonder if l'Il ever bc ready. But Christrnas is corning sornething like the game of hide and seek - "Ready or not, here 1 corne." The prophet Isaiah called out - "Get Ready for the Corning of the Lord." Not rnany people listened - Mary & Joseph, a few shepherds, and wisernen, a couple of seniors - Sirneon & Anna - but most people weren't ready for Fis corning. John says - "He was in the world and though the world has made by Hirn it didn't recognize Hirn. He came to Him but His own did flot receive lirn." (John 1: 11) 1 wonder if you & I would have recognized Mmr? And now in our busy Christmnas celebrations we need t stop and ask ourselves: Have we any roon for Jesus? The hyrnn writer C.C. Willliams puts it this way - "Roomt for pleasures, room for business But, for Christ the crucified, Not a place that He can enter In the heart for which He died? Room for Jesus, King of glory, Hasten now, His word obey, Swing your hearts door widely open, Bid Hirn enter while you rnay." Maybe the question needs to bc changed - Are you ready for Je-sus? When he carne before not rnany welcorned Him but to those who did receive Hirn - "Who Believed In His Name, He Gave "Me Right To'Becorne Children 0f God." (John 1:12) Those who welcorne Jesus, God's one and only sorte - will bc welcorned by our Heavenly Father. Jesus carne and He is corning again. Are you ready? Isaiah said - "Get ready for the corning of the Lord." and Jesus said - "So you also rnust be ready because the son of rnan will corne at an hour when yen do not expect Hirn." (Matthcw 24:44) Are you ready, this Christrnas, for a special visitor that want to corne into our hearts and homnes to stay? Jesus said, "Behold 1 stand at the door. If anyone hears rny voice and opens the door, I wiIl corne in (Revelation 3:20) Jesus ready?? is coring!! Are you Rev. Fred Milnes The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING WVeddib.gs An rsre - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS- SALADS Fred& Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICE ESTATES, CONSIGNMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR AT OURS STORAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE Cali for a FREE Confidiential Consultation Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556, MERVYN B. KELLY Barri ster and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAIL SERVICE - REASOINABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m.- 5 p.mn. 6234444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville Enjoy outdQors at Ennisidllen C.A. Everythings ready for winter fun Thc time has corne w get outside an d enjoy the winter. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be operating horsedrawn sleigh rides at Enniskillen Conservation Area on February 3 and 10, 1991. 1-ours of operation will be frorn il:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ticket price is $1.75 per ride. Rides will leave from the bara area. Directions: Go north on Regional road 57 from Taunton Road to the Seventh Concession, proceed west to Holt Roadand then north to the area entrance. Route is well signed. if snow doesn't arrive, the sleigh rides will be cancelled. Remember to bring your skates and toboggans for extra fun. CROSS CANADA, MARKETPLACE lrnS FAST - rnSEASY! ONE CALL, ONE B-U.. DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. BUSINESS OPPS KUMARI BAIT FARM (sinoe 1980), Eastern Ontario Representatives of Early Bird Eoology, proudly announce completion of new wormery. For information or appointment ta visit <613) 378-0023. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide ta, home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800- 950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: February 9-16, 1991. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. 519) 537- 2115. TRAIN TO MANAGE an Apt./Con. complex. The Government licenced homestudy certification course includes Free Job Placement Assistance. Free Brochure. Cal 1-800-665-8339 (24,hours). HELP WANTED- WORK OVERSEAS for people 18-30,, non committed, with an agricultural/horticultural farming background, -contact: International Agricultural Exchange Association, #206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties ta be sold -for unpa"d taxes. Fer information write: Pro erties, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, 120 3J1. COMING EVENTS BREWSTER TRANSPORTATION is ceîebrating their centennial in 1992. A Gala Reunion of ail past employees is Pianned. Please respond ta: Box 1140, Banff, AB, TOL 000. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - ALL MODELS - Pound of coffee if we cant beat your best deal. Take delivery in Spring avoid increases. 25x30 $2,649. PIONEER/- ECONOSPAN i1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES- STEEL STRAITWALL type - not quonset - 32x48 $4,983; 40x64 $8,079; 50x96 $14,908 - non-expandable ends, other sizes available - imited steel. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800- 263-8499. FARM EQUIPMENT BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT CHAIN for all makes of leaners, Ouantity on hand at good price. Cail Husky <519) 846-5329. FOR SALE ALMOST FREE Software for IB3M-PC. Send, phone for free disk catalogue to GD Software, 518 Wiley St., Thunder Bay, Ont. P7C 3N3. Phone 807) 623- 8992. 24 hrs/7 days. GET A OREDIT CARD - Instant $1,500. credit, cash advances, guaranteed approval. Catalogue shopping. For application send SASE. ADVANTAGECARD, 718 Main St. East, Hamilton, Ont. L8M i Kg. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the objeet being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.0., VOE 1 MO. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smitlis Falls, 65 Cornelia Street, East, year round. <613) 283-8448. 150 inside stalîs. Dealers welcome. Lowest prices, best selection in the valley. CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET and Antiques. 10,000 square feet of coleclibles. Open Sundays, 'vendors or viewers. 'Call<613) 752-2468. Oalabogie enroute ta Olabogie Peaks. SERVICES DISCREET DELIVERIES - Absorbent products for Ioss of bladder/boweî control delivered ta your home. Order bymail/phone. For free catalogue, cal toîfree 1 -800-668-7084. Your ad couîd appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limted,. so Caîl This Newspaper Todayl -Orono.Weekly Times 983-5301. Are you thinkinçi of buying, selling ci are in need of Real Estate advice? Feel free ta contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINEGAGNON 1 1 1 1