Barina Home Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home look ived in -Wedding Day Gift Sitting Reiable References - BONDED Barb Sttetler-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 "Work Wanted" D &R CUSTOM FENCING. and CUSTOM CH-AIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 BYAMS Pluminlg tlutng lncorlloratmd Sale and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Financing Low tnterest rates 263-2650 Moi Hartwlg Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZNG - BACK HOE SEPTIC and TILE BEOS SAND - GRAVEL TOP 8011 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Lcenaed - 25 eara Experience FlOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITONS Att Carpentry Retated Work Orono - 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991 Fairwinds Antiques & Collectibles Antiques, Memorbilia Collectiblea and Gifla trom tmes gone by VVE BUY and SELL OPEN Thurs,-Sunday 10 - 5 Mon. to Wed. by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONT LOB 1iMO (416> 98-9806 Silver Streak Siding Introduces THE FACE LIFT *Siding * Soffits* *Fascia * Eavestrough* * Vnyl Windows * New Constructions and Renovations Excellent Workmanship Phonie John (416) 983-8181 M. T. STABLES Board - Lease BUy - Sell - Consgnments (Horses and Tack> GANARASKA FOREST AREA Phone Marie 983-9736 AL. EARD Etectriei Cotating New Construct ion Repairs Etectruc t-eating Pote Line Construction Central Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 RAIl VEY PARTNER & SONS PLUMBING and IIEATING MAY TAGI DEALEq Prof essionai Gouus Pump Deaer Authorized Consumer Gas Dealer Oil Wood Elecrre Repaira 10 ail makes ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5206 or 623-2301 O. CHATTERTON EL.ECTRICAL CONTRACTING POL.E LIN E CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940O Qrono, Ontario -YCE1T CONTRACTING LTD. General Carpentry, Renovatlons, Roofing Custom Homes and Commercial Buildings Phones (705) 277-3308 Box 598 Orono, Ontario or (705) 277 2003 NOTICE HORSES BOARDED Womnen in Abuse Relationsýhips; For Help Cati -The Densise Hlouse" For Women and Children Toit Free 1-8X)-263-3725 or 728-7311, confidenutalty assured Have you sometimes wishied you could spend a hioliday sober? Cali Alcohoties Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 Lianne Stabte reg'd Limited Box Stalîs Available Exýper-t Care Vet andl Ferrier on. Cal! Reasonable Rates AIl Breeds Excepted Phone 983-9235 after 7 p.m. Oct. 1 -Dec. 12 cpn ALTERATIONS Gen eral sewing and dressmaking in my homte. Caîl Monday, Wedniesday and evenings, 983-9761. tfil PIANO TUNING R. D. Morton (416) 983-5682 Oct.31Mr3 FOUND One ladies' black leather glove size 8, Churchi St. & Park St., December 4, cali 983-9698. 12,19 epn WANTED TO BUY Coins, paper currency, medals, miedallions, old cheques etc. Paying top prices. Season's Greetîngs and Thank you for your business which 1 have appreciated. Mr. Murray, Box 340 Orono, OnL LOB IMO Dec 12 -Jan. 30 ap HELP WANTED Earn up to $339.84 PER WEEK Assembling Our Products at Homne A mazing Recordled MAessaýge Reveals Details CALL TODAY 1-204-389-5325 24 Hours Answering Service Dept. # 78 Nov. 28-Feb.S COMING EVENTS New Year's Eve PONTYPOOL Community Centre PONTYPOOL, ONTARIO Buffet * D. J. * Par(ty Favours 8:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. $25.00 per couple Tickets are available at The Apple Blossom Shop in Orono or by phoning Christine or Dav (705) 277-2471 Great Pine Ridge K< -NEW YEAR'S DANCE at Orono Are $75.00/couple -$40.1 Price includes: Buffet, Bar, D. and Party Favoi Tickets are still avai Deb's Fashions,( COMING1 Retiremei Hou toi Charles Postmiaster Ne St. George's Chur Parish Edward St., Villa istie P.O. iglican astle December 30, 1990 2 -4 p.m. Donations accepted at Newcastle P.O. or I.D.A. Drugstore by December 28 For further information cali Marilyn 987-4539 or Barb 987-4696 CHRISTMAS WISII Christmas Wishes to a. special cast of "The Golden Girls" friends on birthdays and aIl days. From Dianne- FOR SALE ALL e at il STEEL BUILDING 5,12,19, ac Factory Clearance - 21'x24', 30'x4' 40'x75', :lnsmen 50'xlOO', 60'xlOO', 75'xl50' EVE We can erect or deliver te site Supply is Limited Please Cal na 983-5872 .0/single or Fax .. 983-8179 blivztfn ilable at Orono 1219 c Everyone Will Be Flocking to the UGLY DUCKLING BALL CLUB Annual "Duck Dance" Orono AMena January l2th, 1991 8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Music by Doug Crough Tickets now available from al ieam members or at the door. 19,2,9 m Cutae iApreitin a 20 99 Snowthrower - 5 hp.- dual stage "Sno-Trac' - like new - used six trnes. Solid state electronic ignition, 7 speeds, chains, $500, caU 983-9831. 12,19 cpn Plywood - 42"x48"xl" used, $4.50/sheet. 2 snowblowers - 36" for front of riding lawn rnower $100 and $200, phone 983-8138. l2,19cpn CORN STOVE SALES Pine Ridge Corn Stoves KENOAL, ONTARIO (416) 983-9442 E3À& iR--' t4 9 87-1445 (41>)986-4277 ROOFING SHEET METAI - SKYIIGHTS FLTROOFS SHtNGLES- PRE-PAINTED STEEL k ilOiNG SOFFIT- TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS ICOLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED 20 Vears Experience OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO. ONTARIO LOB IMO "35 Vears of Service" Susan Sawyer ~Nelda Dawson 416-9835767 416-623-4835 >IFR 83 Kng Street West, P.O. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA il-o Telephone (416) 987-3200 Matthews .;Associates Pauline Mate, aiic, DECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416) 983-5312 - ompleie Line of 1Fotk Ar( Su1p(iev and Classes F-M-imm 'l-ým m