2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 19, 1990 P s yWe nsyat the o k«ofPub1ieeio PuIî bvaf C olmter Elt« The First Christmas Thie tradition continues the celebration of the First Christmas and to many its meaning holds forth in giving, concemn and help for others. My neigbour is my brother. Tt is a message that must ho considered today as on the First Christmas. Tt must appear and ho present if we hope to tuns the tide of suffening throughout the world and even in this great nation of Canada. It becomes alarming that we in Canada are faced with food banks and food lmne-ups - in a country of plenty. But it does exist and wil continue to exist until attitude to others do change. But Christmas again presenits the opportunity to once more rekindle that ail mon are equal and that the spirit of the First Christmas must prevail. Tt is a simple pray and a simple wish for everyone that we express this season of Christmas 1990. May it have meaning, compassion and ail the host wishes of a Christmas season. To everyone a joyous, merry Christmas from ail associated with the Orono Times. NO PAPER NEXT WEEK The Orono Times will not ho publishing next week due to, Chistmas falling on Tuesday. Next issue January 2nd. We hope titis meets with your approval and do have a Merry Christmas. Dont forget most subscription are due. Save with your renewal before the end of the year. Kerndal Columnt by Phyllis Lowery In the past 1 have asked, if .axyone lias news that they wish te have put in this coiumin, or they wJsh to bave a certain item brouglit to the attention of tie readers, I would be gladt t add te the colunin. I receiveti a louter last week and I think it is worth bringing to the attention of everyone, but I ami sorry, in cases like this unless they sign their name to the letter I cas not use it. It is flot necessary that 1 print the name, but I would like te know who 1 arn quoting, in case questions are asked anti I cas flot contact the writer. On Sunday, the cover of our bulletin carrieti Christmas wishes from Alan Baker and his family, it is nice te know that lie has flot forgotten us or the time ho spent in our midst this summer. We have not forgotten him. The Service opened with the singing of ".0 Come Ail Ye Faithful" following the cail to Worship, the choir sang the anthem, "Bless this Hlouse." The Ativetit Candle of Joy was lit by one of the chiidren. Rev. Ransom asketi them, what mnakes them happy, they gave many answers, their parents, frientis, going to Church, having a home to liv i, having lots of foodi, getting ready for Christmas, putting the ltre up. Rev. Ransoni toid them many things cas make them happy, this brings joy inside us, ho told them that at the end of the day thoy shouid thank God for ail these things. Goti gave us his Son Jesus to givo us joy. The children joineti Rev. Ransom i singing "Rejoice i the Lord," ho told them to remember this song, and when they felt sati, to sing it a couple of times and they would no longer feel sad.. We cas al do this, it is bound to inake you feel botter. Prayers were saiti for the Peddar family, Don's mother passoti away last Monday. We wish Wally Bouglien a spetiy recovery. Happy Birrhday wishes to Glen Foster and the Peddar twins. Psalm 126 was repeateti. The Scriptures were taken from Isaiah 61: 1-4; 8-11, Thossalonians 5: 16-24 andLuke 1: 46-55. Rev. Ransom tolti us the key word ini the chiidren's story and the Scriptures andth te song was Rejoice. Paul says, rejoice aways, a healthy philosophy, but hard te retain. It is difficuit to rjoico in the .midst of unhappiness, hunger, fighting. A simple act of friendliness or help opens a window on joy, aithough Mary could have been cast out from hler people or even stoned te death, sho felt the feeling of joy, when she told her friend Elizabeth that she was going to give birth to the son of God. God doesn't remove pain, anguish, death, but hoe is with us aiways. God is constant, hoe is always there te help. Is your Faîth constant? Communion was serveti. 'nie Service closed with the singing of "Joy tQ the World." Remetnher December 2lst - Christmas Concert at Shiloli Church at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Decemiber 23 - The Children will present their Christmas Service, following the Service a Pot-Luck lunch wili ho held, bring a hot dish anti joi in a time of fellowship. The Christmas Eve Service will ho held at Newtonviile United Church, beginning at 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 24th. Laughter is the best medicine. Question, What does Santa do when lho discovers an Elf, goofmng off? Answor: Hie gives him the, "Heave-ho, ho, ho". AECB Meeting (Continued front page 1) expected within a couple of weeks if the process is to continue into Phase four and five. It would take 4 to 5 years, it was said, to complote Phase 4 and 5 of the process under the Community Liaison Groups. The Newcastle Community Liaison Group has comploteti Phase Three and has suggested to council of Newcastle that Phase Four ho undertaken. lI a lengthy submnission to the board Mayor Hubbard called for a one year extension of the licence rather thian two years. She said there mnust bo a continuai monitoring of the site. She also spoke of the surprise, this year, of finding a "hot" spot outside the fonce. She called for further investigation on the site for other surprises and also caled for further bank stabilization. The Mayor was critical of the Newcastle Commnunity Liaison Community, headed by Garnet Rickard, which submnitted their Phase Three report a couple of weeks ago. The report had suggested the possibility of leaving the waste at Port Granby in properiy constructed dump. She said this was not sanctioned by council who have continually called for the remnoval of the waste from the municipality. The AECB members took note when Mayor Hubbard stated that the Port Granby site was not registered in the name of Camneco but rather to a number companty, 164112 Canada Inc. She said the Board must be satisfied that Cameco has controi over the maintenance of the Port Granby site. Mayor Hubbard said Newcastle wiIl receive a staff report shortly as to procceoding in the siting process, Phase Four. She, did, however, outline a number of conditions that must bo met if the Town would proceed to Phase Four. The Mayor said the Town would want to ho involved i the appointment to the new Newcastle Community Liaison Committee and that the costs of the process would have to ho borne by the Siting Task Force. She said the NCLG would have to bo accountable andi responsible to the Town She said consultants to ho hired to assist with the information for Phase Four would have to ho appoved by the Town of Newcastle. Mayor H-ubbard said unless al these condition were met the Towni would not approve of proceeding to cither Plase 4 or 5. Other speakers icluding Janet Meyer, Haydon, Helen MacDonald, Kendal, and John Veidhuis, gave their support to requests fromt the Town and THE *LUNO ASSOCIATION Bo wman ville Student (Continued from page 1) asking the stuclent's opinions on topic rang ing from nationalism to how Canada and the Soviet Union could co-operate in making better use Of natural and human resources. Laing i her answers specuiated that in the 2lst century, global communities would peacefully, replace to-day's sovereign states and nations. Jennifer Laing however was able to provide the jutiges with other aspects of lier background i guiding, in the Ontario Students Against Impaireti Driving, a peer couniseller and work with youth groups. She has also travelleti widely andi is active with hobbies. Laing hias said she was encouraged to apply by hier history toacher, Ursula Tuerk and further encouraged by John Morris, head of the school's history department. She said that some of the questions to be answered were, in fact, subject of discussion, in hier classes at school. Glasnot and Perestroika wil ho much on the agenda at York as will the possibility of a global citizen. Students will tackle questions on politics, economics, technology, culture and the environment. The opening speaker at the conference for the group from Ontario and the Soviet Union will ho Stephen Lewis, former Canadian.anibassador to the Unitedi Nations. Other speakers will ho Gerry Weiner, Marcel Masse and Ray Hnatyshyn, Govemnor Generai. Anglican Church MILL STRIEET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hal .987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a. m. Mlinister: Secretary: ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Mlihies 983-5208 Marlene Risebrough- Organist at Kirby Unitedi Church Arlene Bolton Organist at Orono Unitedi Church Stella Mortoni SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23,1990 4th qunday in Advent KIRBY UNITED CHTURCH Faniily Christmas Service 9:30 a.m. ORONO UNITED CHURCH Special Choir Presentation "There Wiil Always Be a Christmlas" 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Cancelled until January BIBLE STUDY Wednesday- - 8:00 p.m. At the Manse MONDAY, DECEMBER 24TH Leskard Christmas Eve Service 7:00 p.m. Orono Service of Lessons, Carols and Communion. Speciai Music by memnbors of the H-igli School Band S8:15 p.m. Service 8:30 p.m. 'l t1IiI'!' v_