Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 9. 1991-9 Attend Safety Class their landfill site it would be inappropriate ta close and convey this road allowanoe. A representative of Laidlaw in speaking ta council on Monday pointed out that the applicant owns the land on bath side of the allowance and that no one had abjected ta the closing. It was also stated that the staff repart was incomplete and inaccurate. Coundil members were also told that representatives of Laidlaw were denied access ta policy of road closing and tlhat in fact policy did flot exist and that policy was but a draft document at this time. The decision of commidttee cornes before councîl this caming Monday. Mrs. Adams grade 3 class and The students learned about safety safety and a list of things that can Mr. Hutchinson's grade 4/5 class in the home, rabies information, cause hearing damage (such as attended the safety display at the fire safety, poison contrai, bicycle loud stereos & Sony walkmans). Bowmanville Mail (ini November). by Bey Higgins KirbyCentennial Public School held its annm-ual Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 19. This was an obviously well rehearsed production. Mis. Bolton, provided the piano accompaniment for the entire show, and hier musical expertise was definitely a major factor in the evening's success. The cute junior kindergartens were well re-cived as they opened the show with the singinig of 'Christmas Means the Saviaur Came" and a welcomne poem. The senior kindergarten and grade one and two classes put on a musical show called "Toyland". Scott Wood played Santa, and with him numerous toy soldiers, dolîs, ballerinas and bounicing jack-in- the-boxes appeared at variaus times on stage. In between appearances, the classes sang "Whistle While You Word", "Please Take Me Back ta Toyland", toanme a few. Next the grade 3 choir sang "Rudolph", "Twas the Night Before Christmas", "Up on the Housetop". Then we heard from the primary choir under the direction of Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Bolton, sînging two beautiful sangs, "Happy Birthday Jesus" and "Twas the Binthday of a Kinig." There was lots of laughter fromt the audience as grades 4 and 5 performed "Twas the Night Before Christmas." The junior choir sang "Have a Merry Little Christmas", then the grade 6 class performed their own version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" (which was rewritten by Adam Colville and Emily Tufts)". It had Santa ariving in a black limousine wi th 8 noisy reindeer who were named after parts of the car. The grand finale was the singig of "W% Wish You a Merry Christmas" by ahl the classes. Kirby seemns ta be full of talented students which reflects the talent of the teachers who organize this yearly event. The show ended with a clever and funny "rap" performance by the teachers and principal, Mr. Lush. Then, members of the PTA presented Mr. Lush and staff To wn dénies (which included caretaker Mr. Weatherup and. secretary Mrs. Lowery) with gifts and rases ta show appreciation for ail die extra effort these people make (with activities such as Spirit Day, gymnastics and skipping clubs, extra currîcular and intermiral sports, etc.) so that even though most students are bussed in from ahl over the place, the school has a strong feeling of community. This warm feeling permeated- the evening and was reflected in the happy faces of the many parents, grandparents and friends who camne ta see the show. The surprise visit from Santa was a welcome addition ta this year's show. The students will have a happy mnemory of participating i another successful and enjoyable Kirby Concert. closing The General Purpose committee on Monday approved a staff report denying Laidlaw Waste, Systems (Durham) Ltd. a, closing of an unopened road allowance concession 3 'in the area of Laidlaw's present Iandfill site operation., The application for the road closing was made in November of 1990 with the report from public works coming before council members on Monday. The repart states that the unopened road allowance now separates lands that Laidlaw wishes ta develop as a landfill site. It further states that until such time as couincil has dealt with the Laidlaw application for an expansion ta .KENDAL CHIROPRAICT1C Office and Residence Dr. Ernest Schroeder 1B. Sc. Chiropractor R.R. i KENDAL, ONTARIO 1LOA i EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOT MA. COUNSELLING 1Specializing in m ARRIAGE COUNSELLING 'fRtNfT-CHILD and PEýSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario -BO1iMo Appontnients and Inquines 983-9792 S(ILE c& IMAGEÇ c02k$CUq'I7G STUDENT SPECIAL- Jan. &Feb. '91 Colour Analysis 1/2 Price $39.50 Computerized Styles *colour Analysis Wardrobe Planning *colour Coded cosmetics* Skian Care *Seminars *GitCertificates 105 Mary Street WVest Whitby, Ontario Li N 2R4 1-416-430-8686 Kirby School holds annual Christmas concert, Laidlaw road I I NOTICE 0F zCOM PETITION CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 'Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is accep- ting applications for the position of Chief Adminstrative Officer. The Authority is an active resource management organization with established programs in water and land management. The Authority maintains a permanent staff of 9 persons and 5 contract persons augmented by seasonal personnel. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has over 361 square miles of land withîn its jurisdiction. The ad- ministrative office and central workshop are located in the Township of Hope, just north of Port Hope on Highway 28. DUTI ES: As Chief Adminstrative Officer, the successful applicant will be responsible to the Conservation Authority Chair- man and the Full Authority Board of Directors for the overali direction of ail Authority administrative, technical and field operations, and the development and maintenance of an effective program designed to further the conservation, restoration, deveiopment, and manage- ment of the natural resources of the watershed. Qualifications: A degree in a related discipline andlor equivalent ex- perience in the conservation and resource management field, as welI as a demonstrated administrative ex- perience and ability. Excellent communication skills, a high degree of initiative, and knowledge of municipal and provincial organ izations are assets. Salanr:. with experience and other qualifications. Applications with references and salary expectatiOns must be received, in writing, by Fsbruary 1, 1991, clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL" and addressed ta: The Chairman, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority P.0O* Box 328 Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W4 - Our Prices jHave Gone 1 to the Dogs j Startîng Wed., Jan. 9 j get tail-waggin great deals on Pet Food ShurGain Balanced Dog Food 23% Protein - 7% Fat - Palatability Guaranteed ony $ 5 001 for 20 kg. T- Aso... Bird Seed Thompson Bird Seed, 9 kg.-for $585 Sunf lowers for $1 5.50 for 50 Ibs. Cat Foods Dog Foods A Hi nb ro Ok Feed& Farm Supplies Corner H wy. 115 & Clarke 4th Line 983-5791