12-Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, January 9, 1991 Tax-time talk for local business club women January 1978 The Canada Post Office Department has announced new rates on Post Office boxes which are as follows: Type A was $2.WO now $4.00, Type B was $3.00 now $6.00 and Type C was $5.00 now .10.00. These rates are effective February 1lst as boxes becorne due. Mr. Dean West-broke bis collar bone while ski-dooing on Sunday. Reeve Roy A. Foster of Clarke Township was elected Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham on Tuesday by a 34 to 19 vote. Little N.H.L. Jr. A (Atom) Hockey Tournament, Saturday, February 1, Orono Arena. Participating teains Haliburton, Orono, Newcastle,, Minden, Beaverton, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Millbrook. -As of Monday of tiis weekMr H. E. Milîson has taken over the operation of Fred Lycett Insurance under the name of Milîson Insurance Agency. Curvply Wood Products held their Christrnas Party in The Genosha Hotel, Oshawa on Dçcember 28th. Guests, employee s, staff, wives and husbands enjoyed a roast beef dinner, exchanging of gifts and dancing. Notice - Wednesday afternoon skating from 2 to 3 o'clock. Preschool and adults. Jantuary 1979 The winter storm of wet snow and freezing ramn last Wednesday and Thursday lias devastated some portions of the Ganaraska Forest northeast of Orono. Orono Country Jamboree, Sunday, February 4th, 2:00 p.rn. Orono Town Hall. A show for the whole family - Coming Event. On Saturday afternoon the Forum expects to reach out across Canada Quebec writer, Laurier, LaPierre, co-ordinator o f consultation for citizens forum that will be seeking opinions from the general public as to Canadas future, stated i Peterborough last week that they hope to hold from 5000 to 10,000_meetings. The meetings will be held from this point until May. LaPierre was speaking at a training session at Trent University for about 70 discussion leaders from across Canada. The forum was initiated by the Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, after the failure of Meech Lake. The forum held its first meeting in New Brunswick on Monday. On Friday at Trent, Keith Spicer, forum chairman said at least one million Canadians must participate to make the exercise a success, helping to define "the values and themes we want in a countryworth having. Spicer said the forum would be, unlike any commission ever held in Durham Central Agricultural Society held their annual meeting in the basement of the Orono United Churcli. Mr. Harold Ransberry was elected president of the Society, Mr. Aleck Moffat lst vice-president and Don Welsh, 2nd vice-president. Kirby School hosts Skicade a program of the Ontario Ski Council, Skicade will introduce both alpine and cross-country skiing to over 50,000 students in Ontario thià wmnter. Miss Margaret Seenes of Peterborough was visiting her sister Mrs. R. Elliott last weekend. The Big Brother Association of Newcastle is againi running a "Bowl for Millions" campaign the week of February 10 to 17 and is seeking your active support. Mr. Carlos Tamblyn announced this week that senior citizens in the area are welcome to play cards at the Orono Town Hall on a daily basis. The StuttCs OMHA Bantams are to be congratulated for their efforts in winning the Consulation Championship in the Lindsay/Ops tournament held during the Christmas break. Team members" are: Dave King, Steve Graham, Ed ing, Paul King, Steve Wood, Kirk Carr, Scott--Prescott, Denis Prue, Steve Sawyer, Vance Prue, Steve Stec, Bob Zych, Ken Farrow and Jeff Gray. Marilyn Major, Edward Cowling and Sarn Benthamn all having been employed at Curvply Wood Products for ten years were presented with watches last week at a brief ceremony held at the south plant. The Junior Gardeners made over one hundred small decorations which adorned trays at Memnorial Hospital on New Year's Day. Canada because it would hea the, views of al Canadians rather than just lawyers and lobbyists. We want to reach the shy people - the people who would neyer show up to talk to a bunch of comrmissioners in a hotel meeting room,, stated Spicer. Spicer said every Canadian will have access to the report which is expected to be published sometime in July. "To have the emotional and political impact that it must have, the report must look, sound and smell like a citizens report," said Spicer. Fairwinds Antiquies & Collectib.ies Antiques, Memorbilia Collectibles and Gifts from Ures gone by WE BUY and SELL OPEN t Thurs.Sunclay 10 - 5 Mon. to Wed. by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONM!, ONT LOB 1MO (416) 983-9806 Income Tax Urne is approaching fast and the Receiver General beckons for your tax dollars. Do you want to learn about how to take advantage of ta x savings? RRSPs and other tips on keeping more of your hard-earned money will be the topic of this timely presentatiqn by Joan Whyte-Elliott at the Jaxuary dinner meeting of the Bowmanville Business and Profession al Women's Club. Joan Whyte-Elliott is a Financial Consultant. We cordially invite you to join us on Thursday, January 17, 1991, at the Lions Centre on Beech Avenue. Social Hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $15.00. For reservations, please contact Roxy Rames- at 623 -2261 or Helen Devitt at 623-3915 by January 14th. Funding expected for Liaison Group, The Port Hope Community Liaison Group, a committee studying what to do with the town's radioactive waste, is hopeful that interim funding will become available by the end of the year. The Liaison Group sirnilar to the one in the Town of Newcastle is ready to advance to the fourth phase of their study and have support of the Town council to this end. In the Town of Newcastle council bas yet to niake a decision, as to Phase 'Four and at a recent meeting with the Atomic Energy, Control Board outlined a number of conditions that must be met with the Siting Task Force before the Town would consider approval. The Port Hope Phase Three report recommended thaï town proceed in the siting process to fmnd a long-terni solution to Port Hopes low-level radioactive waste. The Phase Four work will involve studies to determine the desirabillity of either consolidating the waste locally or shipping it out to another conuniunity. The federal govemment bas yet to make a decision on any community continuing to Phase Four. Kendal Hall Ne ws The last card party of 1990 was held on Friday, December 2lst, with 6-1/2 tables in play. High scores Wayne Lowery with 84; Cathy Switzer with 79; Art Compton with 78; and Norma Moffat with 75. Hidden score of 59, was a tie Theresa Langstaff and Alec Moffat. The draw was won by Jean Allen. Several teams from Kendal went to Port Hope Legion to take part in a euchre tournament. Brad Switzer and Christine Grills took top, place. On Friday, December 28th, the men held the Arch Degree, one memaber from Kendal 405 and one member from Reaboro, received this degree. Kendal LOL 405 met on Wednesday, January 2nd. The Ladies Lodge will be meeting on Thursday, January 1Oth. On Friday, January 4th the first card party of 1991 was held, wiih 12 tables in play. High scores Brenda Lowery with 84; Gladys Greenwood with 83; Lena Clydsdale with 80; and Catherine Switzer with 78. It really was the ladies night, then a man had to get in tie act and win the draw, Wayne Lowery. Next card party Friday, January 18th. Come on out and have a good time, see you there! -1« ' 'I'Y«IP94, l'%ý