lO-Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, January 23, 1991' An early start in skiing rated o4th in The Ganaraska Wolves Volîcybaîl club was formced ini October of 1990 and at ic presentil tue-t is compcting in tourname.nts bcld tbrougliout the province of' Ontario. The,. team consists of tic, folowig payes:Jeff Casey and Natha Bloofieldfromn obur East Higli Sciool, BnQuinni from Port Hiope Higli Scliool, Mike Sudsbury fomBomnvll igli Scbool and Ea aveJason Hansencýj, Aaron Sta-ples, TiomY Tamnblyn, Daryl Reid, Teo Lomax and Pbilip Platb from Clarke Higli Scliool. The club is vcry fiortuiia, natehavig as -oaclies Lyn Lowery and Dan Kniglit, whom are well respected in Volîcybaîl circles tbrougiout Uiic province. The Wboles have participated in pýrovince two,, tournamients to date. l'le first beîing beld at Georgetown andte second at Scarboro College,. A s a resuil ofthse tournaments we are proud to announce that lie Ontario VolîcybDalilAssociation i as ranked the team f ouirtli in Th province. Weil donc tcamI. The Ganaraska Clulb ias only the m-idgCt team for tlis scason but cxpcects to101 expand their sponsorships to hbave two teans for the 91,92seon The newricl1y îformei cd eCut Civc consists (of DavidS tpie,rsident, Mike Davies, sceaytesrr Mary ellen Lomnax and B3ill Hansen as directors and Brcrt Reid as general maage . Tb team is lookinig forward to our next toumament hri Sudbury on February 9tli as a tune up for the Provincials in Mardi to be hled i Oakville. Bill Bramah's Two and a baif year old Amanda Lee Chatterton, Orono, bere withi lier mother Patti, is certainly getting an early stan hisiig. Thie two were about ready to take to Uic siopes at tbe Kirby Ski Hill on Sunday wben the picture was taken. Anianda is totally outfitted for Uic occasion and with skis that are impossible to, cross. Patti explains that Amranda is no runaway skier beig leasbed to ber mother or father wben she takes off from the top of Uic ski run. -The sport is a family event as can easily bc noted at the Oshawa bilîs witb Uic youngsters buzzing around like pros. Happy skiig Anida. A cross country adventure Tbe activity for cross country only the adventurists were ouIt. skiing at the Ganaraska Forest it is a crazy winter witbi cold Centre was not too crowded on periods, some snow and then a Sunday. Weatber conditions were toucli of spring. sucli that thetrails soon iced up n Valentie Dncerp Saturday, February 9î NORTHEND GARDENS e H ighway 15, North of Kirby Featurîng Se -ts on Bring your sweethearut and enjoy good food and friends - Reserve now by caling 983-6071 after 3:00 p.m. - Ontario Wben 1 was very young 1 started a butterfly collection. As I recali, 1 also began a stamp collection and a coin collection. None of tliem ever amounted to mucli. I guess I just didnt have the knack. John G. Powers did. By the time lie was 13, the National Geographic had done a story about bis butterfly collection, Today lie bas a collection of 20,000 of the beauatiful creatures and is known interniationally as "The Butterfly Man". His cottage-like home in Cambridge bulges with butterfiies. There are species and varieties from ail1 over the world. Among themn is the worlds largest-owlet Poetry fromn area schools Terribly Cool There once was a boy at our school Who thougit lie was tenribl y Cool. He wore fancy jeans, Strode arounid with the teens, But ended up playing the fool. Jessica Rogers Grade 6 Newcastle Public Scliool Animais Crocodiles, deer and dogs, Elephants, lambs and hogs, Kangaroos, cats and mnice, Animais are very nice. Sarah Jackson Grade i Orono Public Sehool l'he Girl Who Loved Bugs fhere onice was a girl wbo loved bugs, ýInd kept them in jars, cups and jugs, ;hoe ticklcd their skins, ;crat ched under their chins, Xnd carefully gave thiem al hutgs! Jessica Rogers Grade 6 Newcastle Public School moth. With a wing span of 12.16~ inches, it's in the Guinness Book of Records. There are bundreds of exotic-looking buttefflies carefully framed and preserved wbicb are set up in thc living room of tic bouse. Most are fro m faraway places, but somne are native to Canada like tbe tiger motb and the tiger swallowtail, neither of wbic ild ever seen before. Ganarasaka Wolves ROKA Firewood Centre ~ DRY HARDWOOD 4'x8'x1 2" - $60.00 4'x8'x16" - $65.00 FREE DELIVERY TO ORONO AREA Ml L.L YARM 705-277-3381 416-434-6665 Af fordable Dream Vacaions! * Free Vacation Planning Services * Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacati6ns * Airline Tickets 6 Honeymoon Packages 6 Hotel and Car Reseryations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents Internation We're with you ail the way Ovr3068 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Ovr30Agencies in North Amnerica 623-6600 Powers, now in bis early 40s, is a former,î teacher and policeman wbo chucked it ail a few years ago to make lis lifelon.g hobby a businesswic lie cails "Flyiýng JewelIs". It's a business that keeps bim flying in ail directions. But that s not ail. Aside fromn the butterfies, Powers aIse lias a massive collection of bugs, There- are go-od bu1gs, badi bugs, giants of the hug wold.The 1unusual, tbe dcadly, even Uic beautifuil whicb, miake up) tavllngeucational show. Iomalyis sponsored by1o: the makersF of the1ý bug spray Raid. As a resuiltof thisenrpi, Powers is knon iisom c irclsa 'The Bugn'il. On top of it i ýL, oer aS another companyv knowvn as 'Creative Powxers".Haigbe blesscd itha ocative immd, John comnes up with ail sorts of advertising and promotional iýdeas, mostly tied i with butterfiies, and bugs. His clients include companties large and small. He bas 16 registered trademarks and bas supplied ideas for 80 products. In bis basement tbere's an assortment of files, specimiens, framed samples, glass jars of al sizes and incoming mail on every bencli, table and desk. As lie shows you around John positively bristles witb vitality, talks with a machine- gun delivery as he reaches down into bis reservoir of ideas that have inimediate appeal. Powers is a versatile entrepreneur wbose every waking moment is taken up witb butterflies, bugs and a mind constantly wbirling around witli - what else? - Creative Powers! MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAIL SERVICE - REASONABtFE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623.4444 Evening and WVeek-end Appointmnents Ava!table Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville