...... ... . . ~ .... ........~..... ....IT'S FAST -IT'S EASY! ONE CALI, ONE, BILL DOES IT ALL. VACATIONS/TRAVEL MIISCELLANEOUS CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWART1HA FREE CAMPING, FISHING, HUNTING Catalog ($6.00 Iqarch 1969 three hours of discussion with littie VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or value) when expired Hunting/Fishing License A delightful touch of spring progress being reported. The Rideau Canal; private state-roome, meals. free (photocopy accepted) sent to S.L.R. MAILORDER, 1385 entered Orono last week when contract negotiations wiîî continue brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, Ellice Ave., Dept. 316, Winnipeg, MB. R3G 3N1. memb-ers of the Orono Horticultural on March 3Oth with provincial K9 H.STEEL BUILDINGS Society decorated the two dispiay mediator, Harvey Little. CAREER TRAINING STEEL BUILDINGS Sale priced - 20x26 $2,427. 25x32 wmndows of the McKenzie store in The Orono Hockey Mothers and FREE career guide to home..study corraspondènce $3,499. 30x32 $4,530. 40x48 $5,467. Others sizes the Orono business section. . Orono Figure Skating Club have Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, available: endwalls anid tax included. Limited amounts Bookkeeping, Business, Cosnietology, Eîectronics, available. 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 792-2704. The family of Mr. and Mrs. had another successftil bazaar. Legal/Medical Secrotary. Psychology. Travel. Granton, Harold Ranisberry, R.R. 2, Qorno, Approximately $950 was raised for (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. FUTUR~E BUILDINGS. Vear end clearance on ai Steel would like to invite friends and the Arena Building Fund. Draws Buildings, Quonsets, and Conventionals. Large neighbours to a dance in honour of were won by the following: Afghan LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario selection for immediate or Spring delivery. Cai Future 1- thirpaens'25h edin -Marion West; Coppercraft School of Auctioneering. Next class: February 9-16, 800-668-8653. thei paents 2Sh. Wddig -199 1. For information, -contact: Southwestern Ontario Anniversary at the Oddfellows Hall Casserole - Cathy Stephens; Cake - School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory Direct - S30x4O $4,749.; in Orono on Saturday, April 5th at Sue Sawyer; Camera - Geri Bailey; N4S 7V9. <519) 537-2115. . 25x28 $2,599. Prices good for delivery before March 31, 8:00 Pmn. and HangiTlg Planter - Gary Cooper. .1991. Limited quantifies. PION EER/ECONOSPAN 1- Last Friday and Saturday the Kinsmen bingo, January 23rd, A REWARDING CAREERI Learn Iricome Tax 800-668-5422. (24 heurs). Saracens Car Club, Orono, 1979, 7:30 p.m., Orono Town Hal Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping. Free Brochures. No condcte a od~ Ca Shw ad hld ver oter uesay.Jacpotobligation. U&R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina BEST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAITWALL type - Conpuceîauo Ca Sh ow aKndîe l $300.00. Tes Jcko Highway, Winnipeg, MB. R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. flot quonset - 32x48 $4.983; 40x64 $8,079; 50x96 Comptitin i theMcKezie $30000.$14,908 - non-expandable ends, other sizes available - Store. There were 30 entries and Bruce MacDonald of Peter's TRAIN TO MANAGE an Apt./Con. complex. The GST included. Paragon -24 Hours -1-800-263-8499. Ken Cowling won the trophy for Pike, Orono, was the winner of the Govemnment Iicenced homestudy certification course conmpetition group; Alan Pears won Ganaraska Loppet held last includes Free Job Placement Assistance. Free PERSONAL the trophy for the Rod group and Saturday ait the Ganaraska Forest' Brochure. Cali 1-800-665-8339 (24 hours). WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached' Jim McGill won the trophy for Centre. Bruce çompleted the 25 HELP WANTED Christanoplep o aage 8. te GObet bP.n. Antique group. kilomneter cross country ski course EXP ERIEN CED PARAMEOICAL EX(AMINERS required Boxm20nioChsio marg. Write AS1E PMO. Miss Sharon AllUn, i a time of 3 hours and 35 minutes. part-time for mobile pre-insurance exams. Venipuncture Peterborough, is spending this week Coming Event - Movie - Walt skiîîs essential, car neccessary. Cali Tammy et Meditest. SERVICES witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Disney's, "Herbie Rides Again," 1-0-65TS $200-$500+ per week now possible. Wo* et home Normn Alin Orno Twn all Saurda, MrchEDIOR ROUIED or wo wekles nd eve a ssembling products. Free information. Self-ad., NormanAllin OronoTown all, Sturda, Marh EDITR REQIRED fr tstampod-enands.vtrl staOMEWOn. KERS.EWOiE6S A 168 72-720thh St. The banquet hall of the Orono 10th, 7 p.m. Admission $1.25 ail special publications. Good compensation. Write New Westminster B.C., V3L 3C5. Oddfellow's Hall has been ages. Publishing Manager, The Record News, P.O. Box 158, completely redecorated this past Jim Major of Main Street South Smiths Falls, Ontario, K7A 4T1 - FOR SALE week luOroo sihte a loc of iveBUSNESSOPPRTU ÎTYJOIN THOUSANDS of salisfied customers. Bu>' wigs at Mr. Ray Dickson, manager of robins Monday morning near his NEED EXTRA CASH? Start your own 10K jeweîry whsae or FRcaogue $39.95 Sho LR by atlouea the Orono Branch of the Canadian home. Just another sign that spring business for as littîe as $50, Easy, fun! Inquire toclay: s6577e.oFREctlueCLTLLEE100 Imperial Bank of Commerce, is on its way. Gold Discover>', 14335 - 47 Ave., Edmonton, T6H 089. ~57 retired lest Friday from the bank. île Orono Jamboree sponsored (403 434-2550. YES 'TERYEAR'S COU NTRY MUJSIC - Those favourite On Wednesday evening of last by the Social Services Department MY CAR IS ON THE PILL. Hot new MLM Gesoîmne oldcVertists anid songs hardîy foufld in zstores anymore. week Mr. Dickson was honoured at of the Town of Newcastle had a Green Beans. Improves MPG. Top Bonuses. No Fr , e catalogue: The Music Barn, 7305 Woodbine, Dept. a dinner and preseritatiôn held at the pac.ked house on Sunday at the inivestment. Top recruiters. Act now. 1-800-755-9023 or 522, Markham, Ontario, L3R 3V7. Flying Dutchman, Bowmanville. Orono Town Hall. Those in (519) 660-4377. YNURSERIES Mr. C. L. Gunter who lias been attendance enjoyed the two hour ADOPTION FREE CATALOGUE in colour. Write Boughen Nurseries, with the Simcoc South Canadian programn of western and country .ARE YOU LOOKING for Adoptive Parents for your Valley' River. Manitoba, ROL 2B0. 3 year shrubs, $7.75. "Itperial Bank Branch in Oshawa miusic. baby? Warm, Ioving family in Thunder Bay, ishes to Fruit trees, $ 14.95. Quaîity and service is aur Motto. for the past seven yeats will be the adopt a second chiîd. Cai collect (807) 345ýrO03. Phone (204) 838-7618. new Orono Brandi manager. OUT 0F TOWN PROPE#TIES FLEA MARKETS CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be SIJNDAY FLEA MARK<ET, Smiths FaIls, 65 Cornelia March 1979 sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Street, East, year round. (613) 283-8448. 150 inside The officiai opening of the J Ob Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F Ottawa, K2C !JI. staîls. Dealers welcome. Lowest prices, best selection in ____________________________________ the valley. OooAeaadCommunity Prînting INSTRUCTION Centre will take place at 7:30 p.m. 'JHOW TO PLAY POPULAI3 PIANO. New home study CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET and Antiques. 10,000 on April 14th. at the course. Fast, easy medtiod. Guaranteed! FREE square feet of col[ectibles. Open Sundays. Vendors or The Boston Bean Bake held in ,- g.information. Write: Popular Music, Studio 77, 3284 viewers. Cali (613) 752-2468. Calabogie enroute to Orono proved not only to be. ,Orono Timiès Boucherie Roed, Kelawna, B.C., VlZ 2H2. Calabogie- Peaks. successful but also was~ successful . .983-5301 lu roviclinga toalun$d. fr i Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or riglit across Canada, Negotiations broke off Iast week or any indîvidual province. Space is Lirniited, so Cai Tis Newspaper Today! between the Board of Education rn WekyTms9350 and the Secondary teachers afterOrn W etyT ns98 53 - MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICE ESTATES, CONS IGNMVENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTrCIES, FARMS krsya oe SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR AT OURS STORAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE I Cali for a FREE Confidential Con3ultation Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 BEAT THE RECESSION . el, BUY YOUR WAY OUT! This Main St. Orono Women's Fashion and Accessary Shoppe is weJi-established and Are you thinkr1cl of buying, seling or are n ee ofweII-known. Be your own boss! Asking Real Estate ar vice9