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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1991, p. 2

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Caught up inl a trend Not the last provincial election but in the previous election when the liberals almost made a clean sweep of the provin ce one of the planks in their election platform was to equip ail scbools in the province witb computers. Although Peterson, during the last election campaign, was knocked-about over brokenpromises it may flot have been the case as far, as his platform to equip al schools witb computers. A recent visit to mhe Orono Public School revealed a bank of computers, at least fourteen in total to our count. They were installed during mhe latter part of the last term. Certainly they were being used with a student infront of every keyboard along with assistance froin a volunteer or a teacher. But with this installation mhe school library hias been pushed to the south side of the open space and to us had become inconspicuous. At one time it was front and centre in the room and did have sornewhat of a homey atmosphere. It was apparent that we can flnd money for comnputers but mhe case bas always been that funding for library books was always on the short side. If it was a matter of funids for time and computers over that for books we would take the books, especially for public school children. We would question the use of computers as being too early as an educational tool at the public school level. It is interesting that in Japan students at this level of mheir education are flot subject to such equipinent. Japan does have an fixation for their educational system, a system that has possibly played a big part in their rise as a trading nation being on the cutting edge of new development. The output of a computer dispels no more than the input by the operator. A computer witb bookkeeping software does flot a bookkeeper make without a sound knowledge of bookkeeping. It's al a matter of what cornes first - knowledge or the tools you wil use to dispense that knowledge. The Shoppers Wil1 Decide? Althougb Premier Bob Rae has stated mhat new legisîntion will rule out Sunday shopping across the province the decision rnay be made before sncb legislation cornes to pass. Frorn recent events at mhe Oshawa Shopping Centre and in other centres the popularity of shopping on Sunday is dwindling. 0f course the recession rnay have something to do with this and wben better tirnes corne to pass the downturn rnay turn aronnd on Sundays. However for the present time such asEatons and Loblaws have closed ont Sunday shopping at the mall but mhere is an indication it could return in the faiT. Omhers are expected to follow the course set by Entons. It's ail a matter of dollars and cents and if the dollars are flot there on Snnday closings wil continue to take place. We wouldn't relish Rae's job in creating legislation or just wbere he right consider dumping the responsibility for regulating and enforcing such legislation. It's a no-win situation. The former legisiation was a farce wimh municipalities and the province both baving sonie interest in mhe act. We wil just have to wait and sec wbat takes place. Everytbing bas seemeýd quiet since the courts opened up Sunday shopping with their interpretation of the law. Certainiy it bas not been front page news over, the past six months but then how could anytbing peneirate the Meech Lake story , mhe Oka event, the bandling of the federal govemrment and now the Persian Gulf war. There is no doubt that computers wiii play a big part in everyonies' life one way or another but computers before knowledge, at public school, is trendy. Former Orono boy in Qatar Lomna Atkins dropped into the office on Tuesday informing us that a former Orono boy, Arnold Tate, son of Arnold and Jean Tate, who lived on Main Street south, is an airpilot with the R.C.A.F. stationed at Qatar being involved in the Persian Gulf war. Arnold, who was stationed in Germany, was sent to Qatar on December 4th. Arnold's wife, Lisa, works in Gennany and bas told Karen Martin, who does keep in touch, that security even in Gerniany is frightening. We wish Arnold well and a safe retua. Bequest received St. Saviour's Anglican Church reports that it bas received a bcquest of $5,000.00 froin the Estate of the late Alima Cuttehl, who was a legal seectary for Kay Lycett and also for Ruddock Waddell for a great number of years. 0f recent years she had been living in Bowmanville. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS 'Me Orono Town Hall euchre resuits for Wednesday, January 16 with 12-1/2 tables in play were: High scores George Mercer with 84; Carl Todd with 83; Charlie Finnie, Hilda Caswell and Tomi Wilson each with 78. Low score Aif Piggott. Draw winners were Terry McDonald; Marg Todd; Marg Linton; Grace Coathain and Ed Couroux. Enebre is held every Wednesday night at 8:00 pin. Ladies please bring lunch. What craý.Y weather we are having, last Sinday and Saturday there were extral large crowds at the ski bill, this ieeekend the parking lot seemed a1nmost empty. The snow is disappearlflg, there is water laying on top of the ponds, now they are forecastirîg extreme cold in the next few dAys. No wonder there is s5o much flu around, one doesn't know just wbai, to wear when going out of the house. Sunday started out clear and breezy, until noon then it became cloudy, windy and much coîder. There was a good turnout at Church and once again a full choir. Following the call to Worship, the choir sang the hymn, "Do You Know My Jesus". The childreti's hymu was "Jesus Friend of Little Chlldren". For the ch ildren's story. Rev. Ransom brought out a radio and told them what it does, he asked themn if they knew how the sound came out, he then told themn how the sound waves pass from the studio to the radio. The radio must be plugged in, turned on, and tuned in to the right frequency for proper reception or we will get static and poor reception. We would not be able to hear the message properly and might not get thle true message. He asked thena, 'how does God speak to us, how do We get on the right frequency?" He told thiem that when Kendal Hayll Ne ws by P. Lowery On Thursday, January lOth, the Ladies of Kendal Hilîs L.O.B.A. 1420 met at the hall. This was the first meeting with the new officers in their respective office. R. W. Bro. Wayne Lowery, who is a member of Tyrone Ladies L.O.B.A. was present as a visitor, and on behaîf of the Kendal Lodge presented, Sis. Phyllis Lowery, with her Past Mistress pin, this is the first timne a Past Mistress pin bas been given out, by this Lodge. Ail the former Mistresses were already Past Mistresses of other Lodges before they held the office of Mistress of the Kendal Lodge. I amn very proud to have this honour. Plans are underway for the annual bowling party, when the Men of Kendal L.O.L. 405 will once again try to out bowl the Ladies of Kendal His L.O.B.A. More news about this event later. On Friday, January l8th, there were 12 tables in play at the euchre, high score Lavina Downes, 82; 2nd bigb Debbie Green, 81; 3rd high Alec Moffat, 79; and 4tb high John Lowery, 78. Draw was won by Wanda MeNeil. Next card party Friday, February lst. See you tbere. Museum expuansion (Continued froin page i) would like to see the expansion go ahead. Couac. Stapleton spoke of a suggestion that the board try a "good old fashioned barn raising for the expansion" to house the agricuitural collection held by the Museum Board. The Clarke Museum Reserve Fund balance at December 31, 1990 is at approxiamately $67,000. tbey are tempted to do the wrong thing, God speaks to tbem and heîps themn to make the right cboice, also He speaks to themn through mhe Seriptures. After the Prayer of Confession, Psalm 63:1-8 was read. Rev. Ransoin read from 1 Samuel 3:1-10; 1 Corinthians 6:12- 20 and John 1:35-42. Rev. Ransom based bis Sermon on "Tuned in to the righit frequency." He talked about how al tbe air frequencies have been overloaded with the news of the war, we must be tuned in to the rigbt frequency or we may misinterpret what we bear. Samuel was not tuned in properly, the words of God was rare in those days. The Israelites bad sinned and felt God was not speaking to them. Samuels mother had dedicated hlm to God, at 12 years Samuel was spoken to by God, be did not hear bim properly, but Eli recognized God was calling Samuel and told bim to answer and say. "I hear God'. Eli did not realize God was speaking to both of themn so Ehi did not respond. Are we on the same frequency as God so we can bear Hlm. Some times our diah slips and we lose the frequency and do not bear or understand properly. We, bave the choice to, bear God, properly, or shut him off. Communion was served and the Service was closed witb die singing of 'Oood Christian Men Rejoice." The children were alI invited to the home of Don and Debbie Peddar, for a sleigh riding party. If you have not retumed mhe slips given oui, for you to enter the naines of someone you would like to see recognizeti, for their work i the Churcb, please contact Dora Youngman this week, with the naines and a history of mhe person's work, at present they are recognizing those of mhe past, but next year are planning to recognize the present people who are still giving of their time and support. Last year was the first year this was done and is a nice way to show our appreciation and also to let the younger generations know, a hitle about the ontes who were the, supporters of mhe Church. The men and women who worked hard and gave of their time and money to, keep our Church active in the' community. So often we are so busy with the presenit and our own generation that these very importn people are totaly forgotten. Professor -- "Can you tell me anytbing about the great chemists of the l7th century?" *Student -- "They are ail dead, St. savour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO * PASTORAL CH[ARGE Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5208 ~ Marlene Rsebrough, Secretary Sunday, january 27th Kirby United Church Moming Worship at 9:30 amn. Sunday School at 9:30 &rn. Orono United Church Morning Worship at il a.m. Sunday School at 1l a.m. Sunday, February 3rd Communion Strvice Kirby United Church 9:30 a&m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Annual Meeting Thursday, February 7th 6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Supper 7:30 p.m. Annual Meeting i 111 â . ai mig i tI4A Mme,_-_

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