Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, Jaiauary 23,1991.3 One Year OlId by Gord Mils This past wcek my schedule bas retumned to normal once again. On Monday, Uic Alcohol and Drug Task Group, initiated by the Solicitor General, met and detcrmined their tour schedule. Visits t0 ten large centres in Ontario are planned for February with two open dates in April. The nearest meeting location for Durhamn East wiil be in Toronto. I addition to the public meetings interested citizens or groups will be able to make written Courtney Ann Lord, daughîer of Larry and Debbie Lord, (nec Colvin) sister of Christopher and Tyler. The happy grandparents are Marvin and Betty Colvin of The Sparrows are back This year wc had thought that the HQusc Sparrow liad left us for good. For Uic past couple of years Uiey just have not been around thc bird feeder ai home. This is unusual for îhey have been flitting around for as many years as we have had a feeder, of course, wilh the exception of Uic past two years. I fact one year a small flock of some ten to twelve birds spent Uic niglits in a cave-like cavem under the front bushes which had been covercd with snow. This snow cavem had provided thc sparrows with a night protection from the cold and chilling wmnds. Aithougli the birds have hlot returned to Uic home feeder they have turned up back of Uic office where we established another feeder. Just last week we counted some over fifty ai Uic feeder and perchedintheUiclcave-stripped trees. It was good to sec they are silîl around. For some unlmown reason we do seem to have an affection for these House Sparrows. They represent a community - a family unit always flitting around i a flock swcoping from one area 10 another. A homey group wc would say. They are not loud and boisterous but their chitter does remind us of undertones one hears in a crowded audience. Nothing really distinct but just a friendly and communicating sound. It also takes us back in lime when we only knew sparrows, robins, crows and possible one or two other birds. Alil the other species werc just birds, a silhouette flying above or pcrched in trees. I going back in time it places us "-in the barnyard of the Goggans sniall farm and Uic Dobb's dairy farm, boili locatcd nexl door in Beeton. Yes Uic sparrows would be there too. The House sparrow in North Orono, Ontario and Cleveland and Shirley Lord of Deer Island, N.B. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Colvin and Mrs. U. M. Bullock ail of Oshawa, Ontario. America dates back to 1850 and its introduction from England and Germany to Uie mid eastern states of the U.S. Since that lime they have spread out across ail of North America and stili are expanding int the north. Glad to see they are stili in Orono and glad to have Uiemn back. A great show of Christmas ighting Sunday moming travelling north out of Orono we saw Mel Hartwig packing up their christmas lights from the front yard. The christmas ighting decorations at the Hartwigs and McCulloughs this past Christmas season was a great show, certainly one of the best in the area even taking into accouint the show that lias existed norUi of Bowmanville for the past couple of years. And as well the lighting for Christmas i the Orono Estates was outstanding. Well done by those who participated. Murphy: An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup. The Unspeakable Law: As soon as you mention something; If it is good, it goes away; If it is bad, it happens. Anthony's Law of Force: Don't forget it, get a bigger hammer. Herbert Hoover: Blessed are the young, for they shail inheu it Uic national debt. Matz's Warning: Beware of the physician who is great at getting out of trouble. submaissions to Uie task force. I look forward 10 hearing Uic public's response 10 this important issue, and compiling the subsequent recommendations. On Tuesday Uic Greater Toronto area MPP's met 10 discuss the OTA Urban Structure Concepts Study. The Uree urban structure concepts which were studies were, a status quo concept, representing a continuation of existing trends; a concept in which substantial additional population .growth/intensification occurs. Just Plain George I 1939, on a warship patrolling off the Norwegian coast, I first heard those solemun words, "This County is now at war." Last week, in a different country, I heard Uiem again. Once again we witnessed a madmnan trying to turn bis warped ambitions into power and domination, and so history lias turned Uie full cycle, which changes the beauty of peace, to Uie madness of deaUi and destruction. For What? Nobody ever really wins a war, 100 many innocent people perish 10 satisfy thc insane dream-s of a "maniac"! And so it bas been since time began. 1 wish I could be my usual "flippant" self, but I sec no humour in thc monstrous "idiocy' that we face today. I 1914 il was, (presumably) Uie Kaiser, in 1939 il was Hitler and now i 1991 we are burdened with Saddam Hussein. Like most wars il bas started i one area (in this case, Uic Middle East) I know the area slightly, having seen action in what is now Israci, in 1948 but il has already started to spread - where will Uie tentacles of this monster reacli out 10 next? I wish our troops well, and in a way 1 envy Uiem, but I have had my day, Uic years are catching up to a body that is reluctant to admit defeat, but unable to keep pace with (I hope) a stili alert mind. And so from the heat of the desert, (Happy memories) I switch 10 cold and snowy Canada, where we can watcb (on TV) everyday our remarkablc politicians, not t0 mention the "special guest" speakers who apparently not only know Uic complue army and air force strategy, but what is going to0 happen where ils going 10 happen, and wby!!! Those talents would be useful in Uic war zone!!! But for the--~ of us mere mortals, we arc finaliy getting Uic snow that Uic ski buffs hýave been praying for. Not tco mucli (yet) but enough t0 keep my snow blower i action fairly frequently. Lynne says Uic exercise is good for me. "That" is debatable. I can Uink of many Uings Uiat arc good for me, - but that's another story. Did you notice recently that our top politicians in Uic "bouse" voted themsclvcs (naturally) a raise ini Salary of several Uiousands dollars? Thcy also votcd something for us toc, it's called Uic G.S.T. Have you made ils acquaitance yet ladies? It was Lynne's birthday last Saîurday, and 1 had thouglit of taking ber out 10 dinner, but realized 1 would have 10 sel Uic car to pay for il. As it was 1 had t0 forego my usual case of beer 10 buy lier bir thday cards!!! The Americans dlaim their country as being Uic "Land of Uic, Free' - step over Uic border buddy and you won't fmnd anything frce i Canada. Isu even getting scared 10 take a deep brcath in case somebody wants me 10 pay for il. Wcll good friends and neiglibours, you ail know F'm only kidding (or arn l?) s0 for Uic thne being keep fit, have fun, and don't believe cverything you hear (espccially from me). Wintcr wdll! Just George wvithin the central built up parts of the GTA. with further intensification of commercial growth; and an intermediate concept in which the broad distribution of people and jobs is more similar to the status quo concept, but in which growth occurs primarily in and around cxisting communities. My initial study of tie report indicates continued urban spread is not the best way to accommodate the projected 2 million increase in the population of thc GTA. On Wednesday and Thursday,I1 joined with a number of MPP's from ridings with large rural populations, at a conference in Bolton. The debate over Uic two days was wide ranging, and ail present rccognized the necd to establish a fair pricing system for farm products. Wc ail agreed that interest rates for farmers must bc lowered. During our discussion 1 was able to raise thc issue of fair funding for farm tomnado victims.' The present systema of addressing aid to farmers suffering losses through tornadoes must be reviewcd. Damage sustained by farmers through these circumstanccs must be addressed on an mndividual basis rather tda collectivcly. Hopefully, I will be able to introduce a resolution at a later date. The Minister of Agriculture, who was present for ail of the discussions, emphasized the role of the family farm in thc production of food in Ontario. Like Uic minister, 1 feel we must encourage family farming through fair prices and lower interest rates. So - until next week - please bc kind to each other. i BYAMS Ruibig Hoeatk=icrpmd Sales and Service 24 Hour Bumer Service Gulf Financing Low lnterest Rates 263-2650 1991-1992 Bri*des!! Don't know where to start? Corne to our Sunday, February 3rd, 1991 1 to 4 p.m. See our new expanded premises and choose your gown i n a veiy private setting Hours: Monday - Thursday 10 - 6 Frlday 10 -7 Saturday 10 -5 Evening or Sunday appointments available for gown selection 116 Ring Street West (At Scugog Street) (The Vanstone Mill) Bowmanville 623 -0351