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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1991, p. 9

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May 1969 A decision bas been made by die Orono Park Board to close the park after the evening activities and not open saine until the following momning. Dr. D. de F * Macintosh, Director of the Sehool of Physical and Health Education at Queen's University has announced that Terrence E. Graham of Orono, will be awarded the Gold Medal in Physical and Health Education. The Orono Chamber of Commerce Fireworks display held on Monday evening at the Orono Fairgrounds was well attended. Gate receipts totalled $156.48. Miss Sheila Slater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Siater, of RR. 1, Orono, is a 1969 graduate of the Animal Health Technicians Course at Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technoloày, Ridgetown, Ontario. Clarke High invites you-to their Fashion Show '69 at 7:30 Wednesday, May 2lst, held in the Clarke H. S. Auditorium. A large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the first 'Spring Fair" sponsored by the Orono United Church Women. Up and Down the Book Stacks - sonie new books in at the library for Juveniles - Gunnar Scores a Goal The Fantastic Cactus and Hurricanes and Twisters. May 1979 Orono Amateur Athletic Association Dance, June 9th, Orono Mrena, 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Lunch andi refreshments, $6.00 per couple. Mr. and -Mrs. Alecek Moffat of Orono celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniv.ers'ary Saturday f, 'ning in the Newcastle ýýnunity Hall with 200 of their friends and relatives. Last week during an muner school gymnastics competition between Lockhart andi Orono Public Schools, these students won medals; Kevin Mumford, Wayne Atkins, David Bailey, Loretta Derriet, Catherine Mudd and Jennifer Clarke. Coming Event - -Orono Horticultural Society, Spring Flower Show and Plant Sale, May 24, 8p.m. The Circus came to Orono Thursday night with two shows. The- event was sponsoreti by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club. The Blitz Campaign for funds for the new Orono Community Centre and Arena Complex raiseti some $5,000 on Saturday. This still leaves somne $75,000 to be raiseti locally for the project witii a time lirait of October 1980 to raise the additional funds. Roller skating starting Tuesday, May lSth andi will be held every Tuesday from 7 -9 pin. and Friday 7:30 te 9:30 pin. Admission $.75; Skates $375. A retirement banquet held last Friday evening at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant honoured Mr. Albert Mitchell who has served with the Ministry of Natural Resources at the Orono Tree Nursery for a perioti of thirty-eight years. Mr. George Carson was presented with a Certificate of Menit on Friday evening lu recognition of bis untiring efforts in promoting the Durham Central Agricultural Fair held annually in Orono. Mr. Ron Reed of Orono was elected president of the ýOrono Chaniber of Commerce last week with Sue Sawyer, vice president, Mrs. Pat Mercer, secretary and Mr. Paul Kelsey, treasurer. Clarke andi Newcastle- Memorial Libraries will close on Saturdays, at 1 p.m. through July and August. Bowmanville library will remain open on Saturdays until 5 p.m., Kendal Womens Institute Penny Sale at Kendal School, Saturday, May 5th. Doors open at 2 p.m., bake sale at 2 pin., draw to be held at 8 p.m. Admission $.50, refreshments. Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West This week we are going to look t and talk about our tongue. Sounds exciting doesn't it, well maybe it doesn't but it is. If we would only realize how important the tongue is n our life we would be a lot more careful in how we bandie it. In Job 5:21 Eliphaz is reproving Job and he is tellîng hlm that God will hide him (Job) from the scourge of the tongue. That seems like a strange thing to say but bave you ever stopped to thînk how what we say affects other people. Scourge - A cause of great or widespread affiction and destruc- tion. (Websters) Gossiping is a scourge it causes people to suffer afflication andi destruction. Sometimes it takes years to overcome somne olti gossip- ing persons tales some neyer get over it. Gossiping bas its affects also in that it causes the one being &~ .ped about to become bitter against is accusers. We it- terness sets in so does all kintis of sickness. Psalm 34:13 says to keep our tongue from evil andi our tongite from speaking guile. (tr~ ry, craftiness) treachery an act'bý ,etrayaI. I Peter 3:10 tells us that "if we ,love life and gooti days, let us refrain (keep) our tongue trom evil,, and our lips to speak no guile." Psalm 39:1 says "to take heed flot to sin with our tongue, that we should britile our mouth." Proverbs 10:31 "The mouth of the just shaîl bring forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shaîl bcecut out" (froward - obstinate). James 3:8 "says the tongue no man can tamne, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison." Our words can bc poison if we don't use wisdom, not only against others but ýourselves. Proverbs 8:35: For whose findetb me (wisdom) findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord." Deuteronomy 30:15 "See I (God) have set before thee thîs day lîfe and gooti, death' andi evil." God bas already given us what we want bilt we bave to agree with Hisword. Il you want life andi gooti agree with God, if you want tieath and evil you can have that too. >Proverbs 18:21 4 Deatb anti life are in the power of the tongue, and- they that love it shail eat the fruit thereof." t's our tongue that gets us into Fr~ A The% An Invitation from the Volunteer Co-ordinators The Volunteer Co-ordinators extend an-invitation to interested parties to join the association which holds monthly meetings at the Northview Community Centre, 150 Beatrice St. in Oshawa. The next meeting is being held on FebruarY l4th at 12:15 p.m. Further information 576-3261. Unemployment tracks down overpayments Inves tigators have tracked down $384,000 in overpayments of unemployment insurance over a three month period in Durham Region. It is pointed out that this is not any higher dmia those found in other, areas of the country. Stewart MP would direct money to foreign aid Christine Stewart, M.P. for Northumberland County suggests that the $90 million a month spent on Canadas war effort could be better spent on foreign aid. A portion of the money, she states, being spent on foreign aid could save 12 million people from starvmng in the Hom of Mfrica. Stewart recently toured Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya with other MPs from Ottawa. Steve Nimigon heads CAW Local 222 Steve Nimigon bas been re- elected head of the CAW, Local 222 representing auto workers at the Oshawa GM plant. Don't eall 911 as to this point Corne May lst the Region of Durham expects to have its emergency telephone cail number 911 installed and in operation. It is stated that the promotion is on schedule at this time. The 9 11 number will be used for, police, ambulance and the fire, departments throughout the Region with a few exceptions. Ganaraska raises- perdiemn to $40 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority on a motion by Diane Hamre bas raised the per- diemt pay for members from $30 to $40 a meeting. It was stated that this is the first increase in the per diem for the past number of years. The chainnan is now to receive an annual remuneration of $1,000.00. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 6, 1991-9 composters wMl be availaFlé. 'BTo- bins are costing the Township $42.64 while the soul savers are costing $41.69, R e ... Agree to more planning gion owerpower to County Hope Township is agreeing to a Composter being sold plan in which more power will be in Hope Township held by the County in the planning Hope Township is purchasing process. The county official plan 200 ompstes t be oldto eir would cover settlement patterns, residenpts incin with Eatheay, economni c development, tourismn, rilet beinst.ihEat Dy transportation planning and the Two different types Of evrnet CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADIAN $10060. TItr e oar. pond 3,5.0Of7 o6t obad t ,atrplîca teOntehîpe oroîinoxit ae rvI en iitn ototooti.ec10 or anous l,1000 Islande moognîtîxent fjords and the Iterrnatronai Sxawayp od l1006e Experin e a ohole-ethng ialite xerp 501 0$50l 2 0,0D ilaa brochure 1t060-267 7868 1111r00. ART ISANS & CRAPTIPEOPLE Celi ta 11o ed oa sa. 'Ju'ne 1-991. xut- 1h Iftowa. T,'hea uOnOiOFrînga (TItoatralFesixal -CMlt(113) 692 0720(4D73 VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CROISES: 0eoe o0abrd KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on soanto T 0t-Eaor raono l6400Cnl rat store roome. mois.1r40bIl- oa.Wrie Coptîn Mr. Box t 4.PeeSroO.6J 7HZ ATTENTION SNOWMOILERS.Yas, ose neSNOWiI Vieil ha Parry Sound Areaovenor 800 - e.Of gRroamed traite -,ernoein.dmgCatI Snxol xoina ,1 I00 461-121Ir (7051746 4213. JOLLY IROGER WIN 4Sta sr t onSe0,InTrit 610Il ou ndor p _l. ron. 6mrryx îcnn îîoroxr-însd STAR LAKE 00006 & CO LAGES ."ru" nt op iloie FLEA MARKETS SONýDAY FLEA MAR6ET. nttE Pl OOS a6xtîaStînel EaL1pourrund 6)3 3 640 5 0 neio sal elr CALABOOGIE FLUA MACTidAtqo 1.0 quale Of xolatbie pn unae Vendre or -v-ae.Cl16131 702 2460 Caiobxoîa enrole11 Claagr Paks CAREER TRAINING FRIE cameer 004e 1,Lx hmtudy orepndneDptonta Travei. GranA 1612n3 Adlaî 1 0 1, 83,t0695c 1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERINO01G eSnllsxetrnOnar olto Of AuctinorinO NaxI clase Februarp9 16, 109A1 For uaiani, ReS, . Wadtask, 0Ontora.N4S 7%912 519) 5372r. TRA IN fTO MANAGE an AptJ/Corotye. la ernal tîcened hntoxudp ertîî 11-on Ilrsnildes F00.10 Plcmn e tneF-ne Bochue.Cull1 oOA L55M3394l124 PARN VOUR CERTIFILCATE' Lorn In-n-eT,,PeurLno Basic BOiokkaaping Fr-abroharesNo ai6oînUSR To f -000665-5144 - HELP WANTED TWO PERSON COOKINO TELAM 1reqaîrad Poan Oxr-1 xaai cruse ehip; Il- abaard May t t.abor 3 crexida1y.32 Pro..suHone coeOhing nu Cou 1(751 74 3666. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE inpory ane.No eopaneive cabie coie <019) 366-2249 fot fr0 totalo package orvnrie Centeixo.Box JO 100.Corgîli. Ontario, 500 110. F061(5191366-2634. FIBERGLASS - WINDOW 0F THE 90e .Canadien mode. A breoklrugh ixntndovw eohnlegp PExlusive erritorroa Dxl n on lmis oopandî ng bueineee xpp.rlunity.Minimal finacînent (416) 696-f1600 e00. te. MIA O PERATIONforleosa.1RenPaSr-n1, mte.gas bal, cneercsrrbal shop. w-ib lvig Accmnlodalions. phone (5131 267 2268 OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWNLANO loîîb iî nad Onta opropanîx lobe sad for unpad txe.ForîxomOî rte prope 1e,, Dapt. CN, Box ADOPTION ADOPTI'ON- PRýEGNANýtT? Chlîsocouplad ertî sa ta aopt o aby Chrîd 1,11 hav souestable Iaxînig hanta. 1539 ar 415567 9774 enytn-. BUSINESS PERSONALS CRISIS MDLE EAST 26o36 101 lot soal trop. 6xy datas. plaos oynt. OatxtiS.chnralxID le ata Uniue 1.Dald DrI~~~~~~~~ frId Oresîldo onay L65169 2424 WIANTED TO BUY PAYtNOG CASH FOR JUNK I ' " 'adis Up lx $400. 12(0 Tay Uptjo $1000 Ro(461639t 6606 INSTRUCTION i0Wi TO PLAY PO PuLAR IP 1AINO Nosah.-t stdy cus Fas. esy elhd Garatooi PE namtr.Wxe PoplarMasc.SraiO 2,2 Rocbatia Rod. Keroeno.B C. 017 21-2 COMPUTERS accptdlCalMTochnlagns 1(11139-300 x.aokday. 95. GARDENING NORTI46N FRUIT TOES. DirlaeSrb.Pnrrnx Seodîroos , NlTroax and Raralaa uaanae dlîer Reasonoble prxas Mail Ordor only Cataia- St. Col-exRogIr Trea Farr, Box 30, Malbank, .Lnt 66K2LO PERSONAL 1)U.D OU [IKE ta ,rrapxd ,xx -,lattah ,,C!r,,,n arrag ria SHOROVE. PO B- 200. cl-asBcOC 00 THWO OIGINAL tNEW TESTAMENT CHIUII, xxlrh enxy daîfly apîîrol îIlf, ship vil, Chrit. x 060 Iaîno harmxn tagoher, -nP! l raa wrship ,.:SSIIxsî rday Ploaxo ail1 800 665 3ý612 STEEL BUILDINGS A- ZFR E NG 2OUIL)OGNOS NC om ypas oellaod zuaspr cIadding Forr, vla cîeAasxr al 16)1 626179ý4 al-ar6p, sxlxneFr6 boatua 1-ü sy STEEL FBUILDINGS SaI,,ptixd- 20,26, 2.427 25,,32 93.499. 3003 20,653 0,0,48 $5,467 00100 i -, osebl.0 ad-xll. an,,d -aoîocudo L na a-ont aaîobo 6c63368a 1416) 7-2 3,1 1991 FAiRM 6OUIPM ENPT SHOW. SPacIal artaIlMdal.1 9. S30>40 -1 0 11'd-or$4.693. Oaxnset 30a4' 64,569 S-x 1,0. 20Vti101W.CilFItl- 1t 000'u86663. STEEL BUILDINýG SURPLUS In-n-, yPi- f-Int$2,55(0 a square foot Ray ,non. teke de.l 5 wtîn6monSaet f0etra cosI pIONE RJiECONmOSPAr t 60.666 5422.1(24 hourS) BEST DOUiILINO PRICPS STEEL STRAITWALL type -tfar quonset- 32x48 $4983; 40X64 $0.079. 50a96 $14.908 - non eopand.aia nde 1szesa-aaiaoie -DOST lnded. Parao.n . 24 Hxaîs - 1 80-238499. Vour adl could appear in CommunitY newspapers in ontarlo, or right across Canlada, or any Individual province. Space is Limited, so Cali Ths Newspaper Today.l Drono Weekly Times 983-5301 Sa trouble, its unruly and always wants its own way. James says no man can tame it, we cannot tame our tongue the only one who can is Jesus. When we ask Jesus into our lives its then that we start getting control over our tongue. It is not an over night victory either, we have got to be determined to STOP and think about what we say. You can be well or sick, finan- cially secure or broke, tiepresseti or happy. Its ail in tbe power of the tongue. Start watchîng wbat you are confessing anti then you'Il see what you are getting. Bible Stutiy Tuesday 7:30 p.m. 983-5962 Questions or comments Box 179 Orono Total Christian Television Chan- nel 49 Buffalo. Cal me to buy or sli .. Orono and areasa mal estote rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 REMAX CORNERSIONE Tel: 623-6000 s.., Just North of Orono lAcro Ail Brick 1- o.o..o..iOOo.a0.0~ae .î

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