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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1991, p. 2

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Will It Make A Différence?.. This week a report on the Municipal Housing Statement Study was included ini the council agenda at the Town of Newcastle. The study resulted from a Provincial Policy Statement to undertake an analysis of the local housing market and to develop a housing strategy to meet local needs. 1Although this report is the first, a numnber are to foliow ending witb a request for public input. We also beieve tbat it -is targeted to develop more affordable housing on the market and to make better use of land which is becoming , if not a scarce commodity, a most costly commodiîy. According to the report sorne 1251 survey formns were distributed of which 474 were returned. 0f the 474 120 respondents indicated an interest in non-profit housing. Furtber to this the -overail survey results indicate a need in Newcastle for 259 non-profit housing units of which 75 would be rent-geared-to-income and 184 at market rent. It is pointed out that tbis figure is more than likely low, as many needing affordable housing, are just not reached through sucb a survey as conducted. Non-profit or Co-op housing bas not gained full council support in the past, nor great support from tbe community. It is as if there is a stigma attached, devaluation of property, increased traffic, school over-crowding and sometimes "we don't want that type of housing in our area". It was even suggested on one occasion that it bc taken out into the country. Council on at least one case recently reneged on making a ,decision of either yes or no, and as a result it will be the Ontario Municipal Board that makes the final decision. In this case only Couac. Hamnre was upfront with support. Now that a need in Newcastle has been noted will council take a more passionate and decisive stand to back and even promote Non-Profit and Co-op housing. Were there any surprises? If one was to ask if there were any surprises as to tbe announcemnent of late by Premier Robert Bourassa as to his parties stand on a new make-up of Canada - we would say not. The content ,of the announcement is really quite familiar - a desire for a sovereignist state within a federalist framework,. "Let's bave Our cake and eat it too." No matter how hard our Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney wishes to batter English speaking Canada witb a stick over the loss of Meech Lake it was then and is now apparent tbat Meecb Lakle was only the beginning. But surely wbat Bourassa desires is in some incidents already a matter of fact in the relationship of Quebec witb Canada. Wh at is on the table bas been hidden and flot too well at that under the table. It is a matter of making it legal. It is trne for Canadians of all stripes to now speak up and the avenue to do so is open. Tbe Spicer commission is responsive to cails and it only a matter of you expressing yourself by calling ,1- 800-66-Forum Regional Officiai, Plan' (Contmnued from page 1) Planning Comiîîee Chairper- son Marie Hubbard said that the Officiai Plan provides a vision bo guide long-termn growthi and developmrent within the Region with emphasis on the mnanagement growîh, protection of thie environ- ment, provision of adequate hous- ing and crealion of job oppor- lunilies.Sh indicated that she is delighîed that the document is now in front of the Planning Comiîîtee and making recommendations in due course îo Regional Council. Planning Committee Vice- Chairman Irv Harrell indicaîed that the officiai plan process is evloving i an appropriate manner, and the next sîep is for the Committee 10 finalize steps for the consideration of the plan. He said that hie is op- timistic that the commiltee will reach ils objective of making recommendations t10 Regional Council on the Officiai plan. He urges the public 10 parlicîpale in thie process and 10 contact staff of the Regional Planning Deparîienit if they wish 10 address the Commit- tee. The staff recommended pla iîs the resuli of an extensive public par- ticipation process which was under- taken as part of the review of the Durham Regional OfficiaI P lan. Public meetings were held in each area municipality, hundreds.of sub- misions have been received and reviewed, and over 70 deputations have been heard by theCommitîee. The report containing staff recommuendations on the proposed changes 10 the Durham Regional OfficiaI Plan is available for inspec- lion aît the Regional Planning Departiment. Furthermiore, a dîsplay showing the recommiended changes will be available f'or inspection from January 29 10 February 8, 1991, ex- cluding Saturday and Sunday, dur- ing the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. in the Regional Planning Depari- ment will be available 10 assist the public. Tornado funding (Continued from page 1) Under the program, when approved byr the province, the province -does provide $3 for every $1 raised in the public sector. Earlier this years Don Welsh of the local Disaster Relief committee cailed uponi council 10 assist wilh funding. He stated 10 council some $2,500 had been subscribed by local citizens and estimated damages not covered by insurance could reach upwards of $1000 The weather has thrown us another curve, ail say that the groundhog saw ils shadow on Fni- day so that mneans 6 more weeks of winter then on Sunday it turns mild and was a beautiful day. The day started with the drive 10 Kendal, il was aimost like driving on the 401, the traffic was heavy, everyone taking advanîage of the nice day to go skiing. The teachers, volunteers and somne of the older boys and girls of' Kendal Sunday School held a pani- cake breakfast, hot pancakes, sausages and lots of syrup, also lots of hot coffee. Whaî a wonderful way 10 start your Sunday, faîîening but oh so good, if you missed it, watch for the next one coming up in April, these people deserve a hand for their pleasant service and ex- cellent food. Following breakfast and prior to the-Church Servicea Hymn-sing led by Chad Switzer was held in the Church, a nice way to gel 10o sing your favorite hymn. Hall Ne gws On Friday February tiIhere were 14 tables of euchre players at the hall, the high score was taken by Wayne Lowery with a score of 100, 2nd high Charlie Finnie 86, 3rd hîgh1 Theresa Langstaff 83, 4th high Helen Couroux 80. The draw was won by Doreen Lowery. NexI card parîy Friday, February I th. On Saturday, February 2nd a sur- prise party was held to celebrate the 1th birthday of Diane Lowery, daughter of Wayne and' Brenda Lowery., Relatives and friends ai- tended. On Wednesday, February 6th the Mens Lodge will mneet at the Hall, Thursday is the Juniors meeting and the ladies will hold their meeting on, Thursday, February l4th. Corne oui and support your Lodges, if you have not been atten- ding regularly for some time, come on oui, you may be in for some sur- prises, these Lodges are very active and involved in many good causes. Remember, no, matter what Organization you mnay hold membership in, that organization is only as good as uts attending members. Membership means, sup- port and the will to work for your organization. In a discussion over the issue Counc. Hooper said he would not be supporting a resolution granîing funding stating that it was prece- dent setting. "I't hink il is wrong", he said and people will be dropping their- fire insurance if, the Town always comes to the rescue.. Counc. Wotten stated that he would not be supporting the fun- ding. "It's sad", said Wotten, "but we would be starting a practice that would have to be carried on." Counc. Hannah stated that coun- cil would be setting a policy but then' said it would be only a one lime shot. "It may happen again but not thai ofien," he said., Counc. Stapleton said the pro- vince had let those hit by the tor- nado down and that people were looking for help. "The money is ,minimal," he said. Counc. Hamre stated 10 provide Town funds would be precedent setting but since the province would take no action surely the Town could assist. She said the province feels il is up 10 the municipality 10 assist in such as the damage done in Newcastle. She. said two property suffering damage were fulI-time farmers. Counc. Wotten questioned that there were two fuli-time farmers in- volved. Following the cati bo Worship, the choir sang, "Why should He love Me so?" The childrens Hymn was, Jesus, Friend of Little Children. Rev. Ransom, with his little brown bag in hand, removed from il, 2 samples of products sent 10 him in the mail. He asked the boys and girls why this was done, they said that if you tried them and liked them, you would buy them. He brought out a book withexamples of how 10 lie different knots, he then asked lhem what they have at school that are exam'ples? When listening this pasi week for the voice of God, they may have seen ex- amples to live by. He asked why lhey comne 10 Sunday School, the answer, 10 learn about Jesuis, how he is an examiple for ail of us 10 live by. Pastoral prayers were said for George Mac Donald and Alta Langstaff, who are in hospital, and for ail other who are iii. Prayers were said for peace in the world and for the Service men and women . Psalm iii , was read. Rev. Ransomi read fromn Deuteronomny 18, 15-20, i Corinîhians 8, 1-1-3, and Mark 1, 21-28. Rev. Ransom'Cs sermon was litied... for Batiered Fars, Battered Minds, Battered Lives. He told of how in his early teens he developed a love for w\ai- ching horror movies, in every mavie there was good and evil, good always triumphed. His favorite movie was Draccula, how Draccula always came in 10 a small communi- ty, how the people would fry 10 pro- tect themselves by amulets or garlic, and other objects supposed 10 ward off the vampires but always haîf way through the movie, the spirit of goodness entered the scene and goodness always won out. In life, this was like Jesus enter- ing the Temple where there was a man with an unclean spirit within him. Jesus called ouI that demon. In our world their is evil. Jesus, had Faith and cast ouI the demon but he also had the authoriîy of God. It is not enough t0 have Faiîh alone. What authority, do we let God have in our life? We cal daim 10 have Faith, but do we let Gods words have auîhoniîy? One without the other is useless . 'e we contented t0 live that way? hi we do not wish 10* live that way, are we prepared to feel the authority of Gods word? Are we willing, are we ready 10 ex- perience this? Announcements ... Sunday, February t7th wili be the start of beginning of Kendal Sunday School Membership Drive, corne out and bring your children, they will enjoy the fellowship, the Superintendent and the teachers have mnany things planned for the corning year, and should attract ail ages of youth, both in Sunday School and out. Here is a special date to remember, Saturctay, March 2nd mark it on your calendar and corne out and help celebrate the birthday of Miss Kate Stewart, this lady has influenced the lives of so many peo- pie both those stilI living in tbis community and many, miany, who have moved on to other areas, Watch for more information soon. Capsules of wisdlom... a synonym 15 itue wordyou use wfien you caii'i spell the other one. P. Lowery St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 S UNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO v PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred S Milnes 983-5208 Marlene Risebrough, Secretaiy Sunday, February lOth Kirby United Church Morning Worship ai 9:30 a.m. Sunday Schooi ai 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Moming Worship ai il a.m. Sunday School ai il a.m. Annual Meeting Tbursday, February 7th 6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Supper 7:30 p.m. Annual Meeting

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