4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 6, 1991 Oeeronor Atoms have Tyke~take win a most busy week from Os hawa January 28 Orono starteti off its busy weck against the visiting Bcwdley tcam. Through ail thre periods Orono dominated the game keeping Bewdley off balance, going on to win the gamne 7-2. Goal'scorers were as follows: Brett Maartcnse 1 goal, 3 assists; Grant Esler 1 goal, 2 assists; Mike Morrison 1 goal, 2 assists; Devon Witheridge 1 goal and 1 assist, B.J. Hackett 1 goal; Bobby Witheridge 1 goal; Andrew Reid 1 goal and Steven Poster 1 assîst. On January 30 Baltimore was Orono's neen stop and they playcd one of the season's best gaines there. Orono went'into the third period leading 1-0 that camne front Steven Poster late in the first period puung one up ligh on the Baltimore's netninder on a great pass from Grant Esier. Steven Poster, scored Orono's 2nd of the gaine on a pass from behind Uic net front Jamie Richter, but Baltimore scored 2 late goals to end this gane ini a tic, 2-2. On Fcbruary 1 Grafton was Orono's next gane and here they played a fast, physic al gaine. The only goal scored in Uic first two periods was by Grafton who slid one by thc Orono goaltender. With five minutes lcft in thc third pcriod, Orono tied thc score on a bard shot by Jamnie Richter assistcd by Devon Withcridge which found ils way past Uic Grafton goalie, but seconds later Grafton went ahcad to make il a 2-1 wmn. A grcat effort from all the players which made it an exciting week of hockey. Orono PeeWees 4-O over'Grafton January 31, 1991 Orono was host to Grafton 2. The improvement from this team showed throughout the whole game. Even though they could not score on Orono's net they played very well indeed. Late in the first period Orono scored two goals: Derek Arnold unassisted and Alan Lacey assisted by Derek Arnold and Frank Van Overloop. Continuing into the se- cond period Grafton kept up a strong pace keeping Orono on guard at ahl times. With great pass- ing among teami mates Alan Lacey slapped in another goal. Assists went to Greg Hammiond and Derek Arnold, in the third period the action around Orono's goal continued to escalate, but Grafton could not get any breaks. Orono regained control of the puck and Jonathan Burnham had a great- shot to score. Assist went to Mark Foster. With a great team effort from everyone including Drew Hansen and Scott Ransberry, Orono defeated Grafton 4-0. Goalie Jeff Goodmurphy received a well earned shut out for the game. Great going boys! Good luck in your next game. PeeWees take Port Hope tournie Orono remain on top of their league by winning the "A" Chamn- pionship Tournamnent held in Port Hope this past weekend, Saturday February 2, 199 1. The first gamne was Orono vs Port Hope 1. Orono had control throughout the gaine to win 9-0. Alan Lacey had a great game scor- ing five goals. Drew Hansen, Scott Ransberry, Derek Arnold and Mark Foster each received one goal. Assists went out to Alan Lacey, Mark Foster, Derek Arnold, Jonathan Burnham, and Drew Hansen. The second game Orono vs Baltimore. Excitement and very tense moments were felt throughout the game. Hard checking sometimes rough, Baltimore certainly kept Orono on the alert at ail times. Orono came through winning 5-2. Goals were scored by Drew Hansen, Derek -Arnold scoring twice, Alan Lacey and Mark Foster. Assists went to Mark Foster, Drew Hansen and Alan Lacey. The third and final game Orono vs Cobourg was dominated by Orono. Cobourg were just no match for Orono. Great -passing and skating among the Orono team lead the way to another victory. Orono defeated Cobourg 9-0. The first goal scored by Mark Foster lead the way to succession of goals. Alan Lacey scored four, Drew Hansen and Jonathan Burnham each scored one. Assists went to Derek Arnold, Drew Hansen, Scott Ransberry, Greg Hammond and Alan Lacey. 1 must also congratulate the goalie Jeff Goodmurphy and defenseman Frank Van Overloop for their outstanding plays throughout this tournament. Great going boys! Good luck in your next upcoming tournament. Orono Novice hockey news Since our last update, the Novice gamne. We were treated to an ex- hockey team bas had three games. citing and fast paced game. Our Jaiiuary 25th Orono hosted the goals were scored by Jamie Parry Omemnec team for an exhi bition from Kevin Francis and Andrew gaine. Orono's two goals were Beacock from Andrew Reid. The scored by captain Andrew Reid. final score favoured Oshawa 3-2. Unfortunately Omemee, scored Orono's playoff schedule started seven, as well. February 3, 1991 in Millbrook. As Oshawa Red Wings came to town always- our gnnt nîyi n February 1 for another exhibition endi to end skating game and outdid by Shelley Alrn- The Orono tykes again have a big victory with a score of 10 to 1 in Orono on Jan. 26,1991 over Oshawa. Mathew Reid scored six goals during the gane with assists' from Kyle Moore, Jeff Thompsonl, Glencoe Hogle, Lee Allun, Chris Kirkbride and Justin Standeven. Chris Wilhelm successfully scored two goals with an assist from Matt and the other unassisted. If you have been follewing the tyke gires mi the newspaper, these two naines keep cropping up. It is their .second year playing tykes and they Orono Pub-&Vlic School Ne ws Boys VoIIeybaII The boys volîcybaîl team have been preparing for the big tourna- ment on Feburary 8 in Bowman- ville. In the week we have been hav- ing many practices and have had one game which was against Cen- tral. We probably played our best volleyball of the season winnmng 15-7, 15-3, 15-10 and losing one set 15-11. Plalers on the teamn are Scott MacDonald, Scott MacKay, Ryan Winning, Ryan Dewulf, Seth Demeter, Deepark AngI, Danny MacDonald, Brandon Francey, Phillip Williamson, Mark Fletcher, Peter Thomas and Andrew Reid. by Ryan Dewulf Girls VoIIeybaII Team Members of the team are: Cap- tain Shelda Marie Woods, co- captain Lisa Taylor, Alecia Staples, Leslie West, Stephanie Birkett, Adele Childs, Sara Demeter, Man- dy Coatham, Jennica Fernstrom, Cindy Ross, Andrea EtmanskT afn Karrie Armstrong. The girl's volleyball teamn have been very busy this termi. We played Central School winning two mat- ches and losing one. Monday, January 27th and Wednesday, January 30th we played against Kirby School. We will be playing our big tour- nament Saturday, February 1th at Bowmanville High School., by Sara Demeter Constable Wraight Constable Wraight comes every Monday to talk to us about V.I.P. (Values, Influence, Peers). We have watched films. The first film was about rules and laws; the second film was about stealing. The grade 6's are aiming for: 1. awareness of basic values of the Canadian society. 2. to learn to accept responsibility for their actions 3. to understand that each person may be influenced by peer pressure 4. to become aware of self respect and self confidence in meeting the challenge of peer influence 5. to gain insight to help themn make choices when confronted with negative peer influence 6. to develop a respect for rights of others and the rule of law. AIl of the grade 6's enjoy V.I.P. by Confie Fluke us 7-1. Not to worry, we'll get themn next time. Orono Novice's will be on the ice again, February 1 3th. Hope to see you there! surre Tnave iearned now to manoevre the puck. They continually get on lte score sheet. Another second year player who scores- quite oftcn and scored during this game is Jeffrey Thompson. Christopher Bouley successfully put in the other goal during this gamne. For somne heart pacing action corne over to the arena Friday at 6:15 or Sunday at 1.30 and sec the Orono Tykes in action. Well done team. 000 K1TCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO 1 w3-e51 Corne in and enjoy our food Mon.-Wed. - 6:30 am. to 6:00 p.mn. Thurs 630 am. Fri. 6:30 a. - 8:000 p.m. to 7.00p.m. Sunday Cioie4 Clarke High School SEMESTER 1 Final Report Cards and Newsletter Wi11 be sent home on Friday, February 8th, 1991 PUBLIC NOTICE 1To It's Citizens 1991 MUNICIPAL E!.ECTIONS If you plan to seek office in the 1991 Municipal Elections, you must register with the Municipal Çlerk before you spend or ralse any money for campaign actMvties. For more information contact Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C. Town Clerk (e Town of Newcastle ~t~pIo Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Fil:10.50.8 P.0.3579