6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, FebruarY 6,1991 In competition this week-end Red Cross- First Aid, AlIen's-Law: Almost everything is easier to get into dma get out of. courses ffered ury sides with the hidden Emergency First Aid Course, Satur- day, February 9, 1991 Standard First Aid Course, Satur- day, February 23 and Sunday February 24, 1991 Emergency First Aid Course, Satur- day, March 16, 1991 Standard First Aid Course, Satur- day, March,-23 and Sunday, March 24, 1991. The above courses are lheld beL- ween 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Please cati the Red Cross office at 723-2933 for information and registration. Pictured(1-r) Ailan McKenzie Rutherford and Melissa Allin, will weekend. Placing first will enable Mary Murphy, Heather Geboers, ail represent -Orono Figure Skating them to go the next level for Anthea Peacock, Melanie Lemieux, Club at Pineridge Interclub Eastem Ontario. Melissa Colville, Michele Competiton in Cobourg, this No-aaction taken (Coninued from page 1) tivated through compiaints received by council members. Mayor Hub- bard finaily stated that she had heard a compiaint and she had cali- ed in the police ta investigate. She said the police were flot able ta identify any improprieties. Prior ta any discussion a cali was made ta discuss the issue ini camera. This was defeated. A number of amendments ta the report were aiso presented which went down ta defeat wýith the excep- tion of an amendment by Counc. Wotten that in the future cantracts the cantract cali for painting of gar- bage trucks with town clours. An aniendment ta paint Town crests on the garbage trucks also went down ta defeat. Counic. Deegan said he wished they couid have gone into camera. '«l want the facts," he said. Counc. Hooper said he would oppose the recommendation ta paint the trucks with Town colours at the expense of the Town in the amount of $15,000. Counc. Hamre said the cantrac- tor and Public Works had came ta, an agreement and she supported the painting of the trucks with Town colours. Water Evans did state that he could not agree with the painting oniy of the Town logo on the trucks and said he had not made the recommendation ightiy. He said it would cost the Town $6 million dollars for tipping fees over the next three years of the contract and that $ 15,000 was a smaii amount ta pro- tect the Town's interest. Committee took no action on the report other than receivîng it and Miing. Ski Club opening (ContimSd from page 1) evenings. They also acconmmodate Professionai Activity Days within thie School Board such as the one on Feb. 8,1991. Pres. Vanderzwet said mhat mhe board of directors will be reviewing the possibiiity of opening al week i the future. They Uie to be closed one day for upkeep and maintenance to the equipment. Members come from as far as Near end for new Durham Officiai plan The Region of Durham expects ta put its stamp of approval on a new Officiai plan following a final review on April 9th. 1Accordîng ta Mayor Hubbard of Newcastle and planning chairman for the Region the public and coun- cillors are welcome ta make submîs- sions prior ta the closing date. Peterborough one step ahead of Durham 1Peterborough is one step ahead of Durham Region, if one considers user fees for garbage pick-up, a progressive step. The city north of us has im- piemented a user~s fee for garbage in which the first bag goes free with a user fee per bag after the one bag. Durham Region has been cosider- ing a simiiar plan but with the. Greater Toronto area group now in- voived with a study on user garbage fees Durham has backed off. The Greater Toronto airea group have hired a consulting firm ta undertake a study who are now iooking for municipatities wiliing ta try aut various systems. Belleville and a large percentage fromn Toronto and Durham Region. On a weekend guests (non- members) can number 800-1,000. "The ski hill can comfortably and, safely accommodate roughly 3,000 people" said Pres. Vanderzwet. There are risks in the sport of skiing and it is the skiers responsibillty to niaintain control of their speed at all times i order to avoid harm to other skiers or theniselves. Pres. Vanderzwet said that the "Ski-Patrol at Kirby are part of the Kawartha Zone, Canadian Ski Patrol Association. They have completed first aid courses and have achieved a minimum mark standard> in their classrooma training and written tests aiong with on hill training experience." If you have lived arund Orono and don't ski, drive down and view the grand chalets. If you do ski, give Oshawa a whirl. You know that old twisted saying "The snow isn't always whiter on the other side of the fence. Why go the distance! Regional Police assisting March of Dime campaign Durham Regional Police are co- ordinating the distribution of March of Dimes coin boxes for their annuai fund raising campaign. The organization hopes ta raise $2000.00 ta support the Assistive Devices and Camping program for aduits with physical disabilities. CNIB Durham Service Centre to open -CNIB Durham Region is opening its new Service Centre in Oshawa on Thursday, February 7 with an open house at 2.00 and another at 6.00 p.m. It is iocated 81 King Street E., Oshawa, Unit 2 fronting on Mary Street. Fire Fighter's Museum now bas a manager The Canadian Fire Fighter's Museum iocated on Mill Street in Port Hope now has a paid manager. The museumn is open daiiy for visits during June, Juiy and August. THE TIME TO BUY S NOWi 1980 Toyota Supra. auto, air condItlonIng, loaded, mii. Check this on.! 1984 Chev Citation 4 dir., auto, c.rtIfisd, fic. car 1984 Cutiass Ciera, Broughham auto, V6, certIfIed $4,695 1985 Buick Century Lited 4 dr., V6, auto, air, certif led $5,795 1986 Chev C-20 Pick-up auto, V8, certif led $6,295 1987 Mercury Gran Marquis air, certified $5,895 1984 Mazda RX7, GSL-SE isather, air, ioadsd, a diamiond $6,795 Ontario Used Cars Durham 480 Taunton Road East Oshawa 576-6566 flaw. Rule of Accuracy: When working towards the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer. Geroid's Laws of Infernal Dynamics: 1. An object in motion will be heading ini the wrong direction. 2. An abject at rest will be in the wrong place. We're here to serve you. ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATING - ELECTRUCAL AIR CONDITIONING Repairs to Ail Makes of Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning May Tag Appliance Repairs 4 Duchess Street Orono, Ont., Phones: 983-5293 623-2>301 Community Services Department LIFEGUARDS and INSTRUCTORS 4>Pkant% muet have a Broiu. ross Award or higher . WorkIns hqXurs ayfpliiba - days, .venlngs and we.kencli. & ad appiicrts mal appiy prior to ciosing Frlday, Recreatian Co-ardinator Newcastle Fitness Centre Uberty Street North P.O. No. 3331 File No. 5 -91 Bowmianvile 623-3392 Date of Publication Wednesday, Febniaiy 6. 1991 WlU TEACH YOU HOW TO THINK WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TIMEITOTHINK. Young Drivers teaches you the mostadvanced emergency maneuvers of any driving course. You'U leam life- Ssaving techniques like brake-and-avoid ~'and threshold baig, even how ta -~ avoid a rear-end or head-on colision. We prepare you frteworst. That's what makes Young Gifi centficates avalah/e. Drivers the best. Next Ciasses:Feb. 12, evenings 6 -9 p.m. q0k Young Drivers Of Canadla *IVe ieach you m ore than how to pass your dniver's test Weé teachyou to drive and survive. For more in/brmation, 90 King St. W., Bowmanviiie cail us at. 623-7017