this coming §unday, February 10, from 1130 '1(00 pn. (What a delicious tr'ditiont) Costs: $3.50 for Adults; $s.50 fer cliildren 6 to il years; anid free for children under 5 years of age. - Newtonville Public School will be participating ithe Kinsmen Junior Volleyball Tournament, this Friday and Saturday at Bowmanville High School . The boys play Friday eveniug, the girls Saturday momning. If you can corne out and cheer thern on - super! Good Iuck to ail! - Visitors are invited to attend the school assembly this month, being conducted by Ms. Nancy Forrest's grade 3/4 class on Thursday, February 14 at 1:00 p.m. Students and teachers alike, always are "extra-pleased" to see the support of parents and friends! - A reminder that Newtonville kinidergarten registration is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20 from 1 - 3 p.m. Contact the school at 786-2550 for more information. - This is Heart and Stroke rnth. Newtonville residents received envelopes i the mail, accompanied with a note saying there would be no canvassers i our area this year. Due, to inixup in communication, this is flot true . . . Newtonville will have canvassers calling this year. The Heart and Stroke Foundation deeply appreciate any support whatsoever, for this cause, that i some way or another, seems to touch ail of us. Thank you. - ALOHA! Welcome home from Hawaii, Fred and Bernice Henderson, and Glen and Shirley Stapleton. The couples arrived home Sunday, February 2 from their shared dreamn vacation, to fmnd their many friends enjoying a pleasaut mild speli in the weather here. A marvelloustime was had by the foursomne - to say the least, lim sure! - Every so often, and I have done it before, I like to mention nice people. Some who I have corne across once again, or for the. very- tirst trne. They are cheery and just great to talk to, or visit with. So, without further adieu, 1 send out special hellos to these folks, this week . .. Mary Jones, Joan Pearce, Sam Shetler, Jean Kimbaîl, Don and Mary Vinlcle, Jack Gordoný,- Wally Boughen (who is homne from the hospital and doing super...) Sandra McInnes, Coby Fortin, Bill and Ruth Zuhajewicz, Lena Clysdale, Mary Skeldiug, and Denise Bryan. "Cheerio!" Tine is passing oh so quickly, dont you tbink?. Grouud Hog Day was last Sattirday, and in locations ai over North America. "The Shadow' told us we have another six weeks to go before spring arrives. Have you notice that the momniugs ani eveniugs are already brighter? This is an ideal time to seriously consider planting some of your seeds indoors. Miniature greenhouse kits are out in the stores and that is a sure sign of things to come. Enjoy this mild weather winter is long from over yet! Keep ini touch with your special news, dates or events to corne. Re/Max Corners tone "Proud lst Newtonville Brownies" Bragg 9 and Jacqueline Hurvid 7. (1-r) Amber Michael 9, Bonnie Sally Staples :,Home Buyers' Guide Associate Broker ......___ _ __ __ _ __ _ _.....___ _ __ _ (1-r) front: Erin Higgins 7, and Melody Wootton 7; back - Marley' When 1 dropped ito Brownies last Weduesday evening I found the pack enthusiastically working on the first stage.of their Nutrition Badges. -"The Mission. .. to plan an appetizing, nutritious picnic lunch, taking into conideration ail of the food groups. The girls had been divided into small groups, putting their headq together and comiug up with a variety of healthy menus. When time was up, leaders calied the girls to order. As each group detailed their recipe for nutrition, definite Little Scoops ... - It is indeed, a wonderful, wonderful milestone! I join the entire village, aloug with the niumerous friends and acquaintances of Newtouville's Melville Joues, in wishiug him a very Happy 9th Birthday, Tuesday, February 12. Our sincerest and warmest to you Melville. - The Big Brothers Association of Newcastle invites everyoue to gather their sponsors together, and corne out for the funi during their Annual Bowl for Millions Gimnblett 7, Cheryl Perkins Rachel Andersen 6. surprises came to light! Ideas for some of the Brownie lunches consisted of squash, liver, brussel sprouts, and even just plain bran muffins. Odd perhaps, but certainly nutritious. The First Newtonville Brownies look forward to this week's phase of their Nutrition Badge ... havig to briug in a healthy snack. T hank you ail for alowing me to share in this evening with you. I was a Brownie "way back when, and it brought back fond memories, being with you!" Campaigu, February 9 through 16, at Liberty Bowl in Bôwmanville, On Saturday, February 16, the Bowl for Millions week winds up with the grand finale . .. the "Celebrity Bowl" fromn 3:30 p.m. where local businesses and dignitaries bowl their support for those boys in our commnunities who beniefit by having their very owu speciai friend - a Big Brother. For more information on the Big Brothers Association, caîl 623- 6646. - Ail welcome to the Newtonville United Church Pancake Breakfast