Orono Weekly Tinmes, Wednesday, February 13, 1991-9 Dumps". On the other side of this- road is property of the Natural Resources, and the Greenwood property. The detour on this road bas long since smed to exist. Its origin, neverthelcss, has two interesting historie sidelights. On the west side sat a body of water known as "Deer Lake." TIhis was a shallow lake of water that had no inlet or outiet. It grew larger in the spring from mun off and then decreased in the summer to a body of tag alders. In the spring it insisted on covering the road and indeed crossing to the other side. It was certainly deep enough to make vebicle traffic in the spring and early summer impassible. It was flot until the "Twenties" that some enterprising'Municipal official proposed digging a channel eastward to assist draining the lake. For ail the yeam previous a much better solution was accepted. They called this detour the 'Mssing Link." The Missing Link was an easy and picturesque descent through a great valley between his that accessed back on tie road just above the Elva Reid property. This road flot only could keep you, out of thc water but formed a very' easy route to the village of Kendal. Well thc Missing Link is missing now. Ini fact it has been missing for so long now that I doubt few people could trace its patch. Yes, the "Link" is missing but the hill remains. The bills of home keep this rural countryside unique i its landscape. Again I close with a few sacred words: 'There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall.", On Saturday, February 9th the girls arrived at 8:00 a.m. for Uic Bowmanville Kinsmen Volleyball Tournament 1991 at Bowmanville Hligh School. Orono Public School played at 8:30 against Waverly. We lost 2 gamnes to 0. Next we played Kirby, we won 2 gaines to 1. At about 10:30 we went against Newtonville. Another victory 2 gaines - 0. Next we played against Lord Elgin for a chance for the There were somc butis that wouldn't go away. To-day wïth our modem technology there is no problem. If a bill gets in the way, bulîdoze it down. Our \,,ancestors did not believe that Uic shortest distance between two points had to be a straight line. The road took longer but Uiey were flot always i a great hurry. They could sit in Uic buggy or Uic cutter, admire Uic view, give Uic horse a rest; and sometimes even use that as an excuse to do a little romancing on Uic side. Our first bill in Uis story is known as "Mount Tom". Going east it blocks Uic path on Uic ffthU line just past the farmn of Cher Toal. I doubt that any vehicle bas ever surmounted "Mount Tomn". The road at Uis point made an abrupt right turf and proceeded, by what must surely have been a forced road, past the old Somerville farm, Note how close to the roadside the Somerville house still stands. It makes another right and slowly descends, another right and it is winding through a delightful littie, wooded valley wiUi several picturesque homes.' "Mount Tom" has caused no one any concern and at this juncture one cmn eiUier procecd souUi or turm east. I am sure "Mount Tom" is laughing at our present fascination witrb specd. I do flot know who named "Mount Tom" but Iarn sure "Tom" is stili <smiling at us. Another ilîl that defied us, was situated at Uic western base of a hill that adjoins a pioncer cemetery known as McLcan's emetcry. Again tic road had made its turfis left and right to gold match but we lost 2 -games to 1. So instead we played Waverly oh no! But yes! A win, 2 games to 1 . The scores was 14-11 for us. Lisa Taylor wiUi her power serve whipped the bal over the net hoping for a win. A girl goes for the bail but misses and roils under the net hoping for a win., We've won a bronze medal. Players - Captain Shelda-Maire Woods; Co- captain Lisa Taylor; Jonnica Fernstrom; Cindy Rois; Leslie avoid the bill. At the back of the bhil was the Elliott ýproperty and on its front the McLean property. As you make these detours left and right you get a panoraie view of the Ganaraska Forest north and east. Perhaps the pioneer McLeans found the hili too much to master. The family bas left its mark in later years a descendant, J. S. McLean was to found the great meat packing dynasty -of Canada Packers. The firrn remained in dhe family until it was sold oniy about one year ago. -The table top landon the sumamit of the bill at McLeans is to-day the property of William Reid of Orono. It is intercsting to Valentine MVessages Kenner: To the man I love, In every way, To the mani I adore More every day, To the mani who's mine My Valentine Love Beaner Gary: You mean so much to me I need your smiles Your laughter and your friendshp. As much as I love you, and I love you more than words can say Happy Valentlne's Day Your Littie lam West; Sara Demeter, Adele Childs; Karrie Armstrong; Mandy Coatbam; Andrea Etmanski; Alecia Staples; Stephanie Birkett and special thanks, to coaches Miss Baldre;, Mrs. McCrae and for her own time Mrs. Rypstra, with sorne help from High School coaches Mrs. Knight and Miss Rudinen. by Jennica Femstrom and Shelda-Marie Woods Grade 6 note ic Reids and Elliotts were among our earliest pioneers. Mr. Reg Elliott now resides in the village of Kendal. Whether families stayed in the area or migrated to larger centres, in cither case Uiceroots went deep and Uic bilîs remained. Our thîrd biII of this story formsthe eastern boundary of what might have become the site of one our proposed "Garbage .................f ............i......o. ....y.. T AG DAYS SALE 25% OFF HOCKEY Gloves, & Elbow Pads Shin Pads, Shouider Pads and Pants 250/o OFF emSetan Pants 500% OFF N .H. L. T-Shirts BOWMAN VILLE SPORTS SHOP 121 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-0322