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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1991, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 13, 1991 Orono 14eekfy '7îmes $eÇndtEflt I l Mil Igtrafton Nuh*erOOOW0 PubJaýd Eey Wedneoday a the Offeof PLbicaion 5310 Main StrootOrono, Ontario LOB 1 Mo Telephone 416-983-,5301 Roy C. Forrester, Owner.Edcr Su bscription $14.00 perannumn Local paintings feature at Admin. 3uilding As of the first part of February oil and watercolour paintings by Dick Morton of R.R. 1 Kendal, north of Orono, are on display at the Town of Newcastle Administrative Building in Bowmanville. Its worth a trip over and the foyer does provide an ideal location for such a showing. Aaron Staples returns home .We received word on Tuesday that Aaron Staples han retumned home and is convalescing remarkably well following his accident at the Oshawa Ski Hill suffering severe head injuries., Events coming up Bemie Matin is bringing the Piper's Hut back to the stage at mhe Orono Town Hall. The group was a real hit in its last appearance and Bernie states its an all-new musical programn for the first part of March. And on Friday its Sadie Hawkins night at mhe Town Hall with mie Hall Board promoting the dance including squares by the Lowerys and caller Mac Ransberry. Warren Sutcliffe will also be on stage with his keyboard and vocals. Its only fair Garbage by the bag or by weight seemns to becoming into style of the past few weeks wim mte City of Peterborough tuggig the strings to get such an operation underway this summer. The final decision han yet to be made but the cost is apparently about to run over the top for collection and disposmng. And it is again mhe samne old story no dump site for mhe future. Durhamn Region is also toying wim mte idea but it ramher appears mhere will be a study flrst and the direction of any move han not been an yet formulated. According to Counc. Larry Hannah of mhe Town of Newcastle mhe Town is to be approached by a firmn to undertake a pilot project in Newcastle. t appears mhat Newcastle is about mhe only municipalities that charges a straight fee ramher tdm the cost being directed to mhe mil rate. This apparently uncomplicates mhe operation for such a pilot project. t does seem that mhe per bag charge is fair. t catches mhose who ignore recycling, compostmng etc. in tme pocket book.- Those who do reduce their waste disposal through a various number of schemnes have been getting no recognition. The per bag idea may surely have some wrinkles to iron out but its day is likely coming and likely should corne. Counc. Hannah proposes a few ideas, one being a credit systemt for mhose who put out but a small amount of garbage. We will watch wimh interest on just how it is to corne about. Since mhe fracas last fall over garbage dump candidates in mhe area everything bas been quiet front Durham as to their solution for garbage. Perhaps sunimer will bring on a new approach - it really must. Happenings.. AN ADVE NTURE IN NEW BEGINNINGS In tmese very crucial times mie Kirby/Orono Charge feels mhere is a need for a prograrn of community outreach. Plans are now drawn up for our first presentation February 24 at 7:00 p.m. at Orono United Church - "Cry Front me Mountain', a world Wide Christian production. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER "On mhe Journey Togemher" is mhe meme of the 1991 World Day of Prayer service prepared by mhe women of Kenya. This mie io4th World Day of Prayer service is distributed worldwide by an international committee representing 170 countries. Everyone of ml, e community is welcome to participate in mhis special service being held in Orono United Church on Friday, March 1, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE The Bowmanville Branch Library will be presenting an informative programme that will cover R.R.S.P.s, R.R.I.F's, Estate Planning and Tax Related Issues. Our speaker will bc Investmnent Broker Doug Hawkins. Bring along your questions and concemns and join us on Wednesday, February 6 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Register in person at mhe Bowmanville Branch or by calling 623-7322. CREATIVE PLAY WITH CHILDREN Have you every wondered what is really happening when your children are 'just playing'? Since this is an activity mhat children spend a great deal of tume at parents need to be sure that the play is an productive as possible, for the child. Children play for fun and to leam; tmey learn best when mhey are secure and happy. If you would like to know more about young children and their play corne and juin a workshop for parents which will offer a pract ical approach to child guidance through play. What a beautiful week mhis han been, almost makes one believe mhat it is April not February. The weamher has even confused mhe plant life, at the soumh of our house I see some bulbs sending up shoots and the primoses are tumning green. It is hoped that before we get more cold weamher we get some snow to cover and proteet these plants. Sunday moming it wan like, trying to drive through a parking lot to get over the ski hill, cars parked on bomh sides of the road and coming out of the driveways. The parking lots looked too muddy and soft for mhem to use. Coming home from Church we took a drive arounid by the 8th Concession to avoid mhis traffie and it wan plain to see that mhere wan still lots of snow on the slopes of teski hill. This Sunday was our Ministers weekend off, so mhe Service was conducted by members of the congregation. Glen Foster led us in 0Orono Post Office (Continued from page 1) Canada Post. When Counce. Hannah asked if Hampton would close if the Postmnanter retired mhe answer was in mhe affirmative. Counce. Stapleton said it was great to save money but he still opposed the closing of the Post Offices and hie wanted that message taken back to Canada Post. 'he rep fromn Canada Post stated mhey understood it was an emotional issue but that 700 had been closed across Canada and the high standard of service was still being maintained. Some doubt as to amalgamation (Continued) HFal Hooke, general manager of the Otonabee, states hie doubts municipalities arç rçady e sit down and make a decision and that more information was needed especially firm assurances from the province that transitional grants would be available and adequate. The Town of Newcastle has given no indication as to their intent in amalgamation and according to a Newcastle planning report informa- tion was not sufficient to make a decision. Co-ed at TCS weII received at Trinity The board of goventors of Trinity College School in Port Hop e last year voted to allow girls to attend. tecollege breaking a 125 year tradition. This year enrolment from boys was up by 25 percent with 100 ap- plicants for the reserved 79 spaces. Applications have been received from 62 girls for the 65 reserved spaces. Over the past two years had been a declined in the number of applicants from boys as well as a decline in the quality of the ap- plicants. the CalI to Worship, the choir sang, I have a Mansion." The children's hymn was "This is My Fathers World." Chad Switzer told the childrens story. Chad tied a yellow ribbon on the railing leading to the altar. He then asked them if they had seen other yellow ribbons tied to trees and, in windows. He asked them if they knew why we use these yellow ribbons and what it meant. He told them it was a symibol for peace and mhat mhey were put up so we would remember mhe Service men and women mhat were in battle and that we should pray for their safety and for Peace. He then led the children in a Prayer for the soldiers who fought in mhe past and tor those now fighting for world peace. Glen Foster led us ini Prayer of Confession and Assurance, followed by the reading of Psalm 50: 1-6. Mrs. Peggy Frank read fromnt de Scriptures, 2 Kings: 1-12; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9. Pastoral Prayers were said for George Maodonald, Alta Langstaff and Jack Westlake and for Peace. The offering was taken up by two of the senior mfembers of the SundaySchool, Brian Alcock and Saah Spencer. After the singing of mhe hymn "Christ Whose Glory Filîs the Skies," the Sermon, titled Recognizing our calll to be light inx the darkness, was given by Mrs. Phyllîs Lowery., Tbis was the story of Transfiguration. This is the last Sunday of Epiphany Season, the last Sunday of the Season after Pentecost, it is a joyful Season before beginning mhe more subdued season of preparation and penitence, the Season of Lent. The Service closed with the singing of "How Great Thou Art." Please remember, next Sunday is Food-bank Sunday, please bring non-perishables. t will be the beginning of Memnbersbip drive for the Kendal Sunday School, bring a friend along, perbaps al they need is -a little encouragement from you, to comne out and join. Don't forget the date, Saturday, Mach 2nd, mhe paty to help Miss Stewart, celebrate her Birthday. Speaking of birthdays, don't forget, IMr. Melville Jones, will be celehrating lhis 48that !"ewtonvilîle Church, in the Sunday School room, Sunday, February l7th, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Everyone welcome. I have been asked to bring to your attention a film that is being shown Sunday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. in Orono United Church. Admission free, free-will offering gladly accepted. The title of mhis' film is "Cry From mhe Mountain". How a family's future was changed an mhe resuît of father and sons trip to the Alaskan Wilderness, and what took place there. This film features a message of Hope by Billy Grahami. Philosofacts: Tee cream doesn't put onweight right away . . . i takes a monmh of Sundaes. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m.' ORONO PASTORAL Rev. Fred Mllnes 983-5208 Marlene Risebrough, Secretary Sunday, February l7th Kirby United Church Morning Worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a&m. Installation of Officers Orono United Church Morning Worship at il a.m. Sunday School at il a.m. Installation or Offcers World Day of Prayer Frlday, March lst Orono United Church 7:30 p.m.

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