- -j. ~ tt'aaffirl~J ~ z, "V' rr~~'-- -~ - *- - - Orono Weekly Tinies, Wednesday, Febrnary 13, 1991-5 Don and Mary Vinkie, are Mary explains, "I know exactly Don and Mary feel everyone Maurice and Jean O'Neill Happy l7th Anniversaiy to Newtonville residents of many, many years, Maurice and Jean O'Neill, who celebrate their special day just after Valentine's Day, on the l6th. Almost ail of their lives, both Maurice and Jefru lived in the Port Hope - Newtonville area. For many years they enjoyed and worked their farm just up from Hill Street/Hwy. 2 on Reid Road. Quite a few years back Maurice Srecalls, he decided to clear a five- acre parcel of their land, just north of the farm. Someday, Maurice figured, lie would build a house on this spot. Sure enough, a couple of months ago, with the decision made they AiU over, people are showing their support for the men and women over in the Persian Gulf. would seli the farta, Maurice and Jean buiît their new home on! the very spot cleared'some time back. Maurice and "Boots" the family' dog, stili walk down to the farm every morning to carry out a few dhores. They stili have the cattie and chickens to look after. Corne spring, and summier, Jean is looking forward to having a garden outdoors, and a crop of raspberries to enjoy. For now, the 0'Neills are enjoying their lovely, briglit new bungalow. "It's quite a change from the old farmihouse, but it's already feeling like home.. ." mhey bothi agree. Happy Anniversary, Maurice and Jean. Our best to you! Yellow bows and ribbons hang from trees, posts, mailboxes and even car acrials. .Here, Samn Sheier contcmplatcs, the troops ovcrscas. times of war. His thouglits are with tiinking and praying for those who have gone with "Operation Desert Storm." They have tied yellow ribbons and bows around ,both of their large evergreens on their front lawn. Little Sops,... - Friends and neighbours, of Melville Jones are invited to a celebration of hs 9th Birthday Counicil Briefs Counc. Wotten reported mhat mhe committee of himself and Counc. Hooper were recommending mhat extra staff not be hired for the treasury office to handie the additional work required for mhe GST. Mayor Hubbard asked for assurance that the two members would monitor the results of the move. ........... Mayor Hubbard delegated- Counc. Hooper to investigate mhe possibility of a Town fla g. Counc. Wotten said hee lad been advised by Don Patterson of Public Works mhat Blue Boxes would be available for mhe north of mhe Town around mhe first of March. The Town has been informed mhat mhe Provice is supportive of a limited GO service to Bowmaniville and mhat GO is initme final process of setting a station location. t is anticipated service will arrive initme fall of 199 1. GO is also willig to support mhe Region i a study for a full service by GO to Bowmanville. Debbie Nowlan, School Trustee for Ward 3 on the Board of Education has been appoinited as mhe Board's representative to the planning committee of mhe Region of Durham. A letter from chairman Diane Hamre of mhe Durham Non-Profit Housing Corporation notes miat mhe Corporation are cons idering the feasibility of a 4 a cre site in mhe Courtice area for non-profit housing. Council members on Monday were not receptive to a possibility of coal ash being brought to mhe Town of Newcastle for disposaI 1from the Lakevicw Generating Station in Mississauga. A letter askig conditions on which the ash 1might be received was on the agenda fromn Ontario Hydro. what the famnilies of these men must be going through.. . 1 had two brothers in World War Il. We would pray for their safe return, and when they did corne home, Wow! what aday that was..." (Feb. -12) on Sunday, February 17, from 2-4 p.m. at theNewtonville Sunday Sdhool.- Indeed, a wonderful, wonderful occasion! - Thank you to ail who prepared, served up and enjoyed the annual Pancake Breakfast over at the churdli this past Sunday. I was sonry not to be able to make it this year, but 1 have already heard delicious commnents about it! - Please remember, this is Heart and Stroke Month ... something that many of us know ahl too well about. Any support you can offer your canvasser is greatly appreciated. - Kindergarten registration is being held at our Newtonville Public Sdhool this coming Wednesday, Febmuary 20, from 1 - 3 pan. - Euchre results of Friday, February 8 were: Robin Alldred 88, Gladys Dines 83, Jean O'Neill 80, Jean Jilisen 80, Bert Harrison 79 and Reg Elliott 77. Wimners on the Draw were: Jane Bryant; Milford Sinirerson; Renee Helyer should stand behind the troops adding, "0Of course, nobody wants war. ..but we must support these men and women and show themt we care; and pray for that wonderful day they all will retur." and Muriel Burtch. - Congratulations to the Clarke Higli Sehool Novice Wrestling Team on their five-man results in Cobourg last week. There were about eighteen schools, 176 wrestlers on the Clarke Teamn, i various eight categories, results were excellent. Kevin Mullan "lst" Paul Woolner "2nd", Wayne Mhais "3rd", Trevor Switzer "3rd" and- Syl van Michaud "3rd". Congratulations to coachi Mr. Petlock and his wrestlers who made Clarke proud. - Reminder the Big Brothers Bowl for Millions ail this week. The finale with the Celebrity Bowl is this Saturday, February l6th. Ahl welcome to corne out and support Big Brothers at Liberty Bowl in Bowmanville. Hard to believe we are already halfway through February . Spring arrives ini about five weeks. Easter in a littie over six, and more and more dayiight along the way. Always happy to hear fromt you. Have a great week! 1hE -E lUT 9S3-Si8B j$3-5393 Newtonville Alive by Peggy Mullan