6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 13, 1991 Christian Corner Crime Stoppers may move form Port Hope Crime ' Stoppers in -Northumberland County bas been operating out of Port Hope since its inception. There is now a possibility tbat il wililbe moved 10 Cobourg 10 be operaîed by the Cobourg Police or by the Cobourg OPP.* Reorganization not going well The reorganization of the 140 year oid counîty systein for Northumberland is not going well states Warden Waiter Scudds. He bas been reported 10 say there is not a sincere desire 10 make any change. The reorganization involves 15 mumicipalibies of which some being caiied upon 10 amalgamate with others. The saine bappened in the eariy 1970s ini the now Durhamn Rcgion when finally Uic province bad bo step in and instituteUic plan. Find visit of Yost most interesting In off imb Uicepast for ic East Durbam FHistorical Society reccntly when Uiey hosted a visit by Eiwy Yosî wbo appears weekiy on TV Ontario's Saturday Nighî at the Movies prograin. Yost broughî back many memories of the past movie heros and stars and Uieir part in Uic movie industry. Dumping fees s set at $75.00 Dumping fées in ail municipal dumps in the Northumberland' County bas been set at $75.00 a tonne under Uieir new county-wide systein. This compar.es with $150.00 per tonne 10 be cbarged at Metro's Brock West dump come Uic first of Marcb. Residents campaigning against amalgamation .A group of Hope Township residents appear to be setting forth on a letter writing campaign opposing amalgamation with Port Hope tbrougb the new counîy structure. Some one hundred letters bave already been sent to Uic county. No one seems to know where the initiative is coming froin. Town budget discussions should be open to public Deputy-reeve Harod Stevens of Uic Port Hope council is calling for open discussion of the town's budget even tbough the town is within ils right 10 hold such discussions behind closed doors. Il was noted that the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education holds its budget meetings open to the public and encourages attendance at these meetings. Custodial staff could go out on strike Some 210 custodiai, maintenance and cafeteria staff employed by Uic Northumberland and Newcaste Board of Education couid go out on strike as of February 16Ui. The two groups met with a provincial mediator on February 1 lUi. On January 26h staff voted i favour of a strike if an agreement could flot be reached. Bides in van to. commit robbery A Camborne womnan driving home in ber van from a bingo afternoon was confronted by a Young youth who had bidden in thc back of Uic van. The 26-year-old women was robbed of $26.00. She bad taken another area resident home, dropping ber off before Uic robbery occurred. Plant guards walk ou t of GM GM guards setup pickeî lines at various GM plants in Oshawa on Monday in a move 10 press the Company for a better contract. The pickets did not affect production on Monday but there was a wait and see wbat further days may brmng. -Car-plants one and two are currentiY On îemporary lay-off 50 are not immediately affected. Guards currently make $15.49 an hour. $75,000 ire at Newtonville Wood siding near a chimney around a bouse at 2793 Reid Road just west Of Newtonviile caught fire Thursday nigbt causing damage amounting 10 $75,000. A wood stove increased temperature of Uic chimney resulting in Uic fire. No one was injured in Uic fire. Bouse sales rebound House sales in Oshawa and aiea rebound in January to a total of 339 comparing with 280 over the previous January of 1990). 1A drop l inteccost Of homes in a slow market and a reduction in inîerest rates bave stimulated sales. First lime buyers are said 10 be among the purchasers in Uic past month. Port Perry to loose plant - moving to US. A Port Perry industry employing 180 fuil-time workers Plans to close on April 15Ui., Johnson Control, manufacturer of auto parts, is moving production to Tennesse and Indiana. The union directs Uic move 10 Free Trade whiie the industry points to the drop in the auto industry. Salaried staff to be CUt 15 pc. at GM With GM conîempiaîing reducing salaried staff by 15 percent in North America over Uic nexî two years affects of Uie cul are expected lo be felt in Canada and in Osbawa. It bas been estimaîed that a possible 375 jobs will be lost in Oshawa where some 2500 salaried staff work of a total of 6000 in Canada. Truck sales at Oshawa GM* dropped 18 percent in January with car sales Up by 9 Percent. Average drop in sale was 5.8 percent. Region sets $150.00 tipping fee The Region of Durbam bas set tipping fees at $ 150.00 Per tonne up froin $97.50 for theur two regional dumps, Tbe increase 15 10 conte into effect as of March lsl as does similar charges set by Metro for their Brock West dump. Rural municipalities in Durham fear "midnight dumping" 10 follow . by Rev. Marg West God is a Just God Psalm 7:11 tells us that 'God judgeth the righteous every day and He is angry with the wicked." Righteous is one bighly cherished, precious, a'beloved individual, of highprice, much esteemed. God cails those who have accepted Hils Son Jesus as rigbteous. It was with a very high price that we are abie to be cailed Christians. God gave His Son to be our sacrifice for sin; and because Jesus was obedient to flis Fathers word, when we accept Hum (Jesus) we becomerighteous. Only because of Jesus. So we Christians are being judged every day by God. It makes me want to try a littie harder to be what God wants me to be. We may think we are getting away with sometbing, but God sees everything. He even knows the intent in our hearts. You may be able to hide your habits from people, but when you are sneaking around doing drugs, alcohol or some other sin God sees you, and He is angry at wbat you are doing. God loves you but bates what you are doing. Remember there is no dcgree of sin. Someone wbo steals is just as bad in God's eye as someone who murders. Sin is sin. Praise God He's a merciful God or most of us wouidn'î even make it to be aduits. He just keeps ibis increase. Gary Herrema said îhey -have become the victims and that Metro only charges $9 to dispose of its waste ai its own dumaps including Brock West in Pickering. Larry Hannah said Metro makes the miles at their dump and we bave to abide by themn. Port Perry may be site for equipment school A 194 acre track of land near Port Perry may become home for a heavy equipinent operating scbooi. The centre would, include educational and administration buildings, outdoor learning areas for earthmoving equipment as well as for crane operation. Region approves Bowmanville huge plaza The Region of Durbair as bas the Town of Newcastle bas given ils approval for a new buge mall just wesî of Bowmanville 10 be located on Higbway 2. The site is in tie area of the new Bowmanville. arena. Welfare continues to increase in Durham Welfare cases increased by over 1000 in the montb of January t0 8922 and with the addition.of dependents the number bas reached 15,598. The cases to the 8922 figure from 7,840 ait he end of December. Welfare cost almost $5 million for Uic montb almost a million more than in December. For January 1990 welfare costs settled inaai $2.6 million. Social services chairman, Diane Hlanre, gave out the statistics ai the recent meeting of counicil . Counicil bas, as a resuit of the welfare cos ordered, a freeze on biring and tbat departmients maintain an increase in budget of no more than 4.5 percent. Itbas been the intent of the Region 10 hold. their increase 10 no more Uian a jump in taxes of 6.5 percent- on trying 10 help us see that we need Mim, and that without Hum our life is one big mess. You may not tbink it is and maybe its not in your eyes, but even if things are going great for you, you stili need 10 have a relaîionship with God. The only way 10 have that reiationship is through Jesus Cbrist. With Jesus in your life you have something to live for. Somnetbing lasting and sure. Jesus is the only sure tbing. There is no gamble when you ask Jesus mbt your life, its a sure thing. Questions or Comments? Write Box 179, Orono, Total Christian Television Channel 49, Buffalo. Bible Study, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 983-5962. Job) Printing at the Orono Times 983-5301 kD~ t~,r~d: ~ ~-e~ 7 ..-t~e) ~ 4 (~/~ 3~&4~ ~-, ~<d~7~ 2; -~ee~~ a," 2 -a?/baDY "Shoes That Fit" DES MAGUIRE Tetephone (416) 983-5690 A. R. #2 Orono, Ont. Loo I MO