Wolves win Siver Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 13, 1991-7 Orono Atoms Picwued above are die Ganaraska Wolves who recently won silver 'hi a Sudbury basketball tournament. (Back row) Dan Knight, coach, Mike Sudbury, Phillip Plath, Daryl Reid, Trevor Lomax, and Lyn Lowry, coach. (front Row) Evan Davies, Tom Tamblyn, Jason Hansen (Absent Jef Casey and Nathan Broonifield). Congratulations to the Ganaraska Wolves Volleyball Club on winning the Silver Medal at the MiÈdget Challenge Cup of Ontario, held at MacDonald Cartier High School i Sudbury, February 9. The players concem for their teamimate Aaron Staples, who is recuperatig i Toronto Sick Children's Hospital; they stili came to play and opened the toumnament with an impressive match against their regional'rivals the Pickering Spikers. After Pickerig eliminated the Wolves i the quarter finals of the last tourney, Ganaraska got their revenge, defeating a tough Spikers teamn by scores of 15-7 and 15-12. SThis match was also the Regional' qualifier for the Ontario championship to be held in Oakvîlle on march 23 and 24, 1 991. Through the rest of the pool play the Wolves dominated their opponents until running up against the Scarborough Solars, the top team in the province. The Wolves seemed to be intimidated by this powerful Solar's team and lost both matches 15-4 and 15-6. SThe Wolves regained their confidence hi the semni-final match, winning the frst, losig dhe second To the Canadian Forces, The Canadian military lias always responded when it lias been needed. Kinsmen and Kinettes were created as a result of the comradery and'friendships that developed li World War L. During the Second World War, the Kmn Family sent millions of quarts of milk to Britain and books an&~ magazines to the Merchant Maries. At this time, when Canadian forces are in te thouglits of all Canadians, the Kinsmen and Kiettes of the Great Pine Ridge would like to send their best wishes and continued support to our Canadian forces stationed overseas on.our behaîf: Mildle East; Germany; Haiti; Cyprus; Central Amerîca; Pakistan; Mfganistan; Iran; Iraq. We sincer-ely appreciate your efforts. and rebounding to win the third game of the match 15-7. Now the Wolves found themselves in the championship final against the awesome Solars. The best volleyball of the day was saved for the finals as the Solars triumphed but not before being severely challenged by the Wolves. The lead in both matches see-sawed back and forth with very exciting points bringing the crowd to its feet, ending li a 15-12; 15-4 victory for die Solars. Congratulations again to the coaches, Lyn Lowery and Dan Knight and especially the players who showed their metal in the championship match. Special thanks to Mary Ellen Lomax and Linda Hansen for providing energy snacks and cold drinks to the teamn throughout the tournament. The respcCtive communmities should be' very proud of the young lads for their character and perseverance: Orono - Jason Hansen, Trevor have rough On February 2, a tired Orono hockey teamn paid Newcastle a visit and it showed on the ice as Newcastle jumped out to a 4-0 lead in the first period and dominated mucli of the play. Early in the second period, Brett Maartense put one by the Newcastle goaltender with Greg Bull picking up the assist, but then Newcastle came back with two more of their own. Late in the period Grant Esier made the game a littie dloser with assists going to Steven Foster and Bobby Witheridge. In the third period Newcastle put the game out of reach scoring three more trues, then Steven Foster scored Orono's !ast goal wi th assists gomng to Jamîe Richter and Grant' Esier. Newcastle added one more defeating Orono 10-3. February 4, Orono hosteçi Grafton #2 with both teams Lonsax, Evan Davies, Phillip Plath, Daryl Reid, Tom Tamblyn. Cobourg - Jeff Casey, Nathan Bloomfield. Bownsanville - Mike Sudsbury. P.S. - Get Well Aaron! week playig to a 1-1 tici a fast paced game with both goalies making many fine saves. All the players worked hard in this tiglit checkig game with B.J. Hackett scoring Orono's only goal with assists going to Greg Bull and Brett Maartense. On February 7 Baltimore welcomed Orono in their final gaine of the regular season. Orono had many opportunities throughout the game but only Steven Foster. assisted by Bobby Witheridge, scored Orono's only goal of the ganse late in the first period. Baltimore tied the garne halfway through the second period and it stayed that way until Baltimore scored two late goals i the third period to take a 3-1 wi. A great effort from ahl the players and good luck in your, future gaines. Mel M 'Hartwig Excavating ORONa, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZING - BACK HOE SEPTIC and lILE BEOS SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL