8-Orono Weely Mines, Wednesday, February 13,1991 In the last ten years, $ 1,000,000 was raised for this cause ini Ontario alone. The Barber Shop style of singing and harinonizing is first thought to have come along in the days of Vaudeville, 1905. Then, they were dubbed, "Singing Barbers". These fine Pine- Ridge Harmonizers, are seeking new members. They rehearse about once a week and entertain at various fonctio n the area. To inquire, aspiring "Singing Barbers" should contact Don Tefft, St 786-2070 or at home 885-8207. The Pine Ridge Barber Shop hardly noticed there was no there was nothing left to be desired. ,horus a must to catch if you can. "music". With the voices and .except, perhaps for an encore! During the entertainent, one accompanying antics of the chorus, 1991 Executive Newcastle Village & District Chamber of Commerce Front row: (1-r) Tom Simpson, Treasurer; Barb Chicoyne, Past President; Rod McArthur, President; Rod Hamre, Vice The Annual Newcastle Village & District Chamber of Commerce Dinner Meeting was held Monday evening, February 4 at St. Francis Hall ihitme Village. And what a night it was! After a social hour, eighty members and guests made their way to the tables for a lovely dinner, but not before kicking the get-together off officially, with an all too rare tradition, the singing of ".0 Canada!" The dinner was superb, only equalled by the terrific folks in attendance. Our Chamber of Commerce serves communities in Newcastle Village, and area, including Orono and Newtonville locales. Their objective is to promote and enhance the community. Directors and members hope to Conductor Mac Dallmnen is'from Norwood, and teaches school in Campbellford. In this particular chorus are Macs teenage son sud his grandfather! Dalmen sud lis vibrant chorus filled the hall with harmony, zest and humour. Songs Like "California, Here I Come" another about "the real story" of Christopher Columbus; President. Back row: (1-r) Directors: Helen Simpson, Kristin Martin; Betty Dubeau; John Muzik; Joe McLaughlin; Betty Lycett. (Absent were: Barbara Shetler, Secretary and Directors, Judy Hope; Mabs Barr sud Charles Gray.) work even dloser with mhe DRIA (Downtown Business Improvement Association) to bring spirit and appeal to Newcastle Village and surrounding commnunities. New members whether businesses or individuals are most welcomed to join and become part of the team. Meetings are monthly, quite informal, and may cover various events, or activities going on or to be planned for the area. After dinner was complete and business summed up, mhe evening was topped off in style as mhe Pine Ridge Barber Shop Chorus, twenty in ahl, marched into the hall, handsomnely attired with red cumberbunds and bow ties. These Barber Shop singers hall from the Newcastle-Port Hope- Cobourg area. and mnany more, kept everyoue smiling and tapping. Meni in the Pine Ridge Chorus, are some of the 38,000 singers across Europe, Australia, New Zealand and North America, singing to raise funds in support of "Harmonizing for Speech Fund." This is an organization set up to help those with serious speech difficulties. Thus, the annual Chamber of Commerce meeting . and a fine one ýat that. If you would like more information 'on the Chamber of Commerce or are interested in getting involved, drop a line c/o Newcastle Village Town Hall, or call 987-4395. AUl anticipate a promising 1991 ahead. Kinettes hold Public Speaking Competition, by Sandra Haggett Wednesday, February 6, the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes held their "Public Speaking Competition" for club level. Judges for tie event includeti Pat Fulton, past president of Great Pine Ridge Kmnettes and Charlotte Anderson also a past president of Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. Winner of the Bill Pearson Memorial Award (trophy) was Janet Qegema with lier heartfelt speech of personal sorrow. Runner-up was Diane Lofgren with a speech pertaining to the future of Kmnettes. -Great Pine Ridge president Julie Pearson is to be commended for an enjoyable meeting. For real wealth and real power in Canada, inherit it, marry it or, forget it. -Walter Stewart Anl of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. - North Dekalb Kiwanis Club Beacon AMain was a Canadian. Nobody but a Canadian would stand beside a naked women and worry about an apple. - Dave Broadfoot Clip and Save for Prize HEATINO, PLUMBING and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES C L EA RANJY'CE SALE Starting FEB. 14 to MAR. 30 10% - 60% OFF- MAIN STREET ORONO 983-5206 or 623-2301J on V'ialentin*e's Day Visit with us on February I 4th and receive a mimFm RE Sweetheart Strawberry MILK SHAKE with the purchase of a Burger Plate KIRBY BURGERS AT KIRBY ON HIGHWAY 115/35