This is a hl that is probably unnamed. At least if it had a naine it lias been lost i antiquity. If it doesn't have a naine it is probably difficuit to locate. It is! Even getting to this hili might cause a probletn. It doesnt have a rmail leading to it or even close to it As a child, bills fascinated me. I always thought that it was imiportant to get to the top of the hli. I believe hlis give you a better perspective, not only of the country side around but they always seemed to have some magical way of lifting us above the common places of life; and-so it was as a child I would make the long, and difficult walk to get to this hill. It may be difficuit to get to it but there is rarely a day that I do flot look north to its precipitous slope. I would try to locate it for you by saying it lies nortli of the eighth concession, i a line about due north of the Charles Harris farm. I said it neyer had a naine. lI that I arn COrrected. It was in the earliest days of our pioneers called the "Light" House. If you were to take that namne literally you would probably think of it as the Liglit House and that in some way was a beacon over the water. Sudh was not the case! There was a house on this hill many years ago. I can vaguely recall it standing deserted. iftrmust have had occupants who lived and farmed the land. From their dinly lit lampfigit. as only feeble lampliglits could look then; beamned forth this lonely liglit each niglit. As night travellers Hello Ne wcastle (Continued ftomn page 9) Little Scoops... - Newcastle Public School was honoured by a visit from three young ladies February 13, from Mexico. Rossana Garza Herrera, Fatimia Olveros Alvizu and Claudia Enriques Nunex are attendig the Ontario Ladies College, a private girls school i Whitby. They visited staff and students at Newcastle, sharing. intereshing tidbits about their homeland, flot 10 mention serving' authentic Mexican dishes te several classes at sdhool. A fascinating and successful event for al!f - Thank you to ail those who participated and supported in the Annual Big Brothers Bowl for Millions last week, and the Celebrity Bowl on Saturday, Februa ry 16. - It is nice to see more and more homes and businesses in Newcastle village, showing their support for the troops overseas, by hanging "corne-home" yellow ribbons and bows around trees and on doorways. - Remember tbis is Heart and Stroke Month. Any donations made theur weary way homeward, they could look north and feel the comfort of the ligit li the house, or if you will the Liglit House. There should be a human iterest to Ibis story and I believe there probably is. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton are a grand old couple who live just west and norh of Newtonville. Mrs. Cecil Stapleton was by birth a Coathamn and I would believe that lier grandmother would have been a Mrs. Ard who would have been the lady whose light shone each night from the hill. lI fact, li just talking to Ms. Stapleton she tells me many limes she bas climbed the ilîl. A liglit in the house and a fire in thie hearth were a good part of a home in our pioneer times. Well the liglit doesn't shine there anymore, and the home and hearth have gone. They idicated warmth and friendship boîli just as important to-day. But the liglts are goig out in parts of to- day's world and hearths and homes destroyed. Once again we bear the burden of man's inhunianity 10 man. Einstein, one of our greatest minds said: "Strange t.hat science, which in the old days seemed harmless, should have evolved into a nightmare that causes everyone to tremble." Having said that, Einstein went oni 10 say: "The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after lime have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty and Tr'uth.' whatsoever are appreciated, when your canvasser calis. Witer is certainly back ... .....Brrr! But the days are getting longer regardless, and we are reniinded of the pleasures ahead. For your input in this weekly column, don't lies itate to cail. Reach me at 786-2964 or tbrougli the Times office at 983-5301. Have a cozy week! Council Biefs Mr. Ambrose of Ontario Disposai in speakig to council said it was lis intent to'develop a Central Compost Facility in the north-west corner of the Town. He said the property adjoined the City of Oshawa. Ambrose said he had operated the Whitby compostig scheme for the past couple of years and with his new venture would hope tô process some 25,00 tonnes a year. Ambrose hopes 10 work with the Region and the Municipalities in Iis venture. He said the Region would set the tipping fees and when questioned by Mayor Hubbard said some formn of consideration could be given the Town of Newcastle. Counc. Hannali said the area under consideration, 45.5 acres, would flot cause a traffic problem. Coumcil suggested that Ambrose consider an application for an official plan amendment and a rezoning of the lands Counc. Larry Hannah called for a motion to extend the period of lime that dogs and cal would be held before disposing of them from the present three days to five days. Hie noted that Friday through to Sunday was flot presently counted. He felt the extension would give Owners more time to retreive theirý animais. Mayor Hubbard said shte would flot be supporting the proposai and pointed 10 île problema Oshawa was now havhig with the expansion of the number of animais. A report as to the Town's operation at the shelter is 10 be- prepared for council memnbers. Seventeen building permits were issued in the month of January of which number four were for residential homes. The Billings' Cemetery, located in Part Lot 25, concession 9, Clarke Township las been added 10 the Town of Newcastle's Inventory of' Abandoned Cemeteries and will now come under the conîrol of the Clarke Pioneer Cemetery Board. RESTRICT; ION REGULATIONS wil be in force on roads under the jurlsdiction of the Regianal Municipality of Durhamn effective March 4 to approximately May 3, 1991 Vehicle loads are restricted ta FIVE TONNES per axie in accordance with Durham Region By-Iaw Number 251 -89. Signs will be erected on ail Regianal Roads ta which these Weight restrictions apply. W. A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. commilssoner of Works Reglonal Munlclpallty of Durham r .Clip for 1 Free Game of Pool Feb. 26.., BUSTER'S I * ýROADHOUSE & TAVERN I Newcastle VillageI I BAYOU BOYSI A Tribute ta C.C.R.I I Friday, February 22 L 87-4442 $6.00 Cover 9 -Mý-- - --- - --ý m IRe I-RIT QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, cleazly marked as to contents, for the Service and Inspection Maintenance'ai Mechanical Equipment and for Mechanical Equipment Repairs Service Contract isted below, addressed, to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, wilI be received an the forms and in the envelope provided until the specifled closing time and date. Quotation Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Quotation Q91 -1 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT REPAIRS SERVICE CONTRACT - To performn repairs on an "as requiredu basis ta maintain, mechanical equipment for four (4) building facilities within the Town af Newcastle Quotation 091-2 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - To perform service maintenance, inspections and repars to maintain mechanical equipment for fourteen (14) building facilities wîthin the Town of Newcastle Closing Time and Date: 4:00 p.m. (local Urne) Thursday, Februaîy 28, 1991 The Iowest or any quotation flot necessarily accepted. Mrm. Lwu Ann Blrkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telepon( 416) 623-3379 ext.268 Date of Publication: Wêdnesday, Fobruary 20, 1991 P.O. 4526