Orono WeeklY Times, Wednesday, February 27, 1991-11 Pineridge Interclub Success Eligible Orono Figure Skating Bronze; Anthea Peacock, earned the honour of co«iipetilig at, Club members attended the annual Preliminary flight, Gold; Michele the Eastern Ontario Interclub held Eastern Pineridge Interclub Rutherford, Juvenile flight, Silver, i Belleville March 2-3. Winning a Competition in Cobourg. Some Adam and Kaiti Colville, Bronze i medal there will advance him to the club skater's brought home medals. Preliminary Pairs. Adam Colville Ali-Ontarlo Champioliships in Pictured above L-R: Jillian also won a Gold medal in Pre- Bowmanville on MarOh 16-17, Lemieux, Pre-Prelirinary, Bronze; Preliminary Mens Singles and lias 1991. Melonie Allun, Preliminary flight. The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies held their ninety first annual convention at the Royal York Hotel ini Toronto last week. February 19 - 21 found the hotel taken over by Agricultural Society members front across Ontario. The Durham Central Aqricultural Society was 5-resented by ten people, including the President Carol Bailey and her husband Wayne, First Vice Tom Moffat, Second Vice John Finlay, Directors Bill Tomnlinson and Barb King Secretary-Treasurer Joyce Boudreau, Manager Ron Locke, Fair Queen 1990 Nicole French and her mother Janet. Some of the delegates arrived on Tuesday to set up displays and enter projects that have been chosen from their fairs to compele at the convention. As well it is a time to renew acquaimtances and make new ones before the convention goes mbt high gear Wednesday morning. Wednesday is-the first full day, the line ups are long as the last of the delegates arrive and attempt to get regisîered in order to get on with the convention. AlI the local fairboards have held their Annual Meetings and the xiew Directors are i place s0 this convention represents the beginning of a new Fair year, a time to reflect on past fairs and plan for future fairs. This is certainly a good place t0 get started. The convention organizers have rented the Ballroom where they have set'up a Trade Show. T",s is where delegates cas go to L-- with prospective entertainers or companies and organizations that supply services to the fair industry.. Durham Central Agricultural Sý ys delegation spent most of Wednesday at the Trade Show putting plans in place for the entertainment at the 1991 Durhamn Central Fair i Orono. Some of the new features at the Fair this year will bea heavy and light horse pull on Thursday evening andi a mini iractor pull on Saturday evening of the fair. More entertainnient will be announced as the Fair date gels dloser. The Canada Packers Quilt judgin~g takes place on Wednesday also, this is where the first place quilt from ail the participating Fairs in Ontario is chosen and purchased by Canada Packers to be added to their collection which has recent1ly found a permanent home at the Ontario Agricultural Museum at Milton. Information rooms have been (Continued page 13) 11lth Annual KUDNEY FOUNDATION DANCE Saturday, March 2nd, 1991 8:00 P. M. to 1:-00 &. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Music by: 'THE TRADESMEN' Lunch Provided $1 8.00 A Couple PART-T M E FIREFIGHTER POSITION Applications are invited for a part-trne firefighter position with the Town of Newcastle Fire Department, Station # 3, Orono. Successful applicant wîiI be required to complete the York University Physical Ftness and Stress Testing. Interested persons may obtain applications at Fire Station No. 1, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. weekdays. M. Crelghton, Fire Chief Dates of Publication Wednesday, Februazy 27 Wednesday, March 6. 13, 20 P.O. 4906 The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR &-TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHEQ.TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL 'SERVICE TRUCK R. i ORONO. ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1 MO ON HWY Il5 & 35 MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABtE RAATES Free, Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Availabie Corner Church and Tmperance-Sts., Bowmanville MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. - ~ Estabiished in 1881 PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAIO FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 3-tfSN £ ROKA Firewood Centre DRY HARDWOOD 4'x8'xl 2" 4'x8'x1 6" FREE DELIVERY TO MILLYARD 705-277-3381 $60.00 $65.00 ORONO AREA EVEN INGS 416-434-6665 Fair Board members attend OAAS convention Af fordable Dream Vacation.s! " Free Vacation Planning Services' " Discount Cruises 0 Charter- VacationiS " Airline Tickets e Honeymooni Packages 0 Hotel .and Car ReserWatir n s PERSONAL & CORPORATIE TRAVEL SERVICOS Travel Agents Intemation RWe 're with you al the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILL. Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-66M3