12-Oreno Weekly Times, Wednesday, Februar 27,1991 Clarke High School "Thse Future Starts Here" From the Principal: As aur second semester progresses students are making plans for next year. Option sheets are now collected and we are beginning the planning of the 1991-92 school year. If parents have any concerns regarding the choices of their students for next year please caîl Student Services (987-4771) and tbey will answer any questions. Progress reports will be given out an March 19. Parents Night is Thursday, 1Marcb 21 and we hope ail parents will mark their calendar and plan ta attend. Thtis Parents Night is early in the term and allows turne ta resolve probleins before they become major concerns. Congratulations ta Cindy Tamblyn for winning the University of Toronto Book Award. This award is presented ta a student who is in his/her graduating year and who has demonstratedl superior academic performance; original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement i a broad context. Cindy is a natural for this award since ber grade point average is in the Ontario Scholarship range. Also, she bas been involved in the senior concert and stage bands, the senior school reach teani, community 4H clubs and bas dune various volunteer woek witbin ber church. We applaud your achievements Cindy and are praud ta call you one of Clarke HigI Schaol's fmnest. Sports News> Iqoys' Basketball Congratulations ta the Senior Boys' Basketball team at Clarke High Scbool an winning the Kawartha "A" Chinpiansbip. The teain defeated Cainpbellford 43-29 in the semi-finals, then went an ta defeat Lakefield 60-46 in, the finals. The semi-final match saw Clarke average earlier scason lasses ta Campbeilford as Clarke ralled ta a bard fought 43-39 win. Key ta the gaine was the return of Dustin Reid and Treffor Davies ta the staring lime-up. Bath players bad missed several gaines due ta injury. Brandon'Coyle lead a, balanced attack, scoring 10 points. Dustin Reid and Mark Tranter each scored 9 points and Treffor Davies scored 7 points. The final match saw Clarke jump out to an early 22-6 first quarter lead against Lakefield. Brandon Coyle paced the early attack scoring 10 of bis 16 points in this quarter. The Lakefield teain, lead by some strong outside shooting was able to narrow the lead ta 34-25 at haf-time and only trailed 43-38 by the end of the third quarter. However, in the fourth quarter Clarkes defense tightened up, and held Lakefield ta 8 points while the offense found ils stride again as the teain coasted ta a 60-46 win. The teain was lead by Dustin Reid who had a gaine high 21 points, Brandon Cayle with, 16 points and-Mark Tranter who had 9 points. Clarke now advances ta the Ceal Ontario Championships ta be held Thursday, February 28 at Clarke Hiigh Schoël. Academic Decatleon 1This past weekend a group of s tudents ftamn Clarke H-igh School competed against variaus other schools in the eastern Canada Championships of the Academic Decathalon. The contest consists of students answering questions in a multiple choice format for 6 subject areas as well as writing an essay, preparing speeches, and as a team answering questions in a "Jeopoedy"* style format. The top 5 schools advanced ta the finals being held April 20 in Calgary. Clarke bad a very close battle narrowly losing to a school froin Lindsay and finishing 6th place overall. Individually Clarke had . some outstanding performances. Dan Smith won a gold medal in the essay category. Tricia Dubeau and Jason Twardowski each won a silver medal in Social Science. Carl Brown won a silver in the math category and Andy Rorabeck won a bronze in Science. Cameron Esler,- Mike Smith and Richard, Jenkins also had outstanding showings in p articipating i the Decathalon. Co-op Education Experiences by Nick Gallello Nick Gallello at General Motors LtI. Ive had the chance to explore three différent co-op positions, al turning out ta be a great success. During my first position 1 was within the scbool assisting my supervisor in the Ca-aperative Education Office. I was given a variety of tasks d uriing mny stay. The most beneficial was being trained i he use of the comnputer and the various programis used with it. My next experience with Co-op took place i the aftemnoon ait he Royal Banik in Bowmanville. 1 was trained as a teller which was a very challenging job ta say the least. Currently l'mi in theWarranty- Administrations Department at General Motors. 1 will be involved in a variety of tasks during my stay here. 'm looking forward ta the experience of working in a large conmpany and there will be many benefits from this experience. It wil look greatan my resume. Mrs. MacKenzie and- Mrs. Kearns, my supervisors, both worked bard to get my placements ini order. They really smnootbed out any bassies that could occur and should be recagnized for it. COM11NG EVENTS March th - l6th Progress Reports March 2lst Parents' Night Office Residence 1' 623-6622 983-5194 Grace L. Peacock S"aleRprosentaU»v 149,900 4 bedroomn 2 storey, i 2xl 6 deck, close to school North Bawmanville 136,900 5 Bedroamn Backsplit semi, Bowmanville, easy access to 401. 139,900 Oompletely renovated aider home in Newcastle, deck overlooks mature hedge and stream. 349,000 Prestige Plus, 4 Bedroom, tennis court, sauna, pool an .99 acres in North Oshawa 149,900 1785 sq. f. Backsplit on quiet Court, 5 manths aid upgrades plus, Milibrook 162,900 4 Bedroom, 2 storey Newcastle, 24x24 detached garage with workhop and hydro. Main floor famiiy raom and laundry, Newcastle.