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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1991, p. 13

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Orono Weekly'Times, Wednesday, February 27, 1991.13- November 1968 Conung Event - You are invited to corne and enjoy a demonstration and display of the iteresting hobby of ceramics. in St. Saviours Parish Hall on Friday, November 29th at 8 p.m. Admission $350. Lunch and door prize. At Novembers meeting of the Clarke Township Public School Board approval was given for holding the Official Opening of the new Kirby Centennial School on Friday, March 28th. The board allotted a sumn of-$ 100.00 to cover expenses connected with the opening. Karen Lowery received a prize given for Grade VII Piano at a recital by the prize winnîng students of the Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Registereti Music Teachers' Association. The winner of the 50150 draw held by the Saracens Car Club of Fair members, attend (Cofnued from 12) set up for various inTèrest groups so the delegations split up and try to take in as much information as possible. Also many workshops are in progress where delegates can choose subjects which range from "Dealing with fai garbage» to "Agriculture in the classroorn. Wednesday concludes with. "Showcase" this is an entertainment session where varons groups and individuals are mnvited to strut their stuff in front of the assembled Fair Board representatives of Ontario. Many of these acts are hired on die spot by representatives who have corne with the power to do so. Thursday begins early with "-and table discussions at 7 a.rn., these discussions cover a wide range of topics that concern Fair boards and give everyone a chance to see how other Boards deal with them. Governrent Inforrnation Sessions follow the Round Table Discussions. Here delegates get a chance to hear the latest on Govemiment reguiations and grants and ask questions regarding Govemment programmes. Thursday noon a luncheon' concludes the OAAS convention with Special Ouest Lieutenant' Govemnor Lincoln Alexander and Ouest Speaker Ross Daily, Agriculture Editor, CFPL TV London. Ross spokeon 'whats wrong with our Fairs?" , While ail the Fair Representatives are going about their business, the FairQueens from 116 Fairs across Ontario are attending v arious sessions to prepare themn for the Miss CNB Pageant next August. Also the Fair Queens attend photo sessions, makeup sessions and discussion groups. The Pair Queens also get a chance to parade into the hall for the "Showcase" on Thursday evening. The front rows of, seating are all reserved for the Fair Queens and they get a chance to ,r-1e center stage for a moment ~h and introduce themnselves as well as the Agricultural Society each one represents. Nicole French from Orono made her sponsors proud and they wish hier the very b t the CNE next sunrimer. eurham Centrai Pair dates this year are September 5, 6, 7,S. Orono on November l3th was Harold Lindsay of Bowrnanville. The $150.00 winning ticket was drawn by Len Pears. November 1978 The Orono Figure Skating Club lias donated asum of $814.l6 to the Orono Mrena Fund. This amount is the receipt frorn their WaIk-a-thon held earlier this year. The Orono Firefighters camne in for sorne applause ast week from Mrs. Len Pears; who said the departrnent was "super great!" The local departrnent answered a cali to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Pears li Orono where a chirnney had caught fire. No darnage resuhted frornthe fire. The Great Pine Ridge Kinsrnen and Kinettes invited ail senior citizens to an afternoon of musical entertainment on Sunday, November l9th at the Orono United Churcli Hall, 2 - 4 p.m. Those entertaining were Country Four, Elaine Mercer, Shelley Gray, Bd Van Hamburg, Bill and Mary Bunting and Sterling Mather. Gene Wrinkle, imanagf 0151 Marys Cenent, Bowmanville presents a cheque to Mr. Chàrie s Gray, finance chairman for the Orono Mrena Building Fund in the amount of $1 ,000.00. The Ojono fund is now over $ 170,000.00. Comning Event - Heather Social Club Bazaar and Tea, Saturday, December 2nd, in the I.O.O.F- Commuunity Hall. -Easy Reading and Picture Books at Orono Public Library are The Wump World by Bill Peet, Maggy Scragle loves the Beautiful Ibe Creai Mani by Jill McDonald and Bll and Peter by Tomnie de Paola - Madeline Hadley. STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanvilîe, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT OFTOWN CALLTOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 Granîte Monumente Markere and Cametay Letfeing PYWaet Home or Showroom appointmente avalabla Serving all Faithe Refeences Avallable on Requeet After Hours Cmli Oshawa 1-416-579-1116 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE, irs FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK SIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. FLEA MARKETS necaasary. Management opportunities. The SUNDAY FLEA MARKET Smiths Fats. 65 Fashioni Network, 1-800-661-5561. Cornelia Street. East, year round. (613) 283- o 8448. 150 inside stals. DealIers welnome. Lowest O T 0F TOWN PROPERTIES prices, best selection in the valley. CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properies t. to be sold for upaid taxes. For information write: CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET and Antiques. Properties, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa. 10,000 square feet of nolletibles. Openi Sundays. l2C 3J . Vendors or viewers. Cali (613) 752-2468. W NE Calabogie enroute f0 Calabogie Peaka. W NE r________________Wt______ y____ FOR THOSE WHO LIVE n harmony with naturei FOR SALE solated woodlots urgently needed for release it FARMERS OR BUSNESSES: Warmth Insulaion: rehabilitated racnoons. Water nearby. Hunting, Spray U rethanea and ail spray on fibres. For rpigpo 'e.Peaenî 59 7-38 insulation, condensation control, shop insulation. Very competitive rates. Phone (613) 267-6711, or ADOPTION- (613) 268-2113. PREGNANT? Happy, caring couple wiahes to V C V Ladopt and provide vety best care for your unbom sACATIONS/TRAVEL child. Secure. loving home, f ul-iemo.C: CANAL CRUISES; f ive days aboard KAWARTI-A Pst colet (416) 482-6024. VOYAGEUR on acenic Tren-Severn Watetway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooma. meals, free COMPUTERS brochure. Write aptain Marc, Box 1540, FOR SALE OR RENT' New and renonditioniea Peterborough, K9J 7H7. IBM compatible computera, printera, and peripherals. Terme available. Trade-ina accepteo& CAREER TRAINING CatI M-R Technologies et (519) 392-8300 FREE nareer guide ta home-sfudy weekdays 9-5. correspondance Diploma courses: Acounting. Airconditionîng, Bookkeaping, Business. COMPUTERS: New XT-8086-12Mhz $413. AT Oosmetology, Eletronica, Legal/Madinal 80286-12Mhz $521. 80386-16Mhz $1063, VGA Senretary, Psynhology, Traval. Granton,(SA> 263 Color Monitors $402. Printers $247, Modems Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. $125, Harddisks $300. Software naîl, wsrranty. catalogue, 1-800-627-9273, fax/BBS (514) 247- BUSINESS- OPPORTUNITIES 3365. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baifwarma in your basement or garage. Odorleas operation. Low SERVICES1 investment. Mark<e guaranteed! Free information. NEED CREDIT? Instant $1,S00 lina Of credit. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithvlle, Ontario, LOR Guaranteed approval. Cash advances availabla 2A0 (416) 6434252. OC. Catalogue shopping. Application seno SASE: Adv antageCard, Bos 4383C, Stn. D. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Grow baitworm3 n Hamilton, L8V4L8. basement or garage. Guaranteed year-round income. Odlorleas. nveafment. Kumari Bat Farm, WANTED 53 OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE tai ose 10- Box 69, Camnden East, Ontario. KOK iJO. (613) 29 lbs. in the next 30 days. Dr. recommandea. 378-0023. Earn extra incarme wîî h rasuits. (416) 594-5660. HELP WANTED STEEL BUILDINGS SENIOR THERAPIST for new mental health 1991 FARM EOUIPMENT SHOW. Special on au centre in scenic rural communit. Apply Haliburton Modela. eg. 530'x40' - 10x11' door $4,693. Caunty Counseiling Centra, Box 687, Halburlon, Cuanset 30sx40 $4,589. Sizes front 20W 10 Ontario, KOM ISO. (705) 457-1209. . 1 00W. Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653. AREA SALES MANAGER. Cosmetis/Fragrannes STEEL BUILDING SURPLUS Inventory Prines narear opportunity. Prestigious/Estabi iished from $250 a square foot. Buy now, taka deîivery company. Prefer beauty/coamatic esperine. within 6 months t no, extra coat. PIONEER/EC- Ambitiaus individuels apply. Resume: 56 OOPN1806852.(4ar> Firestone Blvd., London, ON, NSW 5L4. Fax (519> NSA -0-6852.2 or) 452-1848. BEST BUILDING PRICES- STEEL STRAITINALL SELLING FASHIONS la an exciting way ta make type - flot quonset - 32x48 $4.983; 40s64 $8.079: maney. Choase your hours. Eam top commission. 50s96 $14.908 - non-espandable ends, other Free training. Generaus incantives. Car ies avalable - GST incudi Paragofi - 24 Houri - 1-800-263-8499. Your ad could appear in communlty newspapers in Ontaro, or rlght across Canada, or any IndIvidual province. Space Is Llmted, so Calil This Newspapr Todayl DUIII-IAM NOTICE F0 WA5Tt DISPOSAL CUSTOMERS UTIUIMG DURHAM gEGION SOLID WASTE ISPOSAI FAÇILIES' Effective March 1, 1991, the rate for disposing of refuseat waste disposai faciities in the Region of Durham wil increase as follows: a) Rates for passenger cars, pick-up trucks and vans with or without utility trailers: Under 100 kg (220 IL) NO CHARGE (Only one such free load il be allowed per day for each vehicle) b) Rate for dlean fil matenial NO CHARGE (Landfill only) c) Where weigh scales are avallable and in service, the rate wilI be: 1) Mixed Ioads will be charged as waste ($1 50.00 per tonne) 2) Rate of $2.0 0 per 13.33 kg or fraction thereof ($1 50.00 per tonne) for waste disposai in ail sites. 3) Rate of $2.00 per 20.50 kg or fraction thereof ($97.50 per tonne) for recyclable mateuial disposai in ail sites. d) Where weigh scales are flot available or flot in service, the rate wiIl be: SEPARATED RECYCLABLE WAU MAThWIAL 1) Ail vehicles C<mci. pick-up trucks and vans but excuding passenger cars) of less than 300kg GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight> 2) Single-axle truck fromn 3000 kg up to 7500 kg GVW 3) Single-axie truck over 7500 kg. GVW 4) Double-axle truck except compactor type 5) Double-aile truck compactor type 6) Tri-axle truck and 75 cubic yard tractor trailer compactor type $46.00 -$30.W0 $175.00 $105.00 $51 7.00 $336-00 $657.00 $427.00 $1,51 7.00 $986-00 $3.009.00 $1 ,956-00 Yourst tnly A.F. Letch, P. Eng. DîreCtor of Operatîons cou me to buy m »H.. ono andamesai *MW* [oe îp. KRYS1YNA JONES Tel: 983-9782- REMAX CORNERSTONE Tel: 623-6000 Huge Semi, Huge Yard! $124,900 TV - VCR - STEREO Service Calis ESTIMATES GIVN I983-5082 JOHN HRUSIKA Ucensed - 15 Vears Expenience

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