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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1991, p. 3

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Tveqdding Announcement Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 6,1991-3 Congiderg WM9te Diversion study Leanne Marie Reid and Glenn David, Kealy will exchange wedding vows during a candlelight service to be held la Orono United Cburcb, Saturday, June the 15th, 19 '91i at 5:30 p.m. The bride's parents, Robert and Bonnxie, Reidof Kirby, and the groom's parents, Richard and Elizabeth Kealy of Newcastle, will be receivirxg family and friends for a dinner and dance at the Orono Arena and Community Centre. Open Letter to Ross Ste venson- Ô'Rs An Open Letter b os Stevenson, Member of Parliarnent, Durham Dear Mr. Stevenson, This rnonth I received a copy of youi, remarks in the Hou se of CoMmmons concerning Canadian involvement in the Persian Gulf "Crisis". Hansard records fixai you staîed that the commitînient of Sadian Armed Forces was the fu Iillmnent of "our obligations as a memiber of the United Nations." Your staternent truly baffles me. As I understand il the United Nations Charter explicitly forbids the use of force except in îwo cases: the right of counîries 10 defend theniselves whille under aîrack and thxe use of a specially constituted UN. arrny. Resolution 678 referred to neither case. Is il possible that you meant "our obligations as a member of the United States?" Yes, 1 realize that a ceasefire bas now been raified. Tbis will net, however bring 10 an end the questions many Canadians are stili asking. They have not been adequately answered by a goverrnent which is adept aI dissolving Parliament wben important issues are at band. I predict that you may be asked about that very practice as well as die apparent inability of our Prinme Minister t0 chart a foreign 1policy independent of White Meuse press releases. Your govemmîent rnay also face questions pertaining te Richard Gwyn's allegations in the Toronto Sta r that Iraq's nuclear and chemnical weapons capabilities nxay have been exaggerated if flot completely fabricated. You rnight -ý Lpected te comment on a Fifth Estate docurnentary wbich asserts that Anerican foreign policy may have encouraged Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. In the meantime, I would be plcased if you direct your attention Saturday, March 2nd, started out a duli dreary day, shortly after noon the rain began to pour down and then about 2:30 p.m. the sun shone for a few minutes and then quit again. As we came over the ski bul, on our way to Kendal, we saw a lovely rainbow. It may have be en duil and dreary outside, but that was flot the way it was inside die Church and Sunday Scbool. It was a cheerful bappy crowd of people that gathered together to wish Catherine Stewart a happy 9Oth Birthday. Catherine sat at the front of the Church surrounded by beautiful flowers that had been given to her by well wishers, and a steady streamn of people came up t0 her and wished her the best. Following Ibis, ail were invited to have lunch in the Sunday School room. Catherine'.s îwo nieces Jean and Mary welcomed eachone as they entered the Church. The beautiful lunch was made and served by the Ladies of thxe Kendal U.C.W. There were many lovely flowers and plants along with many cards and I arn sure that it will take some lime for Catherine 10 read them ail. On display alon g with som e pictures of ber in ber younger days, were Certificates she had. received for ber work in various organizations. It was quite a puzzle 10 try and pick Kate out in the picture of ber graduating class at Teacher's College in Peterborough. Ih is hoped that she will have many more years among us and that she will continue to enjoy good health. Happy Birthday, Catherine. Sunday the roads were pretty icy and 1 wondered if many would corne to Church, but there were quite a few who dared thxe drive. Following the cal 10 Worship, the choir sang tbe Anthem, "At the Cross". The children sang two songs, the one was about havig no food bo eat and being worried, but God said, "Do flot worry, I will take care of you.", The 2nd song was, I will walk wirh you." It is nice t0 hear the children's singing. The children's story was about Promises. Rev. Ransom asked thein, what was the sign God gave after the flood, they answered a rainbow. He then asked them what God promisedi Abrahami. God promised that'although Abraham and is wife were old, Abrahainxs wife would bear -him a son. What promises did God make us? How were these promises brought 10 us? They were brought 10 ius tbrough Jesus. Our promise to others is, 10 help one anotber, 10 love one another. Pastoral Prayers were said for George MacDonald, Jack Westlake and Marie Couroux, may they continue to improve in health and for thxe Gordon Farnily, in the passrng of Howard Gordon. 1 The Psalm readmng was Chapter 19:7-14; dhe Scriptures were taken froni Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25; and John 2:13-22. Rev. to the trivial matter of our by-passing the United Nations Charter 10 participate in bombing another country. Thank you for takin he ixeure out of your busy schedle to rend Ibis, letter, I look forward t0 the honour of a reply. Sincerely, Carneron Langstaff Newcastle, Ontario Ransom named bis Sermon "Stumbling Blocks". Paul said, "Where is the wisdomn of Man?".1He was speaking -of fixe Greeks and the Jews, they were in a power struggle for the Church. In Matthew 7: verse 15, he, says, "Beware of false prophets, wbich corne 10 you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly Ihey are ravening wolves'." Rev. Ransoni went on to tell us of a church that bas been forned in Toronto called, die Church of Christ, il is at Yonge and Bloor, tbey approacb the young students that are away front home atle nding school. These students are alone, have flot-made new fiends yet, and are lonely. They are asked 10 cone out and attend a Bible Sludy, they go ouI of their way 10 make the new student feel lovetu and wanted, they go on 10 rnake that student feel dependent on themn by having social li mes and sports events until that student fmnds Ibat aIl their time is taken up, then they ask them te cone10 the Church after a couple of limes they are bold they mnust be Baptized. Then they must attend ail Church functions, Bible Studies. Someone fromt the Church keeps in daily contact with fixe student, the student then must apostolize every day. The student then finds that they have no lime for themselves, their school marks suffer and many drop out of scbool. The Church fmnds dheni a place t0 stay and a job, but tlxey must in tumn tithe a gooti part of their wages t0 the Churcb, they have, no life oulside of the Church. Rev. Ransom spoke of talking to one; man who bad lefI Ibis Churcb, he was a studesit frorn Alberta, lie had been îoîally caught up in al Ibis until he met a young womnan Ibat he was attracted te. Before she could go out with bum, they had 10 get permission froni the Church, they had 10 have permission te kiss, and permission t0 marry. The Churdil does flot like married couples, Ihey prefer fixe single person. If a couple 1 dces rnarry, the woman becomes a servant te the man. If she dces flot fulfili ber obligations, she is made to feel guilîy and unworîhy, the Churcli owns tbeir lives. If they drop out of the Church, they are made te feel guilty, unworthy and a failure. There are many cuits springing up, they work on the young, the student, the ones who are on their own, perhaps for the firsî trne. Our Churches must be open, let these young people know about these happenings. This Church talks about going back te- the old religion, tbis is not religion, il is complete control of a person îbinking and way of life. The Service closeti with the singing of the Hym n "Be Thou My Vision." Reaxember there will be a Social Concerns meeting aI fixe home of Ron and-'Arleen Phillips on Monday, March 111th, 7:30 p.m. Donft miss fixe Pipers Hut Concert this coming Saturday, at the Town Hall, Orono. "Hair Witb Flair", L.ADIES andtiGENTS mainSretOrn 983à33 The Town of Newcastle general purpose commitîee referred a proposed 'Waste- Diversion Incentive scheme plan that had been presenîed 10 them 10 staff for a report. David Merriman, consultant to the Solid Waste Interim Steering Committee, had suggesîed 10 council that a study be undertakenà in the Town of Newcastle as t 1 a Waste Diversion Incentive scherne. He said -the study would take the best part of a year and that a report would be subrnitted 10 council by the end of the year. Although Merriman did flot outline any specific waste diversion scheme, or the type of incentive, he dîd say that a number of options would be considered following a survey of the general public. Mrrimn laspeaking 10 council said the 3Rs would be part of the plan but that there was a need for an incentive 10 reduce waste and direct wasîe Ibat is created, away fromt landfill sites. He said plans such as the Blue Box scheme and composting is now undertaken tbrough an idividual desire."there bas lo be an incentive," he said. SHe spoke of a rebate on the tax bill, or returnable coupon and as well pay by the bag as possible solutions. Merrimnan did suggest that thxe pay by bag system was flot well received in some areas. "We wanî 10 know what would work here in Newcastle," he said. "We would like 10 undertake the study in Newcastle," he said, "and there is no cost 10 tie Town for the study and reFport." He suggested Newcastle had been chosen because it was i the forefront in blue box and that a cornposting study bad already been undertaken in the municipality. H1e also noted fixaI Newcastle already hadt town-wide garbage collection. "We want your support," he said. ,When Counc. Stapleton asked, "What do you want 10 see?" Merriman answered, "il is up 10 you, we would like 10 complete the study gaiing public input and then we will report back to you." Merriman bad somne doubts as te the proposed pay per bag system being planned for Cobourg and Peterborough. 1He also said dmxaIthe Blue Box systeni didn't take the municipality very far with a 10 tb 15 percent reduction in waste for landflhi. -Here Merriman noted that waste was to be reduced by 50 percent by the year 2000. 1 Counc. Deegan noted-that the Blue Box program was flot available throughout the Town. There could be a. feeling of beig left out, he said. Counc. Hannab said the Biue Box plan carried astronomical costs and asked when the report would be ready. Merriman suggested the end of fixe year and tbal fixe report would setforth costs 10 the individual and What im plications any plan suggested may have. Merriman in answering a question from'Counc. Stapleton said the report would consider illegal dumping as it would relate 10 any plan proposed. IUTEI A ROADHOUSE & TAVERN BSE' i Newcastlê Villagei presents i JUST ALICEI çrribute to Alice C;oope> Saturday, March 9thi L9744 - -$6.00 Cover Oharge TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Spring/Summer ACTIVTY GUIDE Watch for your copy of the 1991 $pring/Sumnmer Activity Guide due to be dlstributed the week of March 11, 1991. Copies will be delivered through the mail or at your local post Office. Joli> the fun> THIS SPRING and SUMMER Information is available by calling the COMMUNITY- SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT 623-3379

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