A. mW1~ 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 6, 1991 Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West Sickness or Health? What do you want. Let God be true and evcry mani a liar. <lods Word is true. <lad does not lie. Gad said tda by Jesu stripe you were (past tense it's already been done) healed. Healed in your bady before Jesus went ta the cross ta give us Ispiritual life. Satan cames ta kil, steal and give it mare abundantly. Dont dwell on your symptoms. Anything we can see is subject ta change. Changed by the word of <lad by trasting in His word and not accepting what we see or feel. Don't dwell in sympathy. Sympathy will kil yau. When you dwcll in sympathy and how you feel, you are agreeing. with the devil, and remember he cornes ta steal, kill and destroy. He wants you anyway he can get you, through sickness, poverty, suicide. If you are flot a Christian maybe through this tcaching you will understand why you are in some of the situations you are ini, mid why you necd ta ask Jesus into your life. -If you are a Christian for your sake dan't let the enemy have miy powcr over you any more. Oct into God's word, trust Gad. Look up al scriptures ta do with hcaling. Start confessing them even if you've neyer donc it before. Stant believing what <lad says. The more you say what you want the more it will get into -your spirit and start ta takc over the sickncs. You cannot agrcc' with the sickness aid believe. Gad. You have ta rcnew your mind by reading Gads word, and acting on what <lad says. "<lad is nat a mani dma hc should lic." . What he's tclling you in His word is truc and ites for you. If you haven't been taught about healing and they don't teach and believe it in your Church, get out of that Church and find one who can help you ta understand Gads word, and be helpful in gctting, 'yau through your trial (whatevcr it may be). <lad is for yau. Would a <lad who is for you want you destitute, sick, divorccd, an underdog. NO. <lad says, "we can do ail thmngs through Christ who strengthens us. Do you. see that, ALL THINGS, that mneans any problem you have. Christ strengthens us so we cati get through it, over it, or around it. With every- trial we have HE makes a way of escape from it for us. His -Word is the escape route. Plea s art ta read God's word. He only has goad things for us. Bible Study, Tuesday 7:30 p.m. 983-5962. Comments or Questions, Write Box 179, Orona. Total Christian Television, Channel 49, Buffalo. STARKVILLE (Continued fram page 5) There were always plenty of visitors each summer, mainly relatives. Catherine's miccc, Mary Lofthousc, recalîs spending summers at Willowbrae. "Wc came here as often as we could. We just loved it mid that's likely why I'm livin-g here now. Catherine has always been an important part of my life. I remtember when she took care of my sister and I whilc my mother was in the haspital. We were likely pre-school age, but she took us with her ta school, mid we wcre given strict instructions ta cal her Miss Stewart." Mary also tels that Catherine is the sole survivor of the Stewart family, the last of ail those gencrations that came fram Scotlmid. She is also the last of her generation who attends Kendal United Church. She has always been involved with the church faithfully as die rest of her family wcre. Her philosaphy is ta trust in Gead During this interview, Catherine receivcd phone calîs from neighbours sending best wislaes, and even a cal from B.C. Judging from the stack of birthday cards she'd reccived even, before "Wood It Be Truc" f"Yes It Is", Yes it is! On March 9, 10 and 16, 17, 1991, the Forest & Stream Waodcarvers of Whitby will be hosting a special carving demanstratian at the Purple Woods Conservation Area. Charlie Mesher and Paul Ward have aver 55 years of combined wood carving experience and specialize in hand-carved ducks and birds. An exhibition of their work will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 pIn. in the building beside the parking lot. Carving demonstrations will also be running throughout the day. So, if you have any questions, POEM ORONO Spelt like Toronto without the T's It's a village filled with mature trees Where the air's still fresh when you feel th e breeze And the follks still say hello and please Where the streets are safe ta walk, at night' While overhcad the stars shine bright If you walk downtown while its still light A smiling face is a common sight Where whcn you visit, you want to stay Raise your cilîdren, and watch them play This village is still to this day The way I rememiber yestcrday Its now my home quiet, quaint and pretty And afar cry bettertdmndie City. Sidney Stewart Brechin Saturday's party, it is clear that there are a whole lot of people who love and care and think about aur wonderful "Kendal Hilîs" Catherine. A very happy 90th Birthday to you! this is the place ta, find some miswers. In addition, carvings will be available for sale and special orders are most welcome. Sugar bush tours are also running on March 9, 10; 16, 17; 29, 30, 31 and April 1, at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and,2:30 p.m. Al tours leave from the parking lot. Maple syrup products, will beý available for sale. Sa, take a break on the weekend and came out ta Purple Woods ta learn about the art of carving and making maple syrup. TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the foiiowing requirements isted below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing trne and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender NW91 -8 - Surface Treatmnent,> - Heat, supply and apply liquid asç emnulation HF1 50S (approx. 357,000 litres> - Supply, spread and roll 9.5 mm c (approx. 500 tomnes) - Supply, spread and roll 16.0 mmi Class 2 Aggregate (approx. 4,10G tonnes) Tender NW91 -9 - Asphait and Surface Treaiment Pulverizing Closing lMme & Date: 12:00 Noon (local Urne> Wednesday, March 20,1991 The Ilowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. lE OWNF(j~ Cfp' sphait )o Mms Lau Ann BiKtt Purchasng & Supply Agent Telephane: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wedneeday, March 6,1991 P.O. 4539 What to look for when buying a new hom e. As a bufider, people always ask me, "How do t know my new home will be built to the highest standards?" lt's a good question. Because while ail homes are built to building code standards, there is only one type of chome that's been given a î speciai designation because it exceeds the building code to make it more energy effi- dent. In fact, it's so energy efficient that Ontario Hydro highly recommends it. It's cafied the R200W home. Seen from the street it looks like any other home. So what inakes it so spedial? It'sthe way it's built. For example, R2000) homes are constructed with a greater attention to detail. This creates a more comfortable, even temperature in your home that also eliminates drafts and cold spots. And because of extra insolation and good quality doors and windows, R2000 homes reduce noise from neighbours and outside traffic. Is dlean, fresh air important to you and your fainily? The R2000 home lets you control the ventilation in your home. For example, you don't have to open the window for fresh air, the ventilation . system will ensure a contin- ' uous supply at ail times by ~ exhausting the stale indoor air and repiacing it with fresh outdoor air. S But there is one thing you must know. Bufiders must receive special training to build R2000 homes. And to ensure your home is built to officiail1R2000 standards, il is individuaily inspected and given its own certificate. So look for the R2000 symbol, it's your way of knowing that the home you buy is a better buit home. For more information about R2000 homes, cail the certified R2000 builder llsted below. Carl Drink Hayward Rossert-Taunius Kassinger Strahi Construction Construction Construction Ltd.- Construction (416) 987-4818 (416)'649-3597 J416) 623-1256 (416) 728-7583 (416) 579-0243