Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 13,1991-11 Preparing for Oshawa show Don Staples of. Orono prepares his work of art for the juried show being sponsored by the Oshawa Art Association. The event is being held in May . Those wishing to enter are asked to cal 983-5638, Audrey A. Stewart. October 1968 An Orono boy, Mr. Donald Ransberry, 21 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ransberry, Orono North, was the recipient i a successful kidney transplant conducted in Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday. The Clarke Public Library Board held their monthly meeting on Monday evening when the Board approved the opening of the library for another two hour period during the month. It was decided that commencing Saturday, November 2, the library would be open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, every Saturday. The Orono-Newcastle Badminton Club opened its season of play on Tuesday evening at Clarke High School gym. Play will also be held on Friday evenings when the gym is available. Parents in Orono and immediate district have organized a Co-operative, Kindergarten for the aiea, which is to open in the United Church basement on November 4th. Mrs. Carol Bailey will be the teacher for the school. Following are the officers of the parent group: President - Mrs. Joyce Rosseau, Vice-President - Mrs. Bonnie Taisma, Secretary - Mrs. Joan Sutcliffe, Supply - Mis. Sue Sawyer, Treasurer - Mrs. CarolineJohnston. 1Mrs. Jean Frances Tamblyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T'amblyn, Orono, and Gary Brian MacDougall, Bowmanville were united in marriage on October 5. 1968 at the Orono United Church with Reverend G.K. Ward officiating. Gifts for men - $.69 and up at Matts Barber Shop-Confectionary. On Sunday, September 29, Clarke High School sponsored a competition of orienteering. The Clarke meet was very successful with seventy-five participating. Congratulations to Miss Dale Challice, daughter of Mi. and Mis. Orvîlle Challice, Orono, on her marriage to David William Ferrier, son of Mi. and Mis. Wm. Ferrier, Bowmanville. The wedding took place on Friday, -October 4, 1968 in the Orono United Chuich. October 1978 1A barn fire Friday afternoon caused damage estimated to reach $150,000 at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Best on Taunton Road, west of Hampton.---, Five area homes will be open to the public this Saturday during the Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club house tour. The tour starts at 10 a.m. at the Anglican Church, Orono. It was a rare occasion on the farm of Mr. Stan Allun south of Orono on October 6th, when Allinbrook Winston Joy, a hoistein cow gave birth to triplettes. Proud dad of two young heifers anld one bull caîf - Nelacres Johanna Senator. The Orono Mrena is expected to be in operation within the next seven to eight days if ail goes weil with final testing of equipment. The Durham Senior Citizen Lodge are looking for the completion of their senior citizen complex around December 1. To tiis date twenty-five percent of the forty units have been rented. 1 pproval delayed on Orono Shopping Centre. On September 23rd the Orono Figure Skating Club sponsoréd a successful thirteen mile walk-a- thon in which 43 walkers participated. Steven Clapdorp of Orono, covered the walk in a record drne of two hours and was second in the number and amoSut of plcdge mooey. Total raiaed wu $1,121.64.