w Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Marck 13, 1991-17 SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO Spring Cleaning Pick A Payment Sale -ON NOW! T.V., V.C.R. Combo 2W T.V., Remote Control V.C.R. ONLY $7.10 a week 1fer both i Port Hope Cal 885-8652 in Cobourg cal 373-0265 SHOWTIME T. & STEREO Spring Cleaning Pick A Payment Salg ON NOW! Panasonic 40" Big Screen ONLY $32.00 a wi in Port Hope cali 885-8652 in Cobourg oel 373-0265 Orono stores forh various sizes, 5414b Street, CI Zone, call Ly Marg West at 983-9341 983-5962. Main floor bouse for re Orono (1200 sq. feet bedrooms, fridge and stove 13.ac supplied. space available for laundry machines, large yard - and deck, freshly painted. v $900.00 a montb, heat, hydro .V. dcable included. Phone 983- 9557. 27,6,13:2 ap leWideivS o obste. Has hydraulie lift for extra heavy block Cail Allan Barnard 983- 9703. 3a ek! Newly decorated 2 bedroom apartment, Main Street, Orono. Gas heated, 13'uc $565.00 monthly, plus hydro. First and Last. Available IM iimnediately, phone 983-9433. 13,ac Large four bedroom tease, country borne, with many Main extras - Must Be Seen to be yle or Appreciated - $1.250 per -Res. month. Ail utilities included - tUn witbin commuting distance of Oshawa, Lindsay, ent in Peterborough. Cail 885-8212. t), 3 613,20Oap Would the person who mnistakenly took my bat at Miss Stewart's Birthday Party, Marcb 2nd, please contact Dick Archer, 860 Rogers Road, Apt. 211, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 5H6. telephone 372-9698. l3.ap CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE irs FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenlo Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooms, meals. free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough. K9J 7H7. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADIAN RIVERS. This year, spend 3, 5, or 7 nlghts aboard elegant replica steamships cruising calm- water rivers and vsiting romantic cties. the world famous 1000 Istands, magnificent fjords and the- International Seaway and ocks. Experience whate-watching al ils very best. $592$2,850. Dial-a-brochure 1 -800-267-7868 tollfree. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiîhs Fails, 65 Cornelia Street. East, year round. (613) 283-8448. 150 inside stalîs. Dealers welcome. Lowest prices, best selection in the valiey. COMPUTERS COMPUTERS: New XT-8086-l2Mhz $413, AT-80286- 12Mhz $521, 80386-16Mhz $1063. VGA Color Monitors $402, Printers $247, Modems $125, Harddisks $300. Software cati, warranty, catalogue, 1-800-627-9273. fax/BBS (514) 247-3365. FARM SERVICES GST. GET VOUR One-Time Credit. Ottawa owes you a GST slart-up credit of Up 10 $1,000. Gel yours with TaxGuard GST HandierTM. Cali 1 -800-268-6735. WANTED TO BUY POSTCARDS. MAPS, TRADE CATALOGUES, books, magazines. pholographs, pamphlets, other pre-1 960 paper colectibleswanted. High Prices paid. Write for information. Neil Hayne, Bath, Ontario, KOH iGO. 0OLO POSTOARDS WANTED. Pre-1950, Canadian. U.S. preferred. Pay up 10 $5. each. Cail or write: Bud Guertin (613> 475-2671, RR7. Brghton, Ont. KOK 1 HO. FOR SALE MANUFACTURER 0F. KITCHEN CABINET-DOORS. Ail sîzes. Avalabte In Oak, Pine, Mapte, Cherry. Ash. Birch. Two week delivery. (705) 647-4967. Save. Buy Direct From The Manufactuer. FARMERS OR BUSINESSES: Warmth Insulation: Spray Urethane and ail spray on fibres. For insulalion. condensation control, shop Insulation. Very competilive rates. Phone (613) 267-6711, or (613) 268-2113. USED OAIRV BAR EQUIIPMENT for sale. Soft serve. stush. yogwrt machine, etc. Cali Rose (6 13) 592-6131. SERVICES NEEO CREOIT? Instant $1.500 lino of credit. Guaranteed asgpproval. Cash advances avalable OAC. Catalogue soping.Application send SASE: AdvantageCard. Box 4383C. Stn. D, Hamilton, L8V 4L8. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hiring for summier. Chambermalds, waitresses, gas attendants, cashiers. For application send self-addressed slamped envelope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.0. VOE 2S0. FULL PART-TIME SALES. Advertising Spediallies. Ideal for seml-relired or persoris on shiftwork. Highest commissions pald. Lundy Speclalty Advertising. 5-2485 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, Ontaro, Ki1 B 5SU.1 SALES HELP WANTED BE RICH AND FAMOUS' FT $100,000. PT $25.000. Market Canadas Hottest Music Video Vacation Program Bookiel. Protected Territories availabie. 24 hour Information lin., oel1-800-263-1900. YOURE INVTIED Io change your filet 15 year-oid mufti- million dollar Canadian firm seoks 2 representatives in your area, immediatety. Poienliat $800+ weekiy, commission. (416) 756-2156, (416) 756-3174. TOTALLY TROPICAL INTERIORS is iooking for part/fuît lime consultants to sait siik piants/trees through home parties or commercial businesses. Cati Brenda, cotiecl (204) 467-9330. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROW VOUR OWN TOBACCO in home, garden, or greenhouse. Kits Availabie. For information send seoi- addressed stamped envelope to "STOTT FARMS", Box 551, Fermont, Ouebec, GOG 1J.0 EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baiiworms in your basement or garage. Odoriess operation. Low invesiment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, RR#l Sm ithvilie,, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. OWN ALL CASH SNACK VENDING ROUTE. Newest machine is opaning up great locations. No competilion. Earnings can exceed $1,000 weekiy part-time. $16.000 US. invesiment. 1-800-444-0615. B.C.S BEST DEALS. 250 West Coast businesses for Sale. Publication inctudes »Inroduction" t0 British Coumbia. Visa or M/C. Cati totfree 1-800-665-1123. CAREER TRAINING LOG BUILDING CAREER. Pal Wofe Log Building Schooi career courses beginning April 151h. 10 week. $2.200; 4 week. $1,.100: 1 week. $350. (613) 253-0631, Otawa area. FREE career guide to home-sludy correspondence Diptomna courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping. Business, Cosmetoiogy, Etectronics, Legai/Medicai Secreiary, Psychotogy, Travai. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaida West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern Ontario Schoot 0f Auctioneening. Next ciass: Juna 8-15. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooi of Aucioneering. R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontaro, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. OWN A HOME? Naed a boan? Payoff bilsi Credit cardsI Example: Borrow $10,000. repay $195.00 monlhly. No qualifying hasselsi Cati Intransicon Financlal toilfree 1-800- 266-1429. OUT 0F tOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND avaiiabîlity and Ontario propertiesto be sold for unpaîd taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Sîn. F. Ottawa, 12C 3.1 REAL ESTATE SELF-SUFFICiENT HOUSE on river plus 2 acres, $22500 cash. Comploe farm on creek plus 777 acres $155,400 firm. Lake of the Woods area, Rainy River. Ontario, Box 536. Phone (807) 852-3640. (807852-3784. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousands of satisfied customers have bought trom the besi for less. 25x30 $2309. 35X40 $4,1 89. PIONEER/EC-ONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422. (24 hours>. BEST BUILDING BUYS - 112 Price Sale - Buy one building ai regutar price and gei double length for 50% more. Limted steel. - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types. steet/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 aller 6pmn, weekends. Free brochure. Clip- Save. WHY SETTLE for second besi when you can buy the very best for the same monay For ail your building naeds cai Future Steel Buildings. 1-800-668-8653. 50 Grist Milli Auction Centre Newtonvllle Frlday, March 1Sth 7:00 p.m. Selling the contents from Bowmanville and Newcastle apartments; 9 pc. Mission oak dining room suite; drop leaf Duncan Phyfe table, set 4 upholstered antique chairs; occasional tables; Mission Oak China cabinet; bookcases;-4 pc. bedroom suite; dressers; chests of drawers; sofa bcd; chesterfields; lamps; Toshiba color t.v.; RCA - VCR; Hoover upright vac; small miicrowave;_ bedding linens; glassware; dishes; smail appliances; file; cabinet; books; portable typewriter; pictures; household effects; numerous antiques. etc. Ternis: Cash or Good Cheque AUCTIONEER' Frank Stapieton, (416) 786-2244 13,ac COU me» to buy mo»Nse. Omao and arec#'s r e*da. p. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-f9782 REMAX CORNERSONE Tel: 623-6000 Pretty Iink, great location! The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 Vour adi couîd appear in contimunîty newspapers ln Ontarlo, or rîght across Canada, or any Indivldual province. Space Is Lîmlted, 80 Cail This Newspaper Todayl -Ma My most sincere tbank you to my nieces Mary loftbouse and Jean Keane, and to all those who sent cards and flowers and gifts, and to the many who attended my 90th Birthday Party at the Kendal' United Church on March 2nd. Special thanks to my friends in the U.C.W. for serving lunch. Catherine Stewart 13,ac COOPER, Clifford William - In loving memory of a dear grandfather, who passed away March 8, 1990. The days have slowly passedl Since you left for a better place We could tell the pain had stopped By the peaceful look on yow- face. You'refondly thought of each day The rnernories are so real Fishing and talking by an ice cold creek Those precious moments we feel. We'll neverforget the trnes The stories and the jokes And when someone mentions your namne They say, 'One of the bown's nicestfolks."' Sadly mîssed and always loved and remembered by Paul, Kellie and Moe. 13,ap DEAN, ilda- In loving memory of dear mother and grandmnother, who passed away on March l6th, 1989. Beautifulrmemories, Are wonderful things. They last iii! the longest day, They never wear out, They neyer get lost. And can neyer be given away. To some you may beforgotten, To others a part of the past. Butito us who laved and lost you, Your memory will always Iast. Sadly missed by daughter Lois, son-in-law Tim and Family. 13.ap STAFFORD MONUMENTeý' 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont- Pholne 623-8150.- OUTOFTOVVN CALL TOLL FRE 1-800-461-4848ý GRANITE MONUMENTS,, MARKERS and:%.'ýý..ý,'ý".'ý:ýîe CEMETERY LETTEOiNG:,-"r: PRIVATE HOME S;IHOVVRO APPOINTME T AVAILABL SERVI NG ALL IT REFERENCES A I ON REQUEST After Hours Call Oshawa 1-416-579-1116