Vol. 55, No. 6 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,1991 Tax Increase 'Me Town of Newcastle counicil to) me increase for the year. The Tc on Monday received calculations The submitted proposed $6.343 Mill front the treasurer reconimending increase of 5.78 percent compares $ 895,000 mill rates for the 1991 tax bll. he with 7.87 percent for 1990 and 9.97 with $ 182( report considered the current budget percent i 1989. $77 1,263 along with the 1991 capital budget.. Assessmnent growth in the town capital for 1The prescribed mil rate increase affecting the 1991 mill rate was 6.5 $426,750 f for 1991 was set at 5.78 percent in percent which compares with a 12.5 miscellane( the report however council percent growth for the 1990 tax bill $270,744. members bave asked staff to trim a and 8 percent for the 1989 tax bill. In coin- further $ 100,000 from the budget In total the Town is calling for Town this' which would reduce the increase to an expenditure of $26.971 million spending b: an approximate increase of 4.78 for Town purposes, operating and operating b percent. It wiil be a couple of weeks capital, in 1991 which compares by $2.1 mil before the final decision is made as wimh $26,593 million in,1990. 1 It is poi 578%or own expects to spend lion for capital mhis year; in debt charges along 164 million for operation. Sis to be set aside as rthe library system witii for operation. Grants and -ous will take up a further nparison with 1990 the yma bas reduced, capital by $ 1.7 million while die budget has -been increased- ilhon (approx). inted. ont in mhe report that the mill rate lias been held at mhe 5.78 figure due to the growth of assessment by 6.5 percent and the surplus from the prior year. It is also pointed out that mhe departruent have drawn heavily on lot levy reserves keeping mie capital levy at a reasonable level. It is estimated, however, mhere will be ample funds for the four year forecast for capital works. It is noted mhat 1991 will see mie initiation of the design stages of a new Baseline Fire Station and mie Courtice Cormmunity Centre- as well Iess aextention in parks throughout the -municipality. Freedom of Information legislation, Pay Equity are covered i the budget for 199 1. It was noted that the calculated flat rate charge for garbage collection would be $1 14.00 a red)lction of three percent over that of last yearthrough the use of a regional rebate from 1990 of some $1 million. The Town is looking at a 5.78 percent increase or less. Expresses concerns of BFI Courtice incinleration plant Browning-Ferris Industries which were considered by the asks if the technology planned which is planning to construct a planning committee on Tuesday would contribute to the air medical waste incieration plant on afternoon. 1- emissions, considering that mhe site the Basellue Line just east of the Michael notes that the area does not bave municipal water and Courtice Road met Tuesday wimh selected for the incinerator is one sewers. representatives of the Region over slated for residential and industrial The report also states that the the plan. development inithe future. site selection has not been BE la seeking rezoning frors the In outlining his concerns conducted wim mte benefit of mhe Town of Newcastle and an Officiai Michaels questions locating the official plan review of changes. Plan Amendment from mhe Region operation in an urban envlronmient "Given mhese land use conceins, of Durham. The company also where it could impact on residential staff commented mhat mhe subject seeks approval from the Mimistry of and industrial developmnent. site should be-re-evaluated under Ibp Enviroment. He also questions if the the site selection criteria. ý_Mofeed Michaels, director of incinerator would negatively impact It has been noted that the planning for the Region of Durham the marketability and viability of operation intends to handle about bas expressed a number of concerns local industry. Further mhe director ha-If of the blo-medical waste produced in mhe province on a daily basis. _____________________________________________ The province. has yet to pass judgement on mhe project tbrough TI ffl :thfcJ e Ministry of teÈvrnet rH ap e i g ' .E~V~AAAL (Continued page 2) ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The euchre resuits for the Orono Town Hall for Wednesday, March 6, 1991 with 10 tables in play, are as foloews: High scores; Marg Todd with 81; Tom Wilson with 80; Marg Linton with 78; Gladys Greenwood with 75 and Marion -Sears with 73. Low score was Jean Jilisen. Draw wimiers were Vi Hayward; Ray Goode (2) and Marion Sears . Euchre is held every Wednesday evening beginning at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. KINSMEN SPONSOR FREE SKATING Kids bored during March Break! The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen will be sponsoring "Free Skating" at the Orono Mrena on Thursday, March l4th from 12 noon to 3 pa.. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Volunteer Co- ordinators of Durham Region will take place on Wednesday, March 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Le Gala, 65 Siinray Street, Whitby. The guest speaker will be Debbie Comuzzi, President, Ontario Association for Volunteer Administrators on "Trends for the 90's for Managers & Administrators of Volunteer Programmes". ENTRIESINVITED FOR ART EXHIBITION 71e Oshawa Art Association is currently inviting entries for the upcoming juried show in May. To enter you must be a resident of Durhamn Region or be a member of the Oshawa Art rAssociation (membership paid by March 3 1, 199 1). There will be j ntry categories i: oul; pastel; watercolour; drawing; mixed media; acrylic; sculpture and prints (no photographs). There is a limit of thre wrksper artist and a fee for each entry. For more details and regitraionforms please contact: Audrey A. Stewart, P.O. Box 444, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO, 983-5638. Although people are still counting mhe days to mhe first day of spring the Durham Central Agricultural Society is well on its way i preparations for mbe annual Fait Fair. The entry lists for exhibitors are in the final stages of their preparation with the Needlecraft division being no exception. The list in mie Needlecraft department is varied and competitions have been set aside for, as well, various age groups. lI me Household Linen section quilts are again eligible for th e Canada Packers Championship competition. A quilt will be selected from the winners of the five sections and will be entered i the District level where competition holds forth wimh quilts chosen from other fairs. There are a number of opportunities to participate in the adult wearing apparel section from childrens dresses to sweaters, jogging suits and a number of omher handcrafted apparel. Likewise crafis provide a wide choice for opportunities to compete at the fair from wall bangings to stuffedtoys. Included in mhe list is a section for young adults, a quilt special also for young adults and a section in which seniors are encouraged to participate. Six specials are offered with (Continued page 2) Winners ofGold 1The Clarke Baud members, but ail agreed better late than 47 bauds. above, enjoy a pizza, bash neyer.-The pizza was provided by The baud is now in standing to following their most successful Mrs. McPherson of the Band be able to compete in Vancouver endeavour in musical Fund Raising committee. but cost of travel, and competition having taken a gold The Clarke band competed accommodation is likely to rule in a recent Southern Ontario against eight other bands in their out the trip. competition. category for the gold, medal. In 'However, eyes are cast of a The party was a little belated all the competitian encompassed trip to Florida,. Present opportunîty, to be part of Fail Fair Î- U