Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 13, 1991-19 Mol Hartwig Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZING - BACK HOE SEPTIC and TILE BEOS SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING &HEATING PUMP REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 10% Discount on Service Calis for Senior Citizens 983-9412 (13 Y.au Expoilence> We're here te serve you ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATINO - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONINO Repaira 10 AJIlmakes of Itat Pumps and Air Condlitioning May Tag Appiance Repaira 4 Duchess St. Orono, Ont. 9835293 623-2301 "Work Wanted" D&U CUSTOM FENCING Peter Sutherland Windows & Siding Division Sales & Installation 47 King St. W. Bowmanville, Ontario Li1M (416) 623-0444 BYAMS Rlumbirng Heatng flIxis Sales and Service 24 Hour Bumer Service Gulf Financing Low Interest Rates 263-2650- BARR' .987-1445 986-4277 ROOFINO SHEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS- SHINGLES - PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT - TROU GM- SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS COLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 9-9627 KEN'S PAINTING & DECORATING Free Estimates Reasonable Rates Seniors Discount Friendiy Courteous Service Phone 983-9380 Silver Streak Siding Intmoduces THE FACE LIFT *Siding sSofflts *Fascia *Eaveatroughi* * Vinyl Windows * New Constructions and Renovations Excellent Workmanahîp Phone John (416) 983-8181 1 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 Vears Experience MOUS E TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS Ail Carpentry Reiated Work Orono 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991 AL. HEARD Electrical Contracting New Construction Repalrs Eiectrlc Heating Pole Une Construction Contrai Vacuum Systemas 0ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041' i P LYýCETT CýNTRACTIýNG LTD.ý General Carpentry, Renovations, Rooflng C'ustom Homnes and Commercial Buildings Phonos (705) 277-3308 Box 508, Orone, Ontario or (705) 277-2003 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING P1onePOLE LINE'CONSTRUCTION - 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario General sewing and dressmaking in my home. Caîl Monday, Wednesday and evenings, 983-9761. Ofn Pine Ridge ,Corn Stoves KENDAL, ONTARIO (416) 983-9442 WINDVIEW FEEDS ~ Featuring a Specialized Lino of Martins Conçiete Ebxtrde Mose Rations an~d Sijpplements Da" e ied Omia, BSand 5weà Food ai Pet Food Yowbh&hUFeoetMedoe 5U. East of omn&cHwy. 115 on Com,. 5 786-2578 Alllnbrook Form Supplies Discount Pet Food (Retail - Wholesale) Balanced Farm Food Blatchford Rabblt Food Martins Extruded Hors. Feed Cor. of Hwy. 115 & Clork. 4«h Lino (4116) 983-5791 OUALITY MAOUCTS BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPUES Durham Farmers' County cOî-OP TAUNTON RD./ HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-263-7805 E' Special Fresh, Crisp and Juicy Mac's, Empire, Delicious (from Controlled Aimosphere Storage) $3.50 1 6 Ibs. C.A.Russets $3.95/6 Ibs. Naturally Unwaxed Farm Fresh Eggs - Cider Fred's Fruit Market, Highway 115 South of Orono 983-5628 THAI DEODORANT * Wont Stain Clothing * Unscented * Kilis Foot Odor * Great Gift idea * For Men, Women, Teens * Convenient Travel Pouch *Prevents Bacterial Growth *21.95 plus Tax Pat lrwin Lycett Guaranted For One Year 983-9605 UT WORKS! KROLFE BEV.* INSURANCE WAKEFIELD 983-9438 83 lOng Street West, P.O. Box 488 -Newaastle, Ontario LOA 1 Ho Tephone <416>987-3200 lMatthews leýAssociates ýANCE E3OKERS LbO Pauline Mate, AMJC Branch Manager- OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB iMO Susan Sawyer 416-983-5767 1135 Years of Service" Naida Dawson 416-623-4835 Wornen in Abuse RelationshiPs For Help Cali "The Denise House" For Women and Children Toll Frece 1-800 263-3725 or 728-7311, con fidentially assured If you want to drink, that's your business, >If you want to stop, that's ours. Cali Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 Coins, Paper Money etc. Silver - 1/2's & Dollars World Coins & Gold *Paying Top Prices* Contact Mister Murray Box 340, Orono LOB IMO (26 yrs. Appraisals) Mr. 6 - Jae12 Process Mail at Home Earn big dollars. Free supplies available. Rush self addressed/stamped envelope to: J.V. Enterprises, 197 Hunter St. W., Comparîment #20, Peterborough, Ont. K9H 2Ll. 13.ap L -TRIPLE- J DRY WALL Drywall * Stucco * Painting Phone Jo ephMdos Jan. 16 - Mar. 20 cpn PIANO TUNING R. D. Morton (416) 983-5682 Oct. 31 Mar.31 Acme Home Renovations * We Specialize In Complete Wmndow and Door Replacements Siding. Soffit, Fascia Eavestrough, Decks, Fencing Roofmng. Water Proffmg Complete Interior Work Masonry work and StoneFacing 6495 Leskard Road Orono, Ontarlo 983-9005 (Ask for Mike) 13,20 cpn C.W. LEMON Smali Engines Poulan Chain Saws Sales and Services Phone 987-5200 3rd Line east of Hwy. 115 Newcastle 6,13,20,Z7 The children of Sid & Toots Barrabal cordially invite family, friends and neighbours t0 an Open House to help celebrate their parents SOth Wedding Anniversary March 23, 1991 1:00 - 4:00 pm. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Oddfeliows Hal, Orono 6,13,20 ap We offer free Bible Studies. The aim of these studies is to increase the faith of those who have it and to help others to receive it. Please cal786- 2981. 6,13,20 ap LConstruction, Repairs, Vecorating Repairs, Decora'iin - - ----------