2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 13, 1991 Orano '14ee k/y Times $ýýçcnd Cýàse Mai Regitafioki Nombe t308 Pubilhed Every Wtdnerday at the Office of PLb-tia~ 5310Q Main Street, Orono, Onitario LOB 1 MO Telephone 416-983-5ý301 Roy C. Forrester, Owner-Editor Su bscription $14.0Q.per annum Let's have a study Recently in spealing to Bull Carman, a Ward Three trustee on the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, the issue of busing came up at which he said at a meeting last week the trustees had received a delegation from the Waverley area in Bowmanville. The group were making a point to retain busing of students from that particular area to the school in the central area of theTown. The board had most recently ruled the closing out of busing from the area along with a similar area in Courtice and a furiber one in Port Hope. Ail three have been somnewhat of an ongoing issue for years. -The decision was made following a study on busing iail of the three areas and it was on this study that the trustees had based their decision. What happened last week the board is stiil to axe the bus to the Waverley area but they have committed themselves to another study. We seemn to have an affection for studies in this country and it may be so all-across the hemnisphere. The Town of Newcastle a week ago received a delegation from, the Solid Waste Interim Steering Committee of which the Region of Durham is a member. The committee is desirous of undertaking a study in the Town relating to a proposed Waste Diversion Incentive scheme. Tlhere is no cost to the Town but someone somewhere wil be paying the cost. While listening to the presentation it appeared that there was littie known about waste diversion but that Seattle had the best scheme yet to be placed in operation. What was the intent in Newcastle was not known. What are the options? Are they most complicated and flot easily ruled out if problemn would resuIt. Where, one might ask does common sense enter into such a plan and really is it that hard to find. Another feature of our studies they altake at least ayearto comiplete. Likely to justify the cost and who really knows how long it takes back at the office. No doubt we wil carry on with our affection for studies. The editorl's notes In a recent report it was noted that Vermont has rejected the purchase of hydro fromn Quebec due to the fact that il causes great environmental damage i northern quebec. It was a matter of $6 billion over 22 years. Congratulation and would that more would think tbis way. Included i our scraps of paper was a story on the eardi wormn moving into the kitchen. It seems this was a matter for discussion at the recent Orono Town Hall board meeting. It was none other than Bemnie Martin introducing the subject and pointing to the fact he had themn working in his kitchen. They are called Kitchen Komposters according to the news story. Oderless, noiseless, energetic and their by-product is even better than compost material or cattle manure. If you want the full low-down perhaps a cail to Bemnie wiil do thç trick. Happenings.. The Orono United Church are hostig another film on Sunday, Marh 24th entitled -"Jesus". The film is a vivd and faithful re- creation of the life of Christ. The showing will begin at 6:30 p.m.. Free will offering. Everyone welcome. Fuit house at Orono Town Hall It could be called a full house at the Orono Town Hall on Staurday evening with the return of the Pipers Hut musical group. As in ibeir first appearance in Orono the main thrust of the evening was a formi of Keltic music along with a harpist providing some delilghtful solo selections.. Certainly the group delighted their audience and it was ever s0 with Ted Stauton singing "McKinley" and a further vocal by Jim Yates with a change of tempo for the evenig and bis first offering with the group. It was weil done and Jùm coulti wel be encouraged to do more in this line. A'definite delinght of the entire evening was a istrumental by David Mazurek with violin. One per-formance was just not enough1 for the evening. Well hats off Bernie it was an enjoyable evenig even though Judge berets GM and CAW leaders, alowing, drinking Madame Justice Helen King MacLeod ini passîng down a judgement last week brought General Motors and'the CAW union officiitls on the carpet for some criticîsn. The j udge made bier comments before sentencing a GM worker to four years ini prison along with a ten year driving suspension for killing a 12 year old girl on bier bicycle while hie was drunk behind the wheel of bis car. She said "the pattern of social drinkîng developed by GM employees in the parking lots of GM, then getting in their cars and then driving home is reprehensible." GM and the CAW were asked to crack down and stop To wn Mill rate In setting the annual mill rate the Town has also given their stamp of approval to grants to various organizations within the municipality totalling $93,895.00. A total of $42,000 wasgranted to four hall boards with Newcastle toppmng the list at $ 16,000, Tyrone $ 14,000, Solina $7,000 and Brownsdale $5,000. The Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc. receives $3,750, the Orono Figure Skating Club $2,000, the Orono Badminton Club $290. The amountto. the Orono Amateur Assoc. îopped the list la dollars and cents. Some $8530 bas been distributed to Social Services with $25,325 to civic groups including' $1 ,000 for the Newcastle Village Historical Society, $2,000 for tbe Santa Claus parade, Newcastle -Horticultural Society $400, Orono So ciety $300, Orono Senior $150. The Durbam Central Agricultural Society seeking a total of $30,000 is to receive $5,000. Natural Resources re vamp A revamping of tbe Ministry of Natural, Resources was announced last week which affects some 250 jobs la a sbuffle wbicb will reduce eigbt middle regional offices to four. No jobs are to be lost in tbe shuffle. Tbe plan cuts the number of district office to 27 from 47 but creates 23 new area offices accordlag to a statement fromt tbe Ministry office. According to Glenn McLeod tbere will be no cbange at Lindsay other tban fiel delivery services will be strengthened as in otber district and area offices. The miistry bas said tbe plan is designed- to bring field office staff dloser to tbe areas they serve by streamilining bureaueracy at tbe regional level and moving admiriistrators into district offices. The Minister said tbey are moving the resource managers back lato tbe field. The local tree nursery will now be under the wla g of the office in Sault St., Marie as will be ail otber nurseries. employees from drinking in company p arking lots during and after their work shifts. Bonis Kapczynski, an assembly line worker, began drinking beer la the parking lot of GMs soutb plant wben. be bad found out that he, was flot to work tbe night sbift. Witb fellow workers be continued to consume alcohol in a bar prior to the accident that took tbe life of Kimberley Rose of Oshawa. incineration plans (Continued from page 1) Ruth Gnier. ln- tbis Michaels states the Miniistry sbould wait until after the Region bas voted on an official. plan amnendrnent. The Town of Newcastle bas yet to hold a public meeting as to a rezoning application. Tbe Minister of tbe Environment could mile one way or another or calI for a bearing under the Environmnental Assessment Act. Orono Fair (Continued from page 1> first prize ranging frons a $25.00 gift certificate to other interesting prizes and awards. Those interested la takig part in this class at the fair may well want to, receive a prize list. The coinmittee is beaded up by Donna Scott, Orono, 983-5026. The Orono Fair is made up of many op portunities for ladividuals and groups to take part and the Needlecraft class is no exception. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Mlnes 983-5208 Marlene Risebrough. Secretary Sunday, March 17h Kirby United Church Mornig Worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Momning Worsbîp at il a.m. Sunday School at il a.m. Film - Presented By Klrby, & Orono Churches Sunday, March 24th 6:30 p.m. "JESUS' at Orono United Church Good Friday Service orono & Kfrby Churches March 29th - 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Holy Communionj Sprng Special Ma Kelly & Wenda are ready to help you with. ail your Bionne Bell needs New shades for sumrmer Save 10% or more St. Patrick's Day Cards ORONO, ONTARIO h St. Saviour's Anglican Church MJILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. 983-5009 1