6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 13,1991 WHO'S WHO IN BOWMANVILLE, PRESENTING INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BUSINESSES SERVING THE AREA FORMAT AND FEATURE COPY CANNOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE WRIES Dy Derek & Ke un . RICKABy'S LI M ITEF *OWMANVILLE. ONT MAKES GIFT SHOPPING A TRUE PLEASURE 27 KING ST. W., Bewmanville (416) 623-5556 It is usually pérsonable people and quality products, combinéd with attentive service 'hat makes a business successful. RICKABV'S LIMITED, which originally opaned 1881, has ail thèse essential qualifications and more. Thé firm is diréctèd by 'hé WEBSTER family, hèadéd by GEORGE, his wifé JOAN, and 'heir daughters JAN and KAREN. Along with their personable staff, they will attempt ta match an item that is bath suitable for thé évent or occasion aid also wu'hin your allowablè prie range. On 'hé main floor of this attractive old shop, you will find Halimark greeting cards and gift wrap, fashion jewellery, brassware, crytal, Doulton figurines, books, social and office stationery, candes, desk accessonoes, bief cases, aid wallets. At 'hé rear of 'hé store is a complet. yam dapariment, teaturing top quality yarns with famous narres such as JAEGER, BEEHIVE, and SIRDAR. Thé stairway to thé second floar displays a widé variety of pictures. somé of which are limitéd édition prints. Thé UPSTAIRS SHOP features speciaily imported jams. mustards, chutneys, pot pourri, aid bath products. Yp'u will also find Scottish clan jewèlry and fine mohair throws, plus an excellent stock of tablé linen, kitchèn gadgets, cookbooks, and custom-désigned gift baskets. Through thé guidance of thé management and staff, RICKABYS LMITED has buit a réputation unequalléd 'hraugh goad public relations and has constantly pravided quaiity gift items at a reasonable price. -- CANADIAN JEWELLERS Hoopers 'r é ieweIIers tdi. MU THE GOLD AND DIAMOND JEWELRY SPECIALIST 39 KING ST. W., Bowmaenvill. (416) 623-5747 Throughout 'hé ages, gold has béén a prizéd possession and admired for its many qualities. It is mentioned at least 40 timés in thé bible as being "good. Gold is one of 'hé most malléable elements available, has thé abilîty to resist corrosion for an indefinité time, and cari b. melted down and re-used over and over; it lB actually possible 'hat thé gold ring you are wearing came tram Klng Solomon's tomb. ts value cames ram thé tact 'hat it requires much time. ta extract and proceas b.forè it cen b used in jewelry, and also bècausethé demand for it is high; gold will last forevr and il likly always rétain its value. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. maintains an excellent sélection of gold rings, èarrings, néoklaces, as wèll as diamonds, dlocks, figurines, and watchès by Seika, Bulava, Pulsar, and Lorus. They recently became a distributor for fine grandtathér cdocks by Howard Miller, and offer free, set-up aid delivéry of this fine praduct anywherè in Ontario. HOOPERS JEWELLERS LTD. has been offering jewèllèry of unerring goad tasté for résidents of thé Bowmanivillé area since faunded by Arthur D. Hooper on Novembér 9th, 1945, and continues ta do so undér thé ownership of his sons RON and DAN. This firmn is a member cf 'he Canadian Jewéllers Association, and pravidès jèwélry repairs, diamand setting, watch aid cdock repairs. Lacated next door is Haapers Trophy Centre which offérs traphiés for many occasions aid custom engraving services. For fine jéwelry and gifts at a compétitive prie. and expert advie., visit HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. Viioplx PTICAL THE EVEWEAR PROFESSIONALS 210 KING ST. E., Bewmanville (416) 623-0482 It is estimated that a child dérivés 80%X.of his or her knowledge 'hrough eyesight. Many adults from 35-40 yèars ot age and over sufter rom difficulty in seeing néarby abjects ta somé dégre (presbyopia). Although thse statistîcs are authèntie, when thé timé camnes that saméone discovers that they need corrective eyéwear, a certain ambivalence prévails. What thèse people should réalizé is 'hat 'hey naw liv in an age whéré eyèwéar is fashionably acceptable. New innovations appear on thé market constantiy so 'hat wéannrg eyèglasses s more of a pléasure 'than a hassla. if you stop in at VISIOMPLEX OPTICAL you will ind éyéwéar styles 'hat will comrplémnent yaur sénse of fashian, nt etyi. Since opénling in Sowmanville an May lOth of 1990, VISIONPLEX OPTICAL has built ai image as a one-stop aptical centre whéré high fashion aid réasonablé pricés could co-exist. Manager DEBBIE DOVE will pay attention ta your particular nééds whethér you are in search of nèw rames, lénsés, contact lènses, accessoriés or just need adjustments. ViSIONPLEX OPTICAL attérs a choie. in thé tradîtianal glass or more lightwight plastic lénses along with such options as scratch résistant and anti-glare coatings, solld or gradient tints in mran-y different cosmnetie or filtéring colaurs, and ultra-thin high index of réfraction lénsés. Their location attards plènty of fre parking space, aid eyé éxaminatians cari be arranged with a doctor at a véry convenient location adjacent ta 'he store. If you are about ta purchasé your first set of èyeglassés or pérhaps are 'hinking of updating yaur présent èyéwéar, focus yaur attention an VISIONPLEX OPTICAL. TERRIBRAE ~ PET FOODS "THE CONVENIENT PLACE TO SHOP' 73 KING STREET W., Béwmanville <416) 623-1752 Some people may beliévé 'hat specîalty pet foods are far mare expansive 'han chéaper bulk foods available on 'hé market. What they may not realize is that premium toods are much highér in nutrients and lowér in filer, résulting in léss faod required ta satisfy your pet aid also lesa stool for you ta dlean up. Thé right food cen add needèd weight or prevent obesity, and it cen provide thé stamina and energy your pet neéds for evéryday activities. t cari corret problems like hair lass or reduced coat glass causeai by deficiencies or food allergies. TERRIBRAE PET FOODS provides pet ownérs and bréeders with many of thé top brands in pet food as wéll as grooming on thé premisés for most breéds of dags (with no tranquillisèrs used). Yau can find such recagnizéd pet food, products as lame, Pumia, and Science Diét. TERRIBRAE PET FOODS & SUPPLIES aise offers many relatéd goods like flea and odour remedies, leashes, collars, bowls, chèw toys, treats, pet béais, travel cages, bird seéd, and smail animal suppliés. Tropical fish &,gald fish, aquariums., pumps, filtèrs and décorative aquatic accessoriés cari also b. found 'hère. TERRIBRAE PET FOOD & SUPPLIES has béen opèrating as a retail store since Mardi of 1986 aid is locally directeai by BILL and PAT HYDER. Since 1978, they have alsa béen retailirng pet food and opérating Térnibrae Kennels Perm. Reg'd which spécializes in thé brééding of West Highland White Terrirs. ýTERRIBRAE PET FO0D & SUPPLIES can supply you wi'h high quatity goods at a fair pricé, and give you advice ta suit your requirernents. INTOWNE GALLERY VOUR FIRST AND LAST CHOICE 7 KING STREET E., Bewmanvllle (416) 623-6411 An often-made mistake for many people is 'he way in which the need for quality custom picture framing is undèr-emphasizéd, and évén tdvialized. Aside from 'hé fram's ability ta highlight 'hé pièce and creaté contrast or definition, proper framing is also inténdéd to offer protection from 'hé énvironmènt. Thé ban. of most works is destructive light, framing materials wi'h a high acid content, humidity, dust and pérhaps insects. Advances in thé picture framing industry havé ,created newér methods and products which cari bé invaluable when one cansiders a works monetary or sentimental valué; préservation lis far less expansive 'han restaration at a latèr time. Thé idéal picture framer is on. that is knawledgeablé and not cereless in their méthods. Since opening in Novèmber 3th of 1988, owners EDGAR and MARY LUCAS at INTOWNE GALLERY have gained a réputation for béing most informative, and have thé ability to suggèst thé appropriate frame, mat and procédure. This shop has a large soection of tramé styles ta suit traditional or contemparary works and décor thèmes. They cari provide framing. matting, glass cutting, conservation framing, noedlework stretching, dry maunting aid other rlatèd services at reasonable rates for 'hé work pérformed. A variéty of limited édition and decoratar prints are alsa displayéd,- with a myriad of subjects covered ta suit evéryone's varied tastes. Whén you realize thé advantages of trué expert framing, consult thé staff at INTOWNE GALLERY. Fred's liato Body VOUR AUTO PAINTING & COLLISION SPECIALISTS 163 BASE UNE RD., E., Bewmanville (416) 623-6353 Vears ago, car bodies were weldèd or boltèd onto a large chassîs tramé. Today, 'hé front and rear tender frames, rocker panels. floor and cabin trame are produced separately aid assembled togethér, creaing one solid car piécé. Thé majority (98%) of néwer cars on thé road today havé unitized construction knownï as 'hé unibody safety féature. In case of réar or frontal collision, thé unibody colapses lké ai accordion for botter shock absorption. Cars which would have been considered a write-off years ago cen be pullèd back into 'hé original shape using spécialized straighténing racks and méeasuring equipmnent. FRED'S AUTO BODY speciaizés in collision repairs including équipmient desïind ta fix thé unibody vehicles of today. They alsa provideq refinishing, painting wi'h multi-stage (base-coat cléar coat) systèmis or basic paint jobs, frée estimates, insurance dlaims a spécialty, with courtésy car s available. Thé staff ai FRED'S AUTO BODY attemnpt to lessen 'hée inconvenience which otten accomrpanfies collision rèpairs, and will do thé job propérly thé tirst timé. FREDVS AUTO BODY is an expert painting and collision centre with a history datinig back ta April 1983 whén 'héy wére located on Hwy. #11i5. Théy havé been atithé présent site since Séptembér 1983, and ownér FRED DEVRIES can rèfer you ta many satistied custamners fromn ovèr 'hé yèars. If your car has met another by accident or you wish ta enhance your vehicle's appearance.ta increase its resale value, seék out thé professionals at FRED'S AUTO BODY. 'fQoweà bgJACKMAN @THE 'ALL-OCCASION f LORIST Ca 243 KING ST. E., Bowmmnville <416) 623-33 65 <Bowmanvllle Mail) Florists play an important part when celebrating occasions of a personal nature ail year round such as with Eastér, an annivérsary, birthday, Valenitines day, and Christmas. On.eavant, howevèr, requires speaial attention to detail in order for the overail mood and effect to b. reflected accurately--we are refemrng ta the wedding day.1 As a wedding specialist, FLOWERS BY JACKMAN can suggest ways of making your wedclng day ail the more spécial. The planning is the most important part; you cari rest assured that FLOWERS BV JACKMAN wiIl design arrangements tram only healthy stock that will suit your colour scheme and style of weddîng whethér if b. in a traditional or more contémporary genre. FLOWERS 8V JACKMAN has béén home ta creative floral ideas for over 75 years and its owners for the last 13 years, LAWRENCE & DOROTIIY HELLINGA, have more than adéquate expérienice at arranging frésh and silk flowers for practically any sétting. Whether its a centre-pièce for the living room, a shelf arrangement, frésh eut flowers and rosés, balloon bouquets, or seasonal blooming plants, you cen find ail under one roof at FLOWERS DV JACKMAN. As a membér of F.T.D. and A.F.S.. this firm cen wire flowers ta soméoné spécial across town, across 'hé country or to one of over 135 countriés around thé world. Whén you want to express your individual and pérsonal feelings of lové, friendship, sorrow or gratitude, do it with a living gift from FLOWERS DV JACKMAN. STILL CANADAS LARGEST SPECIALTY FROZEN FOOD CH AIN 133 KING ST. E., Bowmanville <416) 697-1202 With today's society constantly séarching to savé tâme without sacriflcing quality, frozén toods havé réachéd a prominent position on 'hé consumer's shopping list. M & M MEAT SHOPS offers itèmns 'hat are packaged for variety, to speéd préparation time, incréase storagé time, and are priced ta strétch thé nutritional dollar turther 'han fresh foods. any of 'he products at M & M MEAT SHOPS are "freezer-to- ovén* or "freezer to, microwave" 50 that you cen arrange a gourmet méai eftortessly in about half an hour. Thé firat of 'hé M & M MEAT SHOPS originally opened in Kitchener, Ontario in Octobèr of 1980, and 'hère are now 84 locations in Ontario and continuing to grow. Thé location in Bowmanville opéned on Fèbruary 2lst of 1991 aid is franchise owned and opèrated by LINDA & DENNIS MOORE. This store supplies such quality trozén foods as méats, seafood, vègetables, déserts, and appétizèrs which are pèrfect for entertaining. Thèy have many spécialty items such as M&M's own Texas sirloin steaks, Chickèn 1Kiev, Béef Wellington, cabbagé rolîs, pérogies, lasagna as weH as chéése, condiments, aid sauces. Vou can purchase by thé cae lot or purchase some in individual portions, bènefit from weekly in-store specials. and still obtain quality brand name frozén products 'hat yÔu are accustomned ta. Good customer relations because of quality produots and attentive customer service should assuré M & M MEAT SHOPS of continued success. ~e/ 2' 1 il, ý/- ýLýe-m"eia1 , ', ea il.: 1