Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 20, 1991-9 even the bare necessities, let alone trying to take a vacation or handle home improvements. Many of us are clinging feverishly onto that ever-fading twinkle ligbt at the end of the taxation tunnel, hoping and praying for nothing less than a miracle to pull us tlirough. 1 really, really want to wave a flag. I'd like to hum a few bars of that old tune, "The Maple Leaf Forever .. . Its bard. "Keep in touch. Love to hear from you." Gord's View Our first TV war The recent war with Iraq was our very first "TV War, and it held most of us entralled, despite the fact that censors let us see precîous littie except "Storming Norman" in starcbed chocolate drop fatigues, and gun camera shots of the smart- bombs buils eyes. The war may have been fought on the deserts of the Persian Gulf, but the battle was really fougbt according to America's timetable and their political agenda as well. t was also carefully choreographed 50, that support for the war would remain high among the American public. It was also neatly packaged to wipe out the bitter legacy of Vietnam. When President Bush addressed Congres s on March 6, 1 felt very disturbed. His speech on. the surface seemed as innocent as a sporting pep-rally, but to me it sounded faint echoes of the fervor at the Hitler rallies in 1939-40. Tbink back those of you that remember, wasn't Germanys blitz of Poland and the Low Countries the nearest historical analogue to what happened to Iraq? As a result of the war we now have the world's worst environmental disaster. Hellish flames from more tha 900 burning well-heads will take montbs if not years to put out. Their smoke bas blocked the sunlight, causing the des ert to freeze at night. Toxic chemicals are poisoning the land,.- and ground water, wbile carcinogenic smoke tbreatens the health of humnans and what wldlife remmins. This war was a remote-control war, fought from a distance with high flying precision bombers, computerized cruise missiles and laser-guided smart bombs. There would be no body-counts no pictures of the dead. Maybe this is how the public needs its wars to be these days - remote controlled, high tech efficiency, but no bodies, no pain and suffering, no death. Maybe this will be our way of flot baving to look squarely at the consequences of our choices, a way our federal government can make hardchoices that much easier. In the Gulf War, Canada's troops must have feit the publics support for themn, and rightly so. Now the war is over, ail of us in Canada havent suddenly ran out of problemns. We have neighbours who have lost their job, people everywbere, that are really up against it, in more ways than one, and of course we stili have children going hungry. What about if tbey al began to feel that support we gave to our troops? Now thats sometbing to wave the flag about, and put out the yellow ribbons as well - the way I seit. O rono Station responded to a mnotor vehicle accident at Lot 16, Regional Road Fire Calis 9; between 2:50 p.r. and 3:09 The following fire calîs were to a grass fire at Lot 30, received by the Town of Concession 6 and at 5:25 p.m. Newcastle Fire Department, pumnper 3 and tanker 3 responded Station 3, Orono on Sunday, to a burning complaint on Church March 17, 199 1. Street, returning to the station'at Between 2:42 a.m. and 3:21 5-39 p.m. a. m. pumnper 3- and tanker 3- DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM HOLID)AY CLOSING 0é'F SAN1TARY LANDFILL SITE The Cartwright & Scugog Transfer Stations wiII be closed on Goodl Fridlay, March 29, 1991 Normal operations wiIl resumne on Saturday, March 30, 1991 The sites wilI also remnaîn open on Easter Monday, April, 1991 W.A. Twevetrees, P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Newtonville Alive Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West How to Counit Your Blessings Welcome ail the passing showers, Count your garden by its flowers, Count your days by joysr notfears, Count the rainbows through your tears. Count your world by friends, not slrangers. Count your town by hearts made strong; Gratitude admits no dangers ... Count your blessings with a son g. Count your night by stars, not blackness, Count your time by good deeds -done; God's sweet promise knows no slackess ... Count yourseffHis precious son! Ethel Colwell Smnith Bible Study Tuesday Evenings 7:30 p.m. Total Christian Television Channel 49, Buffalo. Comments or Questions, Write Box 179, Orono. s Patt( (Continued from page 7) . . al money flot being spent in this country, Where will it end? I do flot know. 1 shiudder to think of it. Canada has so much to offer, so much potential. But the state of the union is becoming strained and desperate. We might very well be taxed to death, or at the very least, raped of any patriotism, allegiance or loyalty to our homneland. There is no way the Federal govemment cant see whats going on., Mulroney somehow has pusbed Canadians into a corner, making it ever s0 difficult to live a normal life, witbout struggling for Kendal Hall News report On Thursday, March l4th, the Glen Low Junior Orange Lodge met at the Sharon Iý hall. R.W. Sis. Maude Jacques, R. Lowery an W. Grand Director of the J.O.A. Of 3rd with 8 Ont. E. attended. Sis. Jacques came Dora Mac from Smith Falls for ber visit. plant was There were also several former and Marg members of the J.O.A. present, wearing th these members now belong to the Senior Lodges. Remember men, there will be a meeting of the Scarlet on Wednesday,,March 27th. The Ladies Lodge will bc meeting on this coming Tbursday, Marcb 2lst. It will be a short business meeting, followed by a work bee, bring your scissors and a needle witb a big eye. Plans will be made for our annual Penny Sale, watch for the date to appear in a later coîun. ViC. SOn Friday, Marcb lStb, at the card party, there were 13-1/2 tables in play, high score was takeni by wery, with 90; 2nd high Milîs with 89; Kelly ad Alan Downes tied for 87. The draw was won by ,cDonald. A Shamrock [won by Norma Moffat ,- Todd, the two ladies te most green. Due to the ORONO FUEL& LUMBER LImiTrED P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB iMO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ES TIM ATES Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 BULLDOZING e PULL SCRAPER DON GILLISPIE R.R.1, Port Hope Ontario LlA 3V5 -- (416)1797-2912 ID & FARM SALLIN BROOK SUPPLIES (corner cf HWY 115 & Clarke 4th Cono. East) 983-5791 nutrition & health SHUR-GAIN SMALL FLOCK POULTRY PROGRAM Get started with Homestead Medicated 20%- Poultry Starter - Grower Chick Dy Pick-up Day Aprit 29 May 16 Final Order March 28 April 15 May 17 Turkey Dates OnIy April 17 May 21 April 20 May 31 Turkey Dates Only April 30 From Day-old to Market. The Pro gram that Works! June 10 May 9 'i date of the next card party falling on Good Friday, the card party will be held on Saturday, March 3th, same time same place. See you there. P. Lowery CUSTOM LUMBERMILL WORK WilI corne to your land and cut yourIogs witii portable bandsaw mili runN voun LOGO INTO VM.UABLE HG UrN AAn LIJMBER FOH: HG UnGCFCT CUTANY *Landscaping Timbers DIMENSION LUMBEFI *Tdirning Bilocks MORE *Barn Timbers I.UMBER PER LOG *Log Cabins SV *Furniture *Framing *Fencing ' s Shakes SAFEET MLL . ACCURATE (FEATHEROND SAWMILL R. R. 1, KENDAL 983-9390 Duck Decoys Rough Cuts Ready to Paint Kits and Books Anithony Dew's ýtorian Rocking Horses Booksi Pattems and Accessories Victorian Doil Houses :erns and Accessories Phone June and Bob 983-8175