Kitchen table dialogue onfarmingAwhpngbg ae from his NDP Bucks It's a kitchen table discussion on Federation of Agriculture present. Bill T amblyn, John Finlay, Ag. farming at the Neil Alluns last No doubt the discussion hit ail Rep., Neil Aluin, Gord Barrie and Saturday-afternooni with the avenues of farming for the group. John Wagenaar. president, Roger George, of the Pictured above Roger George, OFA President »..expects movement on GATT1 farm negotieations soonI 1Roger George, president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was in the Village on Saturday for the purpose, he said, of Iýomzunicating with members of tie association. George states over the past few days he has been visiting areas in Durham, Victoria, output by A Waste reduction report was received by council coming from the towns Public Works Department. The report answered a number of submissions and questions that have been presented to the department by council. As to the Blue Box program the Peterborough and other neighbouring counties. We want a two-way dialogue with farmers and to hear their concerns ranging from profitability, mnterest rates, stabilization progranis as well as insurance progranis. The president said there has one bag report calls for the continuation of the plan to service the areàs of Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastie Village and the Village of Orono. Rural areas have been termed too costly to service through the Blhie Box program and as a resuit the installation of Igloos are to be ( (C ontinued page 2) been c onsiderable interest in guaranteed price insurance which is a share costs, with farmers paying one-third of the cost, while the province provides two-thirls of the cost. He said the guaranteed price plan parallels with the crop insurance wbich pays for lost yield. George also spoke on environmental issues facing the farmers and policy is presently being drafted in this area affecting the farming industry. He said there was a great need for waste management to-day and that the federation was taking a pro-active (Continued page 2) Gord Milîs of Orono i the mosti recent provincial election did a "lot on a little" to become the Durham East member in the Ontario i Legislature . In fact from recent 1 reports he spent less than most members in the Durham area of alil parties. In winning the Durham East seat for the NDP Milîs spent a total of $ 15,550 in the election while his nearest rival, Kent Kirk, for the conservatives spent $34,7 13. Liberal candidate Marilyn Pearce of Port Perry representing the Liberals ran up a bill of $39,620. Durham Centre New Democrat Town suppo. Urban desi The Town of Newcastle General Purpose committee on Monday received a report from their planning staff relating to the final draft of the coming Regional Officiai plan. The final draft bas been termed significantly different to that of the initial draft and now exists as a document outlining general goals and principles. It furthler encourages growth in the eastern flank of the the Region, Bowmanville, Wilmot Creek and Newcastle Village with a population of 122,000, The Picring/Ajax area is slated for a population of 300,000 while Oshawa/Whithy can expect, sometime in the future a population of 555,000. Growth is limited in the north of the Region. As the Regional plan sets a wide-brush sweep it now fanîs upon local municipalities to "flush out" Drummond White, spent $28,1 12 to get elected while second place Liberal AI Furlong spent $38,560 trying to get re-elected. Tory Jim Flaherty spent $46,187. Jim Wiseman in Durham West now represents the NDP at a cost of $ 16,326 while Tory candidate Rick Johnston spent $62,3 84 and Norah Stoner between $46,000 and $49,000. The big spender in the NDP camp was AllanPilkey in Oshawa with a suin of $44,315 where the liberal candidate, Jim Carlyle spent $21,547 and Tory Cliff Fillmore $12,000. irts tOrono) .gnatioâin aie wide principles within the ternis of their own Officiai Plans. The final Regional draft makes no change in the status of the Village of Orono from the hamnlet designation. It does however propose it to be a Special Study Area, which Counc. Hamre states means very little. The Town of Newcastle called upon the Region to designate Orono a Small Urban Area with the intent of providing water and sewers to the centre. Such a move had been suggested by the Orono Development committee composed of local citizens interested in seeing the community serviced by water and sewers. Wayne King, chairman of the committee, on Monday, again addressed council thanking them for their former supvort in (Contintxed page 2) It was a busy day for the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen on Sunday serving pancakes, syrup, sausages, and coffee and hot chocolate. .Over 250 were severed with the cooks openingy the kitchen at Allan Downes lfarn east on Regional Road 9 at nine in the morrnng and continuing well into the aftemnoon. The Downes had th eir barns open for visita of which the kids took great delight. Wagon rides were also a popular event during the day. Pictured above are Gord Hardy, Lee LeMefurier and Norm Dawe of the Club. The club wishes to express their thanks to the Allan Downs for the use of their facüities and their co-operation. The Downes continue with their usual practice of serving pancakes on Sunday along with visits to the sugar bush. Town to cut garbage Abusy day for Kinsmen making pancakes Happenngs.. Orono Town Hall Euchre Results The Orono Town Hall euclire results for Wednesday, March 13, 1991 with 14' tables in play: High Score - Carl Tamblyn with 89-; Walt Mitchell with 86; May Tabb with 83; Bernice Partner, Reg Elliott, Lena Clysdale and Ed Skinner each with 80. Low score Marion Sears. Draw winners were: May Tabb; Joyce Cowan; Norma Moffat; Art Bedwin; Walter Murphy and Dave Thrower. Euchre is held every Wednesday beginning at 8 pm. Ladiesplease bring lunch. SELF-HELP KITS AVAILABLE Starting a Self-Help Group? Trying to keep yours going? Let us help you! TheCanadian Mental -Health Association/Durhain Branch has a Self-Help kit available to assist you in your efforts to star and maintain your own support group. lnterested individuals should call 436-8760 for a copy of the kit. ($3.00 charge) ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20,1991 Vol. 55. lqo. 7