Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 27, 1991-11 Orono Horticulture On Monday, March 4th, the lst announced. James Coatham placed Ail of these boys wilt head to Orono Cubs had their Annual Cub lst in the races, and Jeremy Pontypool in April for tlpe finals. Car Races. There was lots of fun Weeks, placed second. The design Congratulations and Best of Luck and noise during the evening. In winner was Mike McMillan. Boys! Trophies were pre§ented by the -end the winners were Gord Werry. first yearly Thursday, March 2lst, the first day of Spring, we held our first regular meeting of 199 1. President Donna Hutton opened the meeting with a beautiful poem written by Mrs. Penny Fairbrother entitled "In My Garden," which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. -Lorna Atkins introduced our special guest for the evenîng, Marie Golanch, fromt Burlington. She is the Ontario Regional Sales Manager of "Safers", the environmentally friendly products. The main concept of "Safer's" produets is to provide a healthy environment where flowers, vegetables and trees can survive. It incorporates four basic plant management principals of general plant health, encouragement of beneficial insects, micro'organisms and bacteria; regular pest ,monitoring and Safers natural insecticides and bio-gardening products. Marie showed us some beautiful slides on bio-gardening. meeting Many Safer's products were donated from Safers for door prizes, and were greatly appreciated by ail of the green thumbers. With everyone so keen on preserving the environment these days, its nice to know that these products are available in 25 countries, alI over the world. Doreen Lowery thanked Marie Golanch for coming to our meeting. Yvonne Trafford read the minutes and they were accepted as read and Adele McGill gave a treasurers report. It was suggested and accepted that eacli person who submits entries into the shows be given their own entry number to be used for a year. By doing this, entry tags can be made out inadvance and save a lot of time. Mrs. Bertha Ramnes kindly donated some special "show' gladiolus and the proceeds went to (Contlnued page 12) Pictured above James Coatham lst place winner in the races. Pictured above Mike McMillan lst place winner in Design. <'Swim program adjustment The Town of Newcastle would like to advise ahl patrons of the Newcastle Fitness Centre that due a swim meet on Sunday, April k1991 hosted by the Newcastle ",-Aquatic Club the family swim from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and ourpublic swim from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. will be cancelled. These swims will resunie as scheduled on April 14, 1991. aà !Every ypar, 3 out of 10 opportunities or freedom Canadiani students drop out they're iooking for. before fjriishiflg high school... When 30% drop out . ..over And they, realize ail too soon 100,000 students a year ... it that it is5I't as easy as they affects everyone - parents, thought.- educators, employers, The fact is, over the next few Canadian society as a whole. years, thé majority of new jobs Making sure that young will require a high people stay in school educatiofi as U O Miflg school is important a min'imum, [ for ail of us... .and Without it, Young 0Lut iS flo more important people simply won't today than ever have the phoices, the vay out. before. Let's do so..methilng abumt t. * Govêrflmêft Gouvernement o f Canada du Canada Minister of State Ministre d'État C n d for Voutth à la Jeunesse C id