14-Orono WeeklY Times, WednesdaY, Matrch 27,1991 Nvinja turties arrme Some Ninja Turties showed up Orono Tyke mothers take on the Friday night at Orono arena to help Orono Tykes, but the boys proved Lioness 1seminar for 401 drivers The Lioness Club of Newcastle will be sponsoring another Safety Semninar for Women on Thursday April 11, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. The seminar wi111 be held in the Lion's Roomn at the Newcastle Village Community Hall. The Lioness Club held a similar seminar last October and had a full house. "The previous seminar was an outstanding success' said Lioness President Lynda Willsher. "The information presented by Constable Gerry Smith of, the Whitby O.P.P. was well received and the need was s0 strong we decided to have Constable Smith again'"" addd Ms. Willsher. The semninar provides motorists, particularly women, with information to help them deal with an emergency while driving the at queen's Park Last Thursday we accepted an and of rec( invitation from Gord Milîs, M.P.P. retain ruralP Durham East, to visit the legisature His sp< with other media reps, Andrea from community the Statesman, Steve from Oshawa impirortant this Week along with Bill Buntmng. bettermento It was lunch with Gord at the t was r( legislative cafeteria and then to the Canada P, legislature where Gord had a ninety increasingi second slot to address the communit3 members. some cases4 It has been some time since we much as 9( were in the building which is riding at1 impressive in itself. The trip also percent. H-( included a vîsit to the press room reduction of noting its facilities and speaking Departmni briefly with some of the reporters Gord t] on duty. members cf In the legislature we had a ring- their Memi side seat sitting at the samne level as Ottawa asi the members so we were in close continue an contact. dropped. Gord, lîke other members who We Wou were on the agenda, had been given Gord's cori ninety seconds to present their were please views on a number of issues of the which Gord day. This timne imit was certainly observed by those speaking and Gord was no exception. o s Our local M.P.P. was the fourth C n or fifth speaker and it was not until pla ce hie stood up to speak that the' members seemed t eei to receit listen to what was being said. Our memnber does have a good A troul command at the mike holding the Companie attention of his audience, and while build two we were present received the best towers in applause at the end of his speech. it been place( was apparent that hie is held with The c<i some respect by his fellow millionn members on ahl sides of the investors. legislature. It appe Gord pointed out it was Rural about the Dignity Week recognizing a municipal1 national organization that works towards the betterment of rural life ent years fighting to Post Offices. ýech then turned to y newspapers and the tpart they play ln the Sof their conimunities. noted in the speech that Post was drastically mailing charges to the ty newspapers that in sare to skyrocket up to as 900 percent and in his least upjto over 500 le said it was due to a of funds from the federal it of Communications. then asked that all of the legislature contact nbers of Parliament in *king that the funding ind that the increases be id certainly agree with mecnts but most of ahi ed to see the respect in -is held at Queen's Park. >ortium, idn fvershîp bled Consortium Group of ies who had planned to )23-storey condominium i.downtown Oshawa has cd in receivership. »npany had attracted $20 mostly from Durham pears that little was known e development at the level. to be to fast and defeated their odd and sometimes slow oppontents. highways. The aim of the seminar i s to equip women with the ability to avoid being a potential target while travelling alone. "Constable Smith provides very practical advice i dealing with the problemf, as well as advice on how to avoid getting into difficulties in the first place" indicated Mrs. Willsher. Constable Smith also provides tips for business women who have to travel and stay at large hotels. A kit is provided to ail those attending and includes the popular Cal Police" sign. The seminar, which is free, is limited to 60 people. Those wishing to attend can reserve a seat by calling 987-4845 after 5 p.m. Based on the response to the last seminlar only early callers will be assured a seat. SATURDAYONLY.~ March 3Oth Hop On Over For Egg BargainsI A LL STOCK M UST GOI Your Last Chance LITZ BOBCAT SERVICE COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM Specializing in Confined Areas " Free- Estimates " Backfilling, Final Grading * Barn Cleaning & Loading " Pallet Forks & Snow Ploughing * Handie Round Bales " Post Hole Digging *Rock Picking For More Information Cail Eric R.R. 1, Campbellcroft 797-2333 A visit with Gord