16-Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, Matceh 27,1991 September 1968 Mrs. Percy Werry, Gardon, Joyce and John spent the weekend at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, wbere Mrs. Werry attended a convention of leaders and belpers. Mr. Wayne Miller having spent the suinmer in Toronto working as a bus driver and Day Camp Councillor witb the Y.M.C.A. bas returned ta University. A great deal of interest was sbiown in the Officiai Opening of tbe new Orono Hydro offices on Tuesday eveming by residents of tbe Village and aiso by officiais of the Ontario Hydro. The facilities for the Orano Hydro are made available througb tbe Orono Police Trustees, owners of the building. It was the Orono Police Trustees who financed and supervised the renovations, who now in tumn rent the premises to Orono Hydro. Mr. Milton Tamblyn bad bauled bricks ta Orono used in the constrifttion of the armories in 1913. The bricks were transported ta Orono from Bowmianviile by teans and wagon. Kirby United Churcb Fali Anniversary will be held on Sunday, September 29th at 7:30 p.m. Miss Sharin Allun is taking a twa-year Kindergarten Course at Sir Sanfard Fleming College in Peterborough. The school parade on Friday featured a large display of decorated bicycles. Larry Lunn won tbe top honaur with is bicycle sdecorated as a sailing ship of bygone days. The new Kirby Centennial Public School opened its doors on Tuesday with a total enrolment of 273. the scboal is operating nine classes with one class being an opportunity class. The Orona Tyke Basebail Club now iead tbe play down series iith the Newcastle Tykes by a 2 ta 1 count in games. Miss Elva Reid of Toronto is visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. September 1978 Two millionaires in Town of Newcastle - Mr. Dennis Williams of R.R. 1, Orona and Mr. Ross Bragg af Bowmanville won eacb one millian dollars in tbe Provincial lattery drawn on Sunday night. Botb are G.M. empioyees. S. B. Rutherford bas been reconimended foranother four year term as a Durbam REgion representative on tbe board of govemaors of Durbam College. Mr. Rutberford bas compieted one four year term on tbe board. fire preventian was foremost in this display at tbe Orono Fair by the Orono firefigbters. The display created considerable interest by the tbousands in attendance at the Fair. Kathie Lycett of Orono was crowned Miss Durbam Central on Saturday afternoon under a watcbful eye of a packed arena. Once again the town awoke te, the deligbtful smell of pancakes and sausages prepared and served by the Orono firefighters. the line-ups s tarted at about 7:00 Saturday maoming and about 150 people were served. Karen Elizabeth Forrester daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. David Forrester, Orona, celebrated her first birthday witb a sm-ile. Must apologize to victims Two young Scugog men have been ordered ta apologize ta 41 victimns of a vandalism spree Éhat bas caused S42,O00mi damages. The two have pleaded guilty ta 67 different charges with 26 counts of mischief costing over $1,000 and 15 courts jmder $ 1,000. Parking top Port Hope issue At the top of the list for the newly formed Port Hope Downtown Business Association is that of downtown parking followed by beautification, promotion and development. The group bas a budget of $25,000 annualiy. Ontario government, party poiicy takes on a new meaning. 1 would basten ta add tbough, in or out of power, this party bas aiways worked, and will continue ta work, towards a quality standard of living for ail Ontarians." it'sR1<a(ySpringl Time to REPAIIR, REPAINT, REBUILD, RENEW Phone TED ROBINSON (705) 277-3344 - (416) 983-5059 SPECIA LIZING IN DR Y WAL L Manar's Auto Centre COMPLETE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS * VANS* BUSES * TRUCKS One Stop Shop Used Car Rad Shop Sales Original Muffier Shop ~353 & Tow Service 9353 Safety Inspections Brakes or Tune Up5Wr 8358 Body & Paint ok9358 Automotive Parts 117 Mill St. Orono Proprietor: Mike Mangar lic, CIAB.H.Sp.S6a.S6b. lnsp a a ITJP.f Durham East NDPers raise convention issues Expansion af the blue box program, opposition ta free trade with Mexico, support for a common pause day and thre future of tbe fam-ily farmis were issues of concern ta local delegates attending the recent NDP provinciai Convention. Durham East delegates, Marg Wilbur, Lucy Rybka-Becker and Harold Becker, who attended the Convention in Toronto aiso participated in a meeting of the Rural Advisory Committee with Elmer Buchanan, Provincial Minister of Agriculture and Food. "It was important for us ta attend this committee ta bring the concernis of aur areas farmers directiy ta the Minister. We are losing much of aur farxnland and unfless we support and protect aur farmni ng commiunity their livelihoad and aur future food supply are in danger of disappearing, " said Lucy Bybka- Becker, Vice President of tbe Durham East Riding Association. Gord Milis, NDP MPP for Durhami East, also fears for the future of farming in Durhami East and bas spaken out on this as a ,ember of the Rural Advisory t..imittee (RAC). RAC is a group of 25 gaverament MPPs wba represent rural agricultural areas of ontaria and bring tbe concenis of rural Ontario directiy ta tbe govemment. It is important tbat individuai members can bring the concemns of their constituencies directly ta tbe government ta help me farm policy," said Mr. Bucbanan. "The New Democratic Party is working bard ta seek out tbe views of rural Ontario. hinthe past, rurai Ontario was dependent on the good will of certain ministers in cabinet in order ta be beard. We feel this is not effective. Small towns in agricultural areas bave suffered disproportionately from the recession, and bave ail too often beeni ignored b-y major govemment spending progranis." With more than 1,700 delegates in attendance, this year's Convention represented the largest non-leadersbip convention in the party's bistory. Commnrting on the significance of tbis Conventian, Marg Wilbur was quick ta point out: "Unlike conventions of amher parties, those of the NDP continually focus on the development of tme new party policy. Having now formed the