- - Yy4i,ý ý 4-Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 Orono Novice Hockey -notes The regular season scheduie is now over, but the boys continue to tulle their skilis in exhibition garnes. Bowmanville came ta Orono March l3th. It was a busy game indeed. The opposition netted 6 goals ta Orono's 2. Orona goals were scored in the third periad by Andrew Reid and Greg Shetier, eacb unassisted. March lSth found Orono hosting Oshawa Blacçkhawks.' Oshawa nianaged ta score one goal in eacb period, while Orono scored only once. The Orono goal came off the stick of Andrew Reid, in the second periad of play- Two days later the team travelled ta Manvers. Orono shot one past the goalie in the first period. This goal was from Bobby Witheridge, assisted by Kevin Francis. Manvers bowever shot 5 past aur goalie. The next game played was at home on March 22nd, against Omemee. The boys played well but just didn't get the breaks. Theionly twa goals of the gamne were scored by Omemee ini the second period. And s0 ends, this chapter of hockey for the Novice's. Do not despair, this is nat the end of hockey yet. The team bas two more gamtes and one last tournament March 29th, 3tb, sa you'1l hear fromt us again. Orono PeeWees notch another win "Another victary for Orono Pee Wees. Monday March 18, 1991 Orona hosted Bewdley, taldng charge late in the first period. Allen Lacey came on strong ta shoot in three goals ta earn himself yet another hattrick. Assists went ta Scott Ransberry, Drew Mansen and Jonathan Burnhamn. The second period Bewdley managed ta subdue Orono. Only one goal was scored. Mark Foster made a great shot assisted by Frank Van Overloop and Derek Arnold. I the third periad Bewdley again tried ta keep Orono from scaring, but with great teamnwark and slrong skating, Orono put two more goals an the score board. Frank Van Overloop and Drew Mansen eacb scored one goal. Assists for bath goals went ta Allen Lacey. Another shut aut for goalie Jeff ,Goo1 dmurpby. Great gaing. The final score of the game was Orano 6 Bewdiey 0. We missed Drew Hansen last week. Me and bis family were vacatianing in sunny Cuba. We trust lie bad a great timie. Two gamnes and two more wins during the past week make Orono Pee Wees the league champions. Monday, March 20, 1991 Orono Travelled ta Bewdiey for another cballenging gamne witb this team. Only tbree goals were scored throughout the wbole gamne and they were ail for Orano. Allen Lacey scored two goals, one in the first and one in the third. Derek Arnold scored the other goal ,during the second periüd. Assists went ta Drew Mansen, Scott Ransberry, Frank Van Overloop and Allen Lacey. Although Bewdley did give a great effort, Orono defeated Bewdley 3 - 0. Thanks ta Jeff Gaodmurpby for bis great goaltending; Mark Foster and Jonathan Burnhamn for diggmng in ta belp their teamn mates. Saturday, Marcb 23, 1991 Orono was on the road again. This time ta Baltimore. With strong determination and a great teamn effort Orono defeated Baltimore 4 - Well, Spring is officially here, aitbough 1 can't really say that it feels mucb like it as yet. We have had a couple of thunderstorms and it bas been quite wet but not too warm. The rain bas pretty well put an end ta the skiing in aur area, althougb snow can stiui bc seen on the north slopes of tebh 2. Baltimore scored the first two goals and were ahead as usual, but ini the last balf minute of the second perîad Mark Foster unassisted drove in a most needed goal. From then on Orono seemed ta fly past Baltimore. I the third period tbere-was just no stapping Orono, tbey scored three more goals. Allen Lacey scored twice and Mark Foster scored another goal. Assisîs went ta Jonathan Rurnham, Allen Lacey, Steven Foster, Mark Foster and Frank Van Overloop. Great game for Derek Amold who substituted for Jeff Goadmurpby during bis absence and Scott Ransberry for bis great skating and passing througbout the game. And thanks ta Steven Foster and B.J. Macketts of the Atoms wbo put forth a fine effort against such a- tough team. What a Season - Great going boys! Sunday was a mixture of wind and cloud, once in awhile the sun almost shone. There was a goad turnout at Cburcb, even tbree generations of the Faster famuily, we had a chance ta, meet Tanner Foster, infant son of Glen and Hope Foster. Helen and Keith Wood have also become new grandparents, witb the birth of Brian Wo dson of Don and Tracy Wood , r n Mach l2th. Cong;ratulatio05 ta the Foster and Woods familie: We are glad to see Jack Westlakp back out ta church. We understand that Mr. Miii, who lives east of Kendal, and was injuredýin an accident at bis home last fali, js undergoîng therapy. Everyonè wishes him a speedy recovery.p§in rPl Today was Pell rPl Sunday. Following the singing of "This is the Day" and the Caîl ta Worship, the choir sang, "Glory ta Mis Namne." The êbildren's hymn was "Mosanna, Loud Hosanna." For the childrel'5 story, Rev. Ransom asked ther'l, if they could bring a famous peison ta Kendal, who wouid they asfk? Their answers were many, mostly popular stars of shows they watch. Me then asked themn what they wauld have ta do, befare that persan got there. Tbey said dlean bouse, dlean up the village, put up pastcrs, get a hall or the park, get plen[Y of food, have lots of people standin1g by the roads cheering. Rev. Rpsom told tbem that this was Palm. @unday, and that Jesus road on the b4ck of a dankey, people lined the road, tbey had palm branches in tpeéir hands, some of the people waved tbem and some put the branches ddwfl on the dusty road for Jesus ta ride over. The people hailed himi as a King, the King of the Jews, a Royal persan. The Psalm reading was taken from Psalm 34, verses 9-16. Rev. Ransom read from Mark 14 verses ... 1-2, l0ý1l, 18-21, 41-45, 66-72, the Betrayals. Following pastoral, Prayers for Wally Baughen and Mr. Miii, Myni'f "Go ta Dark Gesthemane' wâs sung. Rev. Ransom titled bis Sermon, "The Dark Side." He spcoke of baving seen the mavie Star Wars, a story of goad over evil. Wbere Luke Skywaiker wins @ut over Darth Vader. In the neï~t mavie Luke finds out that Darth Vader is bis father, but no matter Luke continues ta say, "MAY the Force be with Yau,' These glays evil seems ta bc in contrai, drugs are being soId ta aur cbildrf1, rape is being committed, all we fiPre On the news is murders, robbery,, womnen being beaten up, childreï! moiested. The news of the war ip the east, the terrible things Stil going on there. Ail around us is the dark side. Evil, or the dark side, can not stand ta have good aroun-1 us. Recause Jesus, did not tak,ý advantage of being seen as the King of the Jews, Judas feit he couid no longer stand ta work as a servant of a iawiy man, so Judas betfayed Jesus for pieces of gold. Ir-sus knew he wouid be betrayed and by whom. Me also knew who -vould deny hlm. Jesus knew bis dis,-iples, he knew we ail have this dar!ý side witbin us, ta heal, ta help othors, ta raise the dead, this is'the ligit side. The dark side can not surv~ive in this, it survives i sufferine, poverty. Peter saved himself wPen be denied knowmng Jesus. MaoV often have we done Ibis? Jesus nzver denies us, even wben we are broken, damaged, have falen. God neyer remaves bis Spirit. God said, I arn with you always." The closing bymn was "Ail Giory, Land and Monour". Coming events ...the Goad Friday walk for Peace, will leave from St. Frantis of Assissi at i p.m., ending at Newtonviiie United Church. Thuîe wiil be buses available ta take yauvac rk ta your KITHE DOWNTOWN ORONO 98-531 Corne in and enjoy our food Thurs. 6:30 a.m. Fri. 6:30 a.m. -8:00 p.m. ta 7:00 p.m. Sunday Câlosed N 1 -,03, 49~c 3.0 cu. in. 49cc - 475.99 4 Litre Chain OH, 2 cycle oil FREE with each purchase OronorPeeWees league champions 61 38~ r 61 3.8 eu. in. 61.5 ce 499.99